- Ain-Fezza, 51.
- Allen, Inspector, 157.
- Almanack de Gotha, 137.
- America, Greenacre attempts to escape to, 191.
- American Civil War, 259.
- American Criminals, 31, 159, 259.
- American "Humbert Safe" Swindle, 164–167.
- Apollo Theatre, Berlin, 280.
- "Archduke Francis Ferdinand," 138.
- Atkinson, Murder of Mrs., 204–207.
- Ballantine, Mr. Sergeant, 76.
- BarthÉlemy, Emanuel, 229–242.
- BarthÉlemy's fatal duel with Cournet, 232.
- BarthÉlemy's trial and acquittal at Kingston, 234.
- Bastien, Murderer, 127.
- Bastien blackmails Robert, 131.
- Bastien, First arrest of, 129.
- Bastien, Second arrest of, 132.
- Bastien, Third arrest of, 133.
- "Beauty Specialist, The," 63.
- Beavis, James Addison, 169–179.
- Becker, Charles, 265.
- Begging-letter Writer, Ingenious, 152.
- Bernstorff, Colonel, 282.
- Bigley, Lydia, (see Mrs. Chadwick).
- Bodasse, Murder of DÉsirÉ, 217.
- Bonds, Great robbery of, 268.
- Borradaile, Mrs., 70.
- Boyston Bank, Boston, Robbery at, 261.
- Bozevsky, Alexis, 4.
- Bremen, Gesina Gottfried's crimes in, 27–29.
- Bride, The deserted, 156.
- Browne, Murder of Hannah, 186.
- Bullard, Charles, 262.
- BÜlow, Prince von, 99.
- Bushranger, The Girl, 31–45.
- Carnegie, Andrew, 162.
- Carpenter's Buildings, Camberwell, 184.
- Castaing, Mdlle., 56.
- Cesbron, 111.
- Cesbron attempts to murder London doctor, 123.
- Chadwick, Mrs. Leroy, 159–168.
- Chadwick, Arrest and conviction of Mrs., 167–168.
- Chotek, Countess Sophy, 145.
- Cleveland, Mrs. Chadwick's marriage in, 161.
- Coleridge, Mr. Justice J. T., 193.
- Collard, Murder of P.C., 238.
- Coltman, Mr. Justice, 193.
- Connell, Attempted poisoning of Mrs., 197.
- Cope, Mr., 195.
- "Count d'Este," 137.
- Cournet's duel with BarthÉlemy, 232.
- Covent Garden Theatre, 117.
- Cumberland, Duke of, 251.
- Daniloff, Jeanne, 47–61