PLATE VI.[2193] FIG. | | 1. | Head of Mylabris. Upper side, or face. | 2. | –——————— Under side, or subface. | 3. | Trophi of Dytiscus. Six pieces. | 4. | Head of Locusta. Face. | 5. | ——————— Front view, to exhibit the mouth. | 6. | Trophi of ditto. Seven pieces. | 7. | Head of Cicada. Face. | 8. | ——— Scutellera. Subface. | 9. | Trophi, or promuscis of Hemiptera. Three pieces. | 10. | Head of Æshna. Face. | 11. | ——————– Front view. | 12. | Trophi of ditto. Seven pieces. | 13. | ——– or antlia of Lepidoptera. Four pieces. | 14. | ——– of Panorpa. Three pieces. | PLATE VII.[2194] FIG. | | 1. | Head and trophi of Phryganea L. Face. | 2. | –——————— Vespa Crabro. Ditto. | 3. | Trophi of Bombus. | 4. | Head of Tabanus L. Face. | 5. | Trophi or proboscis of ditto. (Reaum.) | 6. | ————————— Bombylius[2195]. | 7. | Head of Oxypterum. Face. | 8. | Head of Pulex, with its antennÆ and trophi, or rostrulum. Side view. | 9. | ——— AraneidÆ, with the trunk. | 10. | Trophi of ditto. | 11. | Head of Scolopendra morsitans. Subface. | 12. | ————————————— Front view, to show the mouth. | 13. | Trophi of ditto. | 14. | Pharynx of Pentatoma. (Savigny.) | PLATE VIII.[2196] FIG. | | 1. | Prothorax of Lucanus. a. Apex. b. Base. c d. Sides. a. Disk. | 2. | Antepectus of ditto. | 3. | Alitrunk of ditto. Upper side. a. A piece between the metathorax and metaphragm. | 4. | ——————— Under side. | 5. | Abdomen. Upper side, or tergum. | 6. | ———— Under side, or venter. | 7. | Antepectus of Hydrophilus piceus. | 8. | Alitrunk of ditto. Under side, to show the metasternum. | 9. | Abdomen of Dynastes Aloeus, to show the dorsal and ventral spiracles. | 10. | Prothorax of Locusta. a. Apex. b. Base, c c. Sides. | 11. | Antepectus of ditto, to show the prosternum. | 12. | Alitrunk of ditto. Upper side. | 13. | ——————— Under side. | 14. | ——————— Lateral view. Vol. III. p. 48. | 15. | Abdomen of ditto. Lateral view. | 16. | Alitrunk of Cicada Latr. Upper side. | 17. | —————————— Under side. a. The piece in the ? corresponding to the drum-covers of the ?. | 18. | Abdomen, and part of postpectus of ? ditto. Under side, to show the drums. Vol. II. p. 405—. | 19. | Abdomen, and part of postpectus of ?. Lateral view, with the covers removed to show the machinery. | 20. | Alitrunk. Upper side. Pentatoma. | PLATE IX.[2197] FIG. | | 1. | Alitrunk of Cossus ligniperda. Upper side. | 2. | Part of ditto, to show the mesophragm. | 3. | ————— Under side. | 4. | Patagia of Lepidoptera. Upper and under sides. Vol. III. p. 368, 539. | 5. | TegulÆ of ditto. Two species. Vol. III. p. 378. | 6. | Prothorax of Æshna. a. The base elevated and forming an obtuse angle with the rest. | 7. | Alitrunk of ditto. Upper side. a. Two elevated areas of the posterior parts of the collar, strengthened by a marginal ridge and denticles, internally connected by an elastic ligament, apparently to aid and sustain the powerful action of the wing-muscles. | 8. | ——————— Lateral view. a. A piece by which the mid-leg is connected with the scapular. Vol. III. p. 48, 565. | 9. | Part of the abdomen of Libellula. | 10. | Trunk of Semblis F. Upper side. | 11. | Alitrunk of Vespa Crabro. Upper side. a. Aperture in the trunk for the passage of the ligament that elevates the abdomen. | 12. | Lateral view of ditto. | 13. | —————— posterior part of ditto, and of the base of the abdomen, to show the above apparatus. a. The aperture. Vol. III. p. 701. | 14. | Head and part of the manitrunk of Tenthredo L. to show the membrane a. representing the prothorax. Vol. III. p. 550—. | 15. | Alitrunk of Xiphydria. Upper side. | 16. | ————————— Lateral view. | 17. | Part of trunk and abdomen of Formica, to show the squama. Vol. III. p. 389. 