-h@43576-h.htm#Page_155" class="pgexternal">155. Butcher Bird, i. 288. Butterflies, blues, i
3576-h.htm#Page_190" class="pgexternal">190: chamÆleon, iii. 99; iv. 54: cheese, ii. 280: crane, 363; iii. 67; iv. 163: eye, i. 130: fire, i. 317; ii. 412, 422: flesh or carrion, i. 257; ii. 272, 357: forest, i. 149; ii. 306: gall, i. 317, 446; iv. 162: Hessian, i. 50, 170: horse, i. 109, 146: house, i. 129; ii. 357; 466, note: lace-winged, iii. 94: May, i. 282; ii. 236, 298: onion. i. 191: sand or burning, i. 110: scorpion, ii. 20, 56: snake, 305: swallow, i. 111: wheat, 169. Food, insects that attack, i. 227: reservoir, iv. 104. Foot-cushions of insects, ii. 317, 322; iii. 691. Forceps described, iv. 533. Forest-trees, insects attack, i. 207. Frog-hopper (froth), leaps of, ii. 311. Fungi parasitic on insects, iv. 215. Gad-fly, deer and reindeer, i. 159: horse, 147: ox, 150: man, 136: rabbit, 166: sheep, 158. ——, has eight tracheÆ, iv. 66. Gall-nuts, i. 317, 446. Garments, insects that attack, i. 232. Gecko (lizard), ii. 321. Gentles, i. 64. Geometers or Surveyors, a kind of caterpillar, ii. 288; iv. 196. Gesner, iv. 430. Gizzard of insects, iv. 106. Glow-worm, common, ii. 405: iv. 149: Italian, ii. 420. Gnat, agaric, ii. 7: common, i. 62, 112; ii. 281; iii. 362: whether luminous, 416: wonderful apparatus for moving its arms, iii. 584. Monomerous insects, iii. 684. Moses, knowledge of insects, i. 22; iv. 430. Mosquito, a Simulium, i. 112, 118. See Gnat. Moth, aquatic, iv. 56: barley, i. 174: brown-tail, 206, 209: clothes, 232, 462: emperor, 336; ii. 248: figure-of-eight, i. 199: fir, 131; ii. 22: fur, i. 233: ghost or hop, 183; iii. 66, 269, 305: gold or yellow-tail, i. 30; ii. 21, 250: gooseberry and currant, i. 197; ii. 446: grass, i. 179: great-goat, 211; ii. 297; iii. 119, 173, 200, 351: lackey, iii. 80: lappet, ii. 219; iii. 99: lobster, ii. 251: locust, iii. 282: procession, i. 130, 475; ii. 23: prominent, iii. 151: puss, ii. 248, 250; iii. 284; iv. 221: silk-worm, i. 334; iii. 89, 280: tapestry, i. 233: tiger, ii. 223, 249; iii. 175: wax, i. 165, 388: wolf, i. 172: wool, i. 233. Moth, remarkable brush of, iv. 60: one resembling a caterpillar, 165. Mothing, seasons of, iv. 524. Moths, certain that construct curious habitations, i. 454, 462; ii. 471: minute, how to be taken, iv. 540. —— greasy, how to restore, iv. 145. Mouffet, iv. 439. Moulting. See Insects. Muscl
internal">232. Scorpion, terrific attitude of, i. 124: ferocity of, 279: gills of, iv. 61: liver of, 123. ——, water, eggs of, iii. 94. Scripture (Holy), account of insects, iv. 431. Sculpture of insect integument, uses of, iii. 396, 654. Seasons of insects, iv. 520. Secretions of insects:— silk, iv. 136: saliva, 137: varnish, 139: jelly, 139: oils, 139: milk, 134: honey, 140: wax, 141: poisons and acids, 143: odorous fluids and vapours, 146: phosphorus, 149: fat, 150. Semicomplete pupa, i. 67. Sensation, organs of, iv. 1. Senses of insects, whether seven, iv. 241: they have the ordinary, 244: internal sense, 242: sight, 242: hearing, 243: antennÆ, whether organs of, 247: touch, 255: smell, 257: taste, 264. Sensorium, common, where resident, iv. 19. Seven, a sacred number, iii. 15, note; iv. 241: quinary groups resolvable into, 409. Sheep, insects that infest, i. 157. Shell-fish, insects that infest, i. 166. Showers (bloody), produced by insects, i. 34. Shrike. See Butcher-bird. Silk, i. 332. Silk-worms, kinds of, i. 334: diseases of, iv. 212: not attacked by ichneumons, 228: how to forward their exclusion, iii. 101. Skeletons (of small animals), how to obtain, i. 258. note. Skin of insects, iii. 400. Skunk, ii. 238. Sleep of insects, iv. 199. Sloane (Sir Hans), encomium of, iv. 446. Slugs (wheat) how best destroyed, i. 181. note. Slug-worm, i. 198. Soap, manufactured from insects, i. 316. Societies, of insects, imperfect, ii. 3: perfect, 27. Society, Royal, iv. 446. ——, Linnean, iv. 459. ——, Zoological, 460. Solomon, knew insects, i. 23; ii. 46. Sow-bug, i. 140. Sparrows, number of caterpillars they devour, i. END OF THE FOURTH AND LAST VOLUME. Published by the same Authors. By Mr. Kirby, MONOGRAPHIA APUM ANGLIÆ: Or, An Attempt to divide into their natural Genera and Families such Species of the Linnean Genus Apis as have been discovered in England. In two volumes 8vo, with plates. Price 1l. 1s. By Mr. Spence, In one closely printed Volume, 8vo, price 7s. Boards, TRACTS on POLITICAL ECONOMY, viz. 1. Britain independent of Commerce. Seventh Edition. 2. Agriculture the Source of the Wealth of Britain. Third Edition. 3. The Objections against the Corn Bill refuted. Fifth Edition. 4. Speech on the East India Trade. With Prefatory Remarks on the Cause and Cure of our Present Distresses, as originating from Neglect of Principles laid down in these Works.