1. Inside of elytrum of Dytiscus marginalis.
2. ———————— Strategus Aloeus. Part of hypoderma peeled off.
3. Part of ditto of Buprestis vittata, to show the axis.
4. —————— Passalus.
5. —————— Dynastes.
6. —————— Elater sulcatus, to show the epipleura.
7. —————— Blaps lethifera,???????ditto.
8. —————— Dynastes quadrispinosus,??ditto.
9. Alitrunk and part of tegmina and wings of Locusta. a. Space marked by the transverse nervure in which all the nervures of the anal area terminate. Vol. III. p. 618.
10. Alitrunk and part of elytra and wings of Phyllopertha horticola.
11. Alitrunk and part of tegmina and wings of Fulgora laternaria. PostfrÆnum funiculate, with an elastic part marked a. Vol. III. p. 558.
12. –———————— hemelytra and wings of Pentatoma.
13. –———————— wings of Panorpa.
14. ———————————— Trichoptera.
15. ———————————— Lepidoptera. Geometra.
16. ———————————— Lepidoptera.
17. ———————————— Diptera.
18. Wing of Chermes Fraxini.
19. Tegmen of Locusta.
20. ————– Issus.
21. Wing. Cercopis sanguinolenta.
22. ——– Locusta.
23. Hemelytrum of Reduvius?


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