
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Z

Adagio, 95.
Albert, dancer, 109.
Albertieri, Luigi, ballet-master;
definition ballonÉ, 74;
Century Opera Company, 314.
Alegrias, Spanish dance, 134.
Alexander VI, see Pope.
Allard, Mlle., dancer, 107.
Allemande, the, court dance, 52.
AlmÉes, the, tribe of dancers, 210.
Anacreon, 8.
Anderson, John Murray, dancer;
old court dances, 52;
modern ball-room dances, 272-303.
Animals, danced representations of, 19.
Anisfeldt, Boris, designer stage decorations, 264.
Anne of Austria, 49.
Antoinette, Marie, 53.
Arabesque (posture), 78.
Arabs, dancing of, 196 et seq.
Arbeau, Thoinet (anagram of Jehan Tabourot), Canon of Langres, choreographic historian. Ridicules opposition to dancing, 31.
Hints on deportment, 55.
See also Church.
Ariosto, Suppositi, performance in Vatican, 44.
Aristides, 8.
Aristodemus, dancer as ambassador, 8.
Ark of Covenant; see David.
Arms, positions of, ballet, 67.
See also Flamenco, Arabs.
Artificiality, charge of against ballet, 62, 63.
AssemblÉ (step), 69.
Attitude, 84.
Awakening of the Soul, dance, Egyptian, 210, 211.
Bacchu-ber, Savoyard observance, 186.
Bacon, Francis, composer of masques, 48.
Bakst, LÉon; designer stage decorations, costumes, choreographer. Compared to Noverre, 105.
Part in Romantic movement, 248.
Ballet Academy, French National. Founded, 49;
Influence, 100.
Ballet Academy, Metropolitan Opera, see Metropolitan Opera.
Ballet Academy, Russian Imperial, see Russian.
Ballet, Classic, its artistic function, 60, 61; 89-91, 96.
See also Expression.
Ballet dancers, effects of scarcity in America, 308-312.
Ballet Theater, American, outline for conduct of, 317-322.
Ballet (le) Comique de la Reine, 46.
Ballet technique, ballet steps, 65-97.
Ballet, Russian, see Russian Ballet.
Bolm, dancer, 247.
BallonÉ, 60, 73.
Baltarazini. See Beaujoyeulx.
Bathyllus, 25 et seq.
Battement, 71, 72.
Beaujoyeulx, ballet-master, (ex. see Blasis below) 45.
Belgium, dances of, 182 et seq.
Bible, The; references to dancing, 5.
Black Crook, The, 231 et seq.
Blasis, Carlo, ballet-master, writer on dancing, 110.
Bolero, the, Spanish dance, 146, 148.
Bolm, Adolf, dancer, 248.
Bonfanti, Marie, dancer, teacher, 232.
Boston, The, social dance; relation to other social dances, 272.
Execution, 284-288 incl.
Boston Dip, see Dip.
Boston Waltz. See Boston.
Boucher, designed stage decorations, 104.
BourrÉe, la, French dance, 52, 54, 183.
Branle, family of dances; B. du Haut Barrois, B. des LavandiÈres, B. des Ermites, B. des Flambeaux, 55.
BrisÉ (step), 73.
Brunelleschi, stage decorations, 44.
Bulerias, Spanish dance, 134.
Burlesque, 229.
Cabriole, 72.
Cachucha, the, Spanish dance, 111, 140.
Canadian Royal Opera Company, ballet, 314.
Camargo, dancer, 50 et seq.
Place in art, 59 et seq.
Influence on costume, 100.
Quality of work, 107.
Can-Can, The, dance of Montmartre, 229.
Cansino, Antonio, teacher, 124.
Cansino, Elisa, dancer, 135.
Cansino, Eduardo, dancer, observer of work of Gipsies, 126, 134.
Carmencita, dancer, 139.
Influence in America, 239.
Carnaval, le, ballet drama, 268.
Caryatis, dance. Sacred to Diana, 13.
Castanets, Spanish use of, 131, 147, 148, 151, 152.
Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, dancers, 277.
Castle Walk, see Castle.
Caucasus, The, dancing in, 217.
Cavallazi, Malvina, preface.
Cecca, stage decorations, 44.
Ceccetti, E., ballet-master, teacher, 74, 89.
Cerezo, teacher, 146.
Cerito, Fanny, dancer, 118.
Chaconne, the, court dance, 52, 55.
Changement (step), 69.