3. | 18. | ——————————– of Myrmica, to show the nodus. Vol. III. p. 389. 4. | 19. | Alitrunk of Musca. Upper side. a. Alula or winglet. | 20. | Metathorax of ditto. | 21. | Alitrunk of ditto. Lateral view. | 22. | Abdomen of ditto. Venter. | PLATE. X.[2198] N.B. In this plate the red points out the costal, and the yellow the anal areas, the intermediate being uncoloured. FIG. | | 1. | Elytra, a. Base. b. Shoulder. c. Lateral margin. d. Apex. | 2. | Tegmina. Blatta. | 3. | Hemelytra. Pentatoma. | 4. | Wing. Coleoptera. a. An insulated nervure. Vol. III. p. 625. | 5. | ——– Dermaptera. | 6. | ——– Lepidoptera. | 7. | ——– Neuroptera. | 8. | ——– Hymenoptera. Tenthredo L. | 9. | ————————– Bombus. | 10. | Under wing. Hymenoptera. | 11. | ——————————— Proctotrupes. | 12. | ————— Diptera. Tipula. | 13. | ————————— Psychoda. Vol. III. p. 645. | 14. | ————————— Musca. a b. Two areolets between the costal and mediastinal nervures. c. Areolet between the mediastinal and postcostal nervures. d. Areolet between the postcostal and subcostal nervures, e. Open areolet. Vol. III. p. 634. | 15. | Under wing. Diptera. Stratyomis. a b. The two areolets between the costal and postcostal nervures; the mediastinal being nearly obsolete. c. Middle areolets crowned by a small one, d. | PLATE XI.[2199] AntennÆ. FIG. | | FIG. | | 1. | Setaceous. | 13. | Distichous. | 2. | Capillary. | 14. | Pectinate. | 3. | Filiform. | 15. | Duplicato-pectinate. | 4. | Incrassate. | 16. | Ciliate. | 5. | Fusiform. | 17. | Flabellate. | 6. | Prismatic. | 18. | Ramose. | 7. | Ensiform. | 19. | Furcate. | 8. | Falciform. | 20. | Auriculate. a. The auricle. | 9. | Moniliform. | 21. | Palmate. | 10. | Dentate. | 22. | Irregular. | 11. | Serrate. | 23. | Perfoliate. | 12. | Imbricate. | | | PLATE XII. AntennÆ. FIG. | | FIG. | | 1. | Capillaceous. | 16. | Subulate. | 2. | Mucronate. | 17. | Filate, simple.. | 3. | Uncinate. | 18. | 4. | Clavate. | 19. | Filate, compound. a. Joints. | 5. | Nodose, or Biclavate. | 20. | Filate. | 6. | Convolute. | 21. | Aristate. Setarious a. Bristle. | 7. | Geniculate. | 22. | Aristate. Plumate a. Bristle. | 8. | Capitate with a tunicate knob. | 23. | Stupeous. Vol. III. p. 646. | 9. | Capitate with a solid knob. | 24. | Plumose. | 10. | Capitate with a perfoliate knob. | 25. | Scopiferous. a. Brush. | 11. | Filiform. | 26. | Barbate. | 12. | Globiferous. | 27. | Verticillate. | 13. | Connate. | 28. | Inflated. | 14. | Setigerous. | 29. | Auriculate. a. Auricle. | 15. | | | PLATE XIII.[2200] FIG. | | 1. | Unguiculate feeler. Gonyleptes. a. Claw. | 2. | Securiform ditto. Cychrus. a. Terminal joint. | 3. | Inflated ditto. AraneidÆ ?. a. ditto. | 4. | Lunulate ditto. Oxyporus. a. ditto. | 5. | Dentate mandible. Megachile. | 6. | Suctorious ditto. Larva of Dytiscus. a. Aperture. | 7. | Prosthecate ditto. Staphylinus. Vol. III. pp. 356, 439. | 8. | Trophi of Curculio L. | 9. | Pedunculate eyes. Diopsis. a. Footstalk. | 10. | Compound ditto. MuscidÆ. Vol. III. p. 494. 3. | 11. | Conglomerate ditto. Iulus. Ibid. p. 494. 2. | 12. | Rostrate head. Balaninus. | 13. | Capistrate ditto. Nitidula. | 14. | Clypeate ditto. Copris. | 15. | Lychnidiate ditto. Fulgora. | 16. | Buccate ditto. Myops. a. The inflated part. | 17. | Cruciate prothorax. Locusta. | 18. | Cucullate and alate ditto. Tingis. | 19. | Subulate elytra. Sitaris. | 20. | Ampliate ditto. Lycus. |
