Crown 8vo, cloth, price 7s. 6d. each. THE PSALMS.Vol. I.—Psalms I.-XXXVIII. In the "Expositor's Bible." "The work of a brilliant and effective teacher. He writes with real power and insight."—Saturday Review. "Dr. Maclaren has evidently mastered his subject with the aid of the best authorities, and has put the results of his studies before his readers in a most attractive form, and if we add that this commentary really helps to the better understanding of the Psalms, that, far from degrading, it vivifies and illuminates these sublime stories, and that it is written in a charming style, very seldom falling below the dignity of the subject, we believe we only give it the praise which is its due."—Scotsman. "It is scholarly, honest, thoughtful, and suggestive."—Daily Chronicle. "Striking thoughts, strongly expressed, are to be found on every page."—Manchester Guardian. "There is certainly room for the work which Dr. Maclaren does here—largely because it is he who does it. The book is most heartily to be commended. Preachers will find it to be a mine of wealth, and to Christians of all kinds it may serve as a manual of devotion."—Christian World. "Dr. Maclaren's charming pages furnish a most fruitful field of study, alike for those whose chief aim is personal edification, and for those who are in quest of suggestions in the line of ministerial service. Altogether a most valuable book."—United Presbyterian Magazine. "Most heartily do we welcome this new volume of Dr. Maclaren's 'Exposition of the Psalms.' It fully sustains the traditions of insight, scholarly instinct, and spiritual force which gather around that beloved name. Notwithstanding the rich treasures of devout literature which the Psalter has called forth, there is a special niche for this book, and it makes a distinct advance in tone and method upon all other commentaries on the Psalms. We greatly err if this does not prove the most popular and useful commentary in the English language, both among preachers and the commonality of Christ's Church."—Evangelical Magazine.Contents LONDON: HODDER & STOUGHTON. |