Chaplin, Nellie, reviver of old English dances, teacher, 173.
Opinion concerning ball-room dancing of to-day, 303.
Characteristic dancing, contribution to ballet, 53.
Charles I, King of England, 48.
ChassÉ, 68.
China, dancing in, 224.
Chirinski-Chichmatoff, Princess, dancer; defines characteristic dancing, 193.
Russian Court Dance, 195.
Dancing in the Caucasus, 217.
Church, the Christian, St. Basil attributes dancing to angels, Emperor Julian reproved by St. Gregory, 30.
Canon of Langres ridicules opposition to dancing, 31.
Mozarabic mass, St. Isidore, 32.
Abuses complained of, 33.
Anecdote of the Fandango, 141.
Lerida Cathedral, Seville Cathedral, 142.
Scotland, 167.
Church, the Christian, relation to dancing, see also Pope.
Cicero, 27.
Ciociara, the, Italian dance, 162.
Clayton, Bessie, dancer, 93.
Cleopatre, ballet drama, 266.
Cobblers’ Dance, the, Swedish, 182.
Cobra Dance (India), 220.
Coles, Miss Cowper, reviver of old English dances, teacher, 173.
Collins, Lottie, dancer, 230.
Columbina, 157.
Composition (choreographic, general principles), 89, 90, 91.
Noverre’s influences, 105.
Arabic, 196 et seq., 204.
Fokine (hypothetical example), 264.
See also Expression.
Contredanse, type of dance, 184.
Coopers, Munich’s dance of, 186.
Cordax, Ancient Greek dance, 20.
Corybantes, taught mankind, to dance, 7.
Coppini, Ettore, dancer, ballet-master, 233.
Corte, the, figure of Argentine Tango, 295.
Cossack Dance, the, Russian, 190.
Cou-de-pied, sur le, see Pirouette.
Counter-time, Spanish use of, 126, 130.
Country dance, see Contredanse.
CoupÉ, 68.
Courante, the, court dance, 52, 56.
Court Dances, seventeenth century, 52 et seq.
Influence on modern ball-room dances, 303.
Crawford, Margaret, 53, 169.
Cybele. See Corybantes.
Czardas, the, Hungarian dance, 190, 192.
Daldans, the, Swedish dance, 182.
Danse caracteristique, la. See characteristic dancing.
Dauberval, dancer, 108.
da Vinci, Leonardo, stage decorations, 44.
David, danced before Ark of Covenant, 5.
de Botta, Bergonzio, ballet masque, 37 et seq.
de Medici, Catherine. Place in history
of ballet, 44;
organizer of, performer in, grand ballet, 46.
de Medici, Lorenzo, 45.
Decoration, analogy to dance, p. 2 of preface, 96, 97, 98.
Arabic, 196 et seq.
Egyptian, 209, 212.
See also Composition; Bakst.
de StaËl, Madame, appreciation of Tarantella, 160.
de Valois, Marguerite, 54.
del Sarto, Andrea, stage decorations, 44.
Dervishes (Whirling), 90, 216.
See also Religions, non-Christian.
DeveloppÉ, 84.
Diagilew, Sergius, manager, 251, 252.
Dieu (le) Bleu, ballet drama, 268.
Dionysia, dances, sacred to Bacchus, 13.
Dip: the; of One-Step, 278;
of Boston, 285, 286, 287.
Duncan, Isadora, dancer. Source of inspiration, 11.
Her artistic beliefs, 241 et seq.;
early career, 243 et seq.;
influence on ballet, 246.
See also Russian Ballet; Expression.
ÉchappÉ, 70.
Egypt, Ancient, dancing in, 4.
Egypt, latter-day, dancing in, 209 et seq.
Eggs, Dance of (India), 220.
Eight, the, figure of One-Step, 279.
Elevation, defined, 75.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 48.
Ellsler, Fanny, dancer, 110 et seq.
In America, 116.
Episode leading to retirement, 117.
Influence, 228.
See also Taglioni.
Emmeleia, group of ancient Greek dances, 11.
Enchainement, defined, its function in composition, 61.
Endymatia, group of ancient Greek dances, 11, 12.
Entrechat, step, used by Camargo, 60.
Execution, 72, 73.
Relation to ballet costume, 100.
Question of origin, 146.
Ethologues, school of pantomimists, 16.
Expression, abstract, 60, 61.
In ballet composition, 89, 90, 91.
Noverre’s ideals, 105.