PLATE XIV.[2201] FIG. | | 1. | Ideal wing, to exemplify painting. Vol. IV. p. 286—. a. Anterior or exterior margin. b. Interior ditto. c. Posterior ditto. d. Humeral angle. e. Scutellar ditto. f. Posterior ditto. g. Anal ditto. a. Articulate fascia, or band. b. Macular ditto. c d. Sesquialterous ditto. d e. Sesquitertious ditto. f. Dimidiate ditto. g. Abbreviate ditto. h. Pyramidate ditto. i. Supercilium. k. Hastate pupil. l. Compound eyelet or ocellus. m. Nictitant ditto. n. Simple ditto. o. Annulet. p. Bipupillate eyelet. q. Sesquialterous ditto. r. Double ditto. s. Caudate wing. t. Pupil. u. Iris. v. Atmosphere. | 2. | Reversed wings. Gastrophaca. | 3. | Digitate ditto. Pterodactylus. | 4. | Falcate ditto. Attacus. | 5. | Saltatorious leg, with loricate thigh. Locusta. | 6. | Natatorious ditto. Dytiscus. | 7. | Ambulatorious ditto. Lucanus. | 8. | Prehensorious ditto. Gonyleptes. | PLATE XV.[2202] FIG. | | 1. | Laminate coxa. Haliplus. | 2. | Alate tibia. LygÆus phyllopus, a. The appendage. | 3. | Clypeate ditto. Crabro ?. a. The clypeus. Vol. III. p. 334. | 4. | Dolabriform ditto. Curculio maritimus E.B. | 5. | Fossorious leg, with palmate tibia. Clivina. Vol. II. p. 365. | 6. | —————— with digitate ditto. Gryllotalpa. Ibid. p. 366. | 7. | Chelate feeler. Scorpio. | 8. | Scutate tarsus. Hydrophilus piceus ?. Vol. III. p. 336. | 9. | Patellate ditto. Dytiscus marginalis ?. a. Cups. Ibid. p. 336, 694—. | 10. | Obumbrate abdomen. Epeira cancriformis. | 11. | Retracted ditto. Gonyleptes. | 12. | Cheliferous tail. Panorpa ?. | 13. | Flosculiferous ditto. Fulgora. | 14. | Saltatorious ditto. Podura. | 15. | Folioliferous ditto. Æshna. | 16. | Cauduliferous, and filiferous ditto. Machilis. | 17. | Styliferous ditto. Staphylinus. | 18. | Unciferous ovipositor. Locusta. | 19. | Ensate ditto. Acrida. | 20. | Navicular ditto. Cicada. | 21. | Serrulate ditto. Tenthredo L. | 22. | Telescopiform ditto. Chrysis. | 23. | Anal apparatus of Blatta. | PLATE XVI.[2203] FIG. | | 1. | Extricated ovipositor. Pimpla. Two pieces. | 2. | Telescopiform ditto. Stomoxys calcitrans? (Reaum.) | 3. | ———————— Œstrus. (Ibid.) Vol. I. p. 150. | 4. | Semicomplete pupa. Cicada. | 5. | Subsemicomplete ditto. Libellula. a. Mask. Vol. III. p. 125—. | 6. | Incomplete ditto. Hydrophilus. (Lyonnet.) | 7. | –—————— Myrmeleon emerging from its cocoon. (Reaum.) | 8. | –—————— Vespa vulgaris. | 9. | –—————— Chironomus plumosus. (Reaum.) a b. Respiratory plumes. | 10. | Obtected pupa. Apatura Iris. | 11. | —————— Vanessa UrticÆ. a. Head-case with two points. | 12. | —————— Gonepteryx Rhamni. a. Head-case with one point. | 13. | Obtected pupa. Sphinx Ligustri. a. The tongue-case. b. The eye-case. c. The trunk-case. d. First segment of the abdomen. e. The adminicula. f. The mucro, or point of the tail. Vol. III. p. 249—. | 14. | Hairy obtected pupa of Laria fascelina. | PLATE XVII.[2204] FIG. | | 1. | Coarctate pupa. Œstrus hÆmorrhoidalis. (Reaum.) | 2. | —————— Stratyomis chamÆleon. (Ibid.) a. The pupa as formed within the skin of the larva. | 4. | Oviform body which many pupÆ of Diptera at first assume under the skin of the larva. (Ibid.). Vol. III. p. 235. | 3. | The same when the parts begin to show themselves. (Ibid.) | 5. | Cocoon of Saturnia pavonia. a. Pupa. b. Threads that close the orifice. Vol. III. p. 217, 279. | 6. | Loose and irregular ditto, of Arctia villica. Ibid. p. 220. | 7. | Boatshaped ditto, of Tortrix prasinana. Ibid. p. 221. | 8. | Network ditto, attached to the stalk of a plant. | 9. | Ditto, imitating the scales of fish. (Reaum.) Vol. I. p. 462. | 10. | Spiral case of Trichopterous larva, formed of pieces of leaf. (De Geer.) | 11. | Grate spun by these larvÆ to prevent ingress. (Ibid.) Vol. II. p. 264. | 12. | Chilopodimorphous larva of Melolontha vulgaris. Vol. III. p. 163. | 13. | Araneidiform? ditto of Cicindela campestris. Ibid. 152, 163. | PLATE XVIII.