Transactions (Philosophical) of the Royal Society of London, with the Abridgements of Lowthorp and Dr. Shaw. 4to.
———— of the Linnean Society of London. 4to.
———— of the Horticultural Society. 4to.
———— of the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. 8vo.
———— (Asiatic Researches) of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. 4to.
———— of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. 4to.
Memoirs of the Wernerian Society. 8vo.
MÉmoires de l'Academie royale des sciences. A Paris. 4to.
———— nouveaux de l'Academie de Dijon pour la partie des sciences et arts. 8vo.
———— de l'Academie royale des sciences À Turin. 4to.
Annales du MusÉum national d'histoire naturelle. 4to.
MÉmoires du MusÉum national d'histoire naturelle. 4to.
Acta physico-medica AcademiÆ CÆsareÆ naturÆ curiosorum. (Nova Acta, Ephemerides, &c.) 4to.
Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens nya handlingar. Academia regia scientiarum Suecana. (Act. Stock.) 8vo.
Communications to the Board of Agriculture. 4to.