Spanish Gipsy, 124 et seq.
Sevillanas, 138, 139.
See also Decoration, Composition.
St. Denis, 221.
Duncan, 243-246.
Bakst, 248, 249.
Russian re-creation of best Greek dramatic form, 251.
Extravaganza, 229.
Fandango, the, Spanish dance, 141, 142, 154.
Fantaisie, Fantasia (Arab), 207.
Farandole, the, French dance, 183.
Farruca, the, Spanish dance, 127 et seq.
Fatma, dancer, 199.
Feet, positions of. Ballet, 66.
Social dancing, 276.
Feis, Irish festival, 177-179.
Feu, la Danse de, see Fuller.
Fight with Shadow. Ancient Greek dance, 19.
Flamenco, type of Spanish dance, 124 et seq.
Fling, see Highland Fling.
Flour Dance, The (Arab), 205.
Fokine, Mikail, choreographer, teacher, dancer, ballet-master, 246.
Heads Romantic movement, 247.
Hypothetical instance of composition, 264.
Folk-dancing, influences upon it.
Place in dancing, etc., 164 et seq.
See also Characteristic Dancing.
Forlana, the, Italian dance, 156 et seq.
FouettÉ, 75, 76.
France, folk-dances of, 183 et seq.
Fuller, LoÏe, dancer, 235 et seq.
Gaditanae: see Spanish dancing.
Gaelic League, the, attitude toward dancing, 178.
Gaillarde, the, court dance, 43, 52, 55.
Galeazzo, Duke of Milan. See de Botta.
Galli, Rosina, dancer, 314.
Gardel, Maximilian, dancer.
Rebelled against mask, 102.
Example of effect of French Revolution, 108.
Garrotin, the, Spanish dance, 127, 134.
Gautier, Theophile, appreciation of Ellsler, 110.
Gavotte, the, court dance, 52, 53.
Geltzer, Katarina, dancer, 254.
GenÉe, Adeline, instance of virtuosity, 84.
Influence, 239.
GenÉe, Adeline, re-creations of art of historic dancers, 59.
Germany, dancing in, 184.
Geisha, 2

Mozarabe, see Church.
Mozart, musical composer, collaborated with Noverre,
Municipal ballets, 6, 8.
Murray Anderson Turn, the, figure of One-Step, 281.
Music, analogy to, see Expression.
Nagel, Fred, dancer, 188.
Nagel, Mrs. Fred, dancer, 188.
Napoleon (Emperor), ballet in Egypt, 109.
Naturalism, consideration of. See Ballet, Classic.
Nautch Dance (India), 221.
Nemours, Duke of, Ballet of Gouty, 49.
Nicomedes, mother a dancer, 8.
Nijinski, Waslaw, dancer, 247, 248.
Noblet, dancer, 109.
Noverre, M., ballet-master. Reforms in French ballet, 103.
Collaboration with Gluck, 105.
Ballet compositions, 106.
Obertass, the, Polish dance, 192.
Oiseau (le) de Feu, ballet drama, 268.
One-step, the, social dance. Directions for execution, 277-283 incl.
Opera, ballet’s place in, 118, 119.
See also Metropolitan Opera.
Otero, dancer, 139, 239.
Otero, Jose, teacher, writer on Spanish dancing, 124.
Oriental dancing: distinguished from Occidental, 213-215.
See also St. Denis, Composition.
Ostrander, H. C., traveller, 208, 217.
Pas de Cheval, 85.
Pas de Chat, 85.
Pas de Basque (step), 74, 75.
Pas de BourrÉe (step), 74.
Passecaille, the, court dance, 52.
Passepied, the, court dance, 52.
Pantomime, distinguished from abstract expression, 62 et seq.
Noverre, 107.
Spanish Gipsy, 125.
Arabic, 200 et seq.
Greek, 249, 250.
Rome, 250.
Augustin Daly’s interest in, 306.
See also Expression.
Pantalone, Doctor, 157.
Panaderos, los, Spanish dance, 149.
Pavane, the, court dance, 43, 56;
influence on social dancing of to-day, 271.
Pavillon (le) d’Armide, 268.
Pavlowa, Anna, dancer; academic discipline, 89.
Instance of virtuosity, 92.
Part in Romantic movement, 248.
Metropolitan Opera, 254.
Expression as to tendency of ball-room dancing, 303.
Canadian Royal Opera Company, 314.
Perchtentanz of Salzburg, 184, 185, 186.