[2205] FIG. | | 1. | Anoplurimorphous larva. Chrysomela Populi. a. Osmateria, or scent organs. Vol. II. p. 245. III. p. 163, 166. | 2. | Anoplurimorphous larva. Cassida. a. The fecifork covered with excrement. Vol. IV. p. 353. 5. | 3. | Helminthimorphous or vermiform ditto of Balaninus Nucum. Vol. III. p. 163. | 4. | Chilognathimorphous ditto of Elater Segetum. a. a. Spiracles. | 5. | Decapodimorphous ditto of Dytiscus marginalis. Vol. III. p. 165. | 6. | Chilopodimorphous ditto of Staphylinus? a. Anal proleg. | 7. | Amphipodimorphous ditto of Acrida. Vol. III. p. 165. | 8. | Larva of Zelus. | 9. | Helminthimorphous ditto. Apis mellifica. (Reaum.) | 10. | Larva of Sirex. | 11. | –——— Tenthredo L. (Reaum.) a. 6 legs. b. 16 prolegs. | 12. | –——— Sphinx. a. 6 legs. b. 10 prolegs. c. Anal horn. | 13. | Spinose ditto of Vanessa Io. | PLATE XIX.[2206] FIG. | | 1. | Larva of Papilio Machaon, a. Its retractile osmaterium emerging from its neck. Vol. II. p. 244—. III. p. 148. | 2. | Larva of Cerura Vinula. a. Its anal mastigia. Vol. III. p. 151. | 3. | Onisciform ditto of Thecla Rubi. | 4. | Larva of Stauropus Fagi. (RÖsel.) Vol. III. p. 133. noted. | 5. | –——— Notodonta ziczac. (Reaum.) | 6. | Laria fascelina. a. Pencil of hairs, b. Verricules of ditto. c. Fascicule of ditto. Vol. IV. p. 277. 3, 5, 7. | 7. | –——— of one of the Geometers in their attitude of surveying. | 8. | Araneidiform larva of Myrmeleon. (Reaum.) | 9. | Larva of Culex pipiens. (Reaum.) a. Tail. b. Respiratory apparatus. | 10. | –—— of Chironomus plumosus. (Reaum.) a. Respiratory organs. | 11. | –—— of a Volucella inhabiting the nests of humble-bees. (Reaum.) a. Anal radii. | 12. | –—— of Elophilus pendulus. (Reaum.) a. Respiratory tubes. | 13. | –—— of Stratyomis ChamÆleon. (Swamm.) a. Plumes of respiratory orifice. | Plate XX PLATE XX.[2207] FIG. | | 1. | Larva of a Musca. | 2. | ———– an Œstrus. | 3. | Egg of Vanessa UrticÆ. (Sepp.) | 4. | –—— Hipparchia PilosellÆ. (Ibid.) | 5. | –——————— Hyperanthus. (Ibid.) | 6. | –—— Geometra CratÆgata. (Ibid.) | 7. | –—— Pieris BrassicÆ. (Ibid.) | 8. | –—— Hipparchia Ægeria. (Ibid.) | 9. | –—— Ourapteryx Sambucaria. (Ibid.) | 10. | –—— Noctua nupta. (Ibid.) | 11. | –————— Fraxini. (Ibid.) | 12. | –—— Geometra prunaria. (Ibid.) | 13. | –—————— armillata. (Ibid.) | 14. | –—— Lasiocampa neustria. (Reaum.) | 15. | –—— Hipparchia Jurtina. (Sepp.) | 16. | –—— Pentatoma. a. Bow-shaped spring, by which the operculum is thrown off. Vol. III. p. 104. | 17. | –—— Apis mellifica. (Reaum.) | 18. | –—— Culex pipiens. (Ibid.) a. Summit. | 19. | –—— Scatophaga. (Ibid.) a a. Auricles. | 20. | Necklace of eggs. Vol. III. p. 67. | 21. | Egg of Tipula oleracea. (Reaum.) | 22. | –—— Ophion luteum. (De Geer.) Vol. IV. p. 213—. | 23. | –—— Nepa cinerea. (Swamm.) | 24. | Jelly, with a necklace of eggs running in a spiral direction from end to end, taken out of the water. | 25. | Jelly of more consistence, enveloping the eggs of Phryganea atrata. Vol. III. p. 68. | Printed by Richard Taylor, Shoe-Lane, London.