Listen, Christina, and yu skol hear 'Bout midnight ride of Paul Revere. Seventeen hundred seventy-five, Hardly a geezer ban now alive Who live har ven Paul ban wolunteer. Some British fallers ban getting gay, So Paul yust giving his horse some hay And say, "Ay skol mak a grand-stand play!" Den he tal Yohn Brenk,—Yohn ban his frend Who borrow venever Paul skol lend,— "Yohn, yust go up har in old church tower, And, yust so sune sum yu find out hour British skol march, give me good yal, And ay skol hustle and ride lak hal!" So op in the church go old Yohn Brenk,— It ban first time in his life, ay tenk; And, ven dese English get busy, he yal, And vave big lantern to his gude pal, Maester Paul Revere, who yump on mare, And off for Lexington he skol tear. "Yee whiz!" he say, "after dis, ay guess, Ay skol getting my picture in Success. Dey skol tenk ay'm smart old son of a gun Ven I gallop into Lexington!" Val, he mak dis ride, yu bet yure life! And fallers grab gun and drum and fife, And march to scrap vith dese British men. Maester Paul ban yolly brave hero den. And back in the church tower old Yohn Brenk Climb from his perch, and tak gude drenk. Val, dis ban all, Christina dear, 'Bout midnight ride of Paul Revere.