Philip of Macedon, wife a dancer, 8.
Pirouette, defined, 76, 79.
FouettÉ p., 76, 77;
variations, 78.
P. sur le Cou-de-pied, 79, 80;
P. composÉes, 81.
Pito, finger-snapping, accompaniment Spanish dancing, 131.
Plato, his valuation of dancing, 4, 7.
PliÉ, 75, 76.
PiquÉ tour, 89.
Pointe, sur la: in ancient Greece, 88;
erroneous ideas concerning, 93;
instances of, barefoot, 93, 94.
Poland, see Slavonic dances.
Polka, the, 181.
Pirouette, 76-81, 83.
Pope Alexander VI.
Pope Eugenius IV, 31.
Pope Leo X, 45.
Pope Sixtus IV, 45.
Pope Zacharias, 32.
Prince Igor, ballet drama, 266.
Prevost, FranÇoise, dancer, 49.
Public (American) in relation to dancing, 229, 232, 233, 269, 304 et seq.
Pylades, 25 et seq.
Pyrrhic, group of ancient Greek dances, 15.
Quadrille, see Contredanse.
Raphael, stage decorations, 44.
Rasch, Albertina, dancer, 314.
Reel, the, Irish dance, 174 et seq.
Reel, the, Scotch dance, 170.
Reel of Tulloch, the, Scotch dance, 170.
RelevÉ, 69, 70.
Religions, non-Christian, Greek, 6 et seq.
Religions, non-Christian, relation to dancing. Egyptian, 4.
Greek, 4, 11 et seq.
Roman, 24, 25.
Mohammedan, 196 et seq.
Dervishes, 216.
Hamadsha, 208 et seq.
India, 224.
RenÉ, King of Provence, 36.
RenversÉ, its Æsthetic significance, 61.
Revolution, French, effect on dancing, 108.
Riario, Cardinal, composed ballet, 45.
Richelieu, Cardinal, composer ballet, 49.
Rimski-Korsakov, musical composer, 248.
Rinnce Fadha, the, early Irish dance, 177.
Roger (Sir) de Coverley, the, English dance, 177.
Rome, dance in, 22 et seq.
Romantic Revolution, the Russian. See Russian Ballet.
Romeo, Angelo, dancer, 80.
Rond de Jambe, 81.
Rose and the Dagger, The, pantomime, 139.
Russian Ballet, for comparison, see also Ballet, Classic.
Russia, characteristic dances, see Slavonic dances.
Russia, Court Dance of, 195.
Russian Ballet. One field of its new material, 58.
Artistic sanity, 99.
Isadora Duncan, influence, 241-247.
Re-creates best of Greek drama, 251.
Plays in Paris, 252.
Metropolitan Opera, 254.
Misrepresentative appearances, 255.
Relation to Imperial Academy, 257 et seq.
Compared with Classic, 263.
Scope, 266-268.
Influence on social dancing, 269, 270.
See also Ballet, Classic.
Russian (Imperial) Ballet Academy: favored ward of government, 245;
conditions of entrance, 257, 258;
disposal of pupils, 258, 259;
curriculum, 259-261;
care of pupils, 262;
synopsis of history, 262, 263.
Influence of Romanticism, 263-266.
Sailor’s Hornpipe, see Hornpipe.
St. Basil, dance in his Epistle to St. Gregory, 30.
See also Church.
St. Carlo BorromÉo, canonisation of, 35 et seq.
St. Denis, Ruth, dancer. Influence, 199.
Cobra dance, 220.
Her contribution to art, 221, 222, 223.
St. Isidore, choreographic composer, see Church.
Salic priests, 24.
SallÉ, de, Marie, dancer, 49.
Sallust, observations, 27.
Saltarello, the, Italian dance, 43, 163.
Samuel, Book of, 5.
Saraband, the, court dance, 52, 54.
Saracco-Brignole, Elise, dancer, teacher, 156.
Saracco, George, dancer, ballet-master, 233.
Serpentine, see Fuller.
Saturnalia, dances of ancient Rome, 25.
Scandinavian, dances of, 180 et seq.
Scissors, the (las Tijeras, les Ciseaux), figure of Argentine Tango, 295, 296.
Scheherazade, ballet drama: Volinine in, 86;
in character, 268.
Scotch Reel, the, see Reel.
Seguidillas, type of Spanish dance, 136, 141, 144.
Seises of Seville, see Church.
Seville Cathedral, see Church.
Sevillanas, las, Spanish dance, 136-140 incl.
Instance of a competition, 94.
Sex, dance in relation to, 8, 24.
Ellsler and Camargo contrasted, 110, 111, 115.
Spanish Classic and Flamenco contrasted, 128.
Chicago World’s Fair, 199, 238.
Arabian Handkerchief Dance, 205.
One manager’s belief, 239.
Siciliana, the, Italian dance, 43, 163.
Sikinnis. Ancient Greek dance, 20.
Simplicity, Greek and Roman compared, 22 et seq.
Sixtus IV, see Pope.
Schuhplatteltanz of Bavaria, 187 et seq.
Shean Treuse, the, Scotch dance, 171.
Shiloh, daughters of. See Judges.
Skansen, the, 180.
SkralÂt, the, Swedish dance, 181.
Slavonic dances, 190 et seq.
Socrates, 8.
Soleares, las, Spanish dance, 152.
Sophocles, 8.
Spanish dancing costume, details of, 135, 142, 143, 149, 153.
Spanish dancing, its place in history: Carthaginian province, Roman entertainment, 121;
Moorish influence, 122;
Century of Gold, 122.
Spanish—put in Rome.
Spear, ancient Greek dance of, 19.
Spectre (le) de la Rose, ballet drama, 268.
Square, the, figure of One-Step, 279.
Spilled Meal, dance of, 19.
Staats, LÉo, dancer, ballet-master, 80.
Steps, classes of, definition of, 67, 68.
Stoige, Otto, see Pirouette.
Strathspey, the Scotch dance, 171.
Style, ballet, some elements of, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97.
Russian and Classic compared, 263-266.
Sur la pointe, les pointes, position, Æsthetic significance, 61.
In ancient Greece, 88.
Sweden, dances of, 180 et seq.
Sword Dance (Scotch), the, 167.
Sword Dance (Turkish), 216.
Sylphide, la, ballet, 116.
Sylphides, les, ballet, 268.
Szolo, the, Hungarian dance, 193.
Tabourot, Jehan. See Arbeau.
Taglioni, Marie, dancer, contributor to ballet steps, 58, 112.
Reference by Thackeray, 110.
Individuality, 111.
Rivalry with Ellsler, 114 et seq.
Performance for Queen Victoria, 118.
Influence, 228.
Tango, the, Spanish dance, 127 et seq.
Tango, The Argentine, social dance: history, 271;
progress hampered by its varied execution, 275;
moral aspect, 291, 292, 293;
execution, 294-300.
Tarantella, the, Italian dance, 158.
Tcherepnin, musical composer, 248.
Temps, definition, 67.
Tencita, dancer, 154.
Time markers, 17.
See also Castanets.
Toe-dancing. See pointe, sur.
Tordion, the, court dance, 52, 54.
Toreo EspaÑol, Spanish dance, 155.
Tour, see Pirouette.
Tourists, dancing for. Tangier, etc., 205.
Egypt, 210.
Treaty, Anglo-French concerning dancers’ contracts, 109.
Tulloch, see Reel.
Turkey, dancing in, 216.
Turkey Trot, The, see One-Step.
Turn, the, of One-Step, 277.
Vafva Vadna, the, Swedish dance, 181.
Vestris, Auguste, dancer, 102.
Vestris, GaËtan, dancer, teacher, 102.
Victoria (Queen) influence on dancing, 118.
Vingakersdans, the, Swedish dance, 182.
Virginia Reel, the, American dance, 177.
Vito, el, Spanish dance, 155.
Volinine, Alexander; instance of virtuosity, 86;
academic basis, 89;
part in Romantic movement, 248.
Metropolitan Opera

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
Jete tour (11)=> JetÉ tour (11) {pg xvi}
action of the the arms=> action of the arms {pg 101}
In his dance=> In this dance {pg 204}
Brought into semi-associaton=> Brought into semi-association {image p 206}
Mes Memoires=> Mes MÉmoires {pg 236}
le Promenade=> la Promenade {pg 294}
Rimski-Korsakow, musical composer, 248.=> Rimski-Korsakov, musical composer, 248. {pg 332}
Gymnopaedia, group of ancient Greek dances, 11, 12.=> GymopÆdia, group of ancient Greek dances, 11, 12. {pg 330}
Rincce Fadha, the, early Irish dance, 177.=> Rinnce Fadha, the, early Irish dance, 177. {pg 332}


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