STORY I.—PERSEUS | | | page | Part I. | How Perseus and his Mother came to Seriphos | 1 | II. | How Perseus vowed a rash Vow | 8 | III. | How Perseus slew the Gorgon | 23 | IV. | How Perseus came to the Æthiops | 36 | V. | How Perseus came home again | 53 | STORY II.—THE ARGONAUTS | Part I. | How the Centaur trained the Heroes on Pelion | 60 | II. | How Jason lost his Sandal in Anauros | 73 | III. | How they built the ship ‘Argo’ in Iolcos | 87 | III. | How the Argonauts sailed to Colchis | 93 | IV. | How the Argonauts were driven into the Unknown Sea | 127 | V. | What was the end of the Heroes | 161 | STORY III.—THESEUS | Part I. | How Theseus lifted the Stone | 165 | II. | How Theseus slew the Devourers of Men | 172 | III. | How Theseus slew the Minotaur | 206 | IV. | How Theseus fell by his Pride | 214 | [I owe an apology to the few scholars who may happen to read this hasty jeu d’esprit, for the inconsistent method in which I have spelt Greek names. The rule which I have tried to follow has been this: when the word has been hopelessly Latinised, as ‘Phoebus’ has been, I have left it as it usually stands; but in other cases I have tried to keep the plain Greek spelling, except when it would have seemed pedantic, or when, as in the word ‘Tiphus,’ I should have given an altogether wrong notion of the sound of the word. It has been a choice of difficulties, which has been forced on me by our strange habit of introducing boys to the Greek myths, not in their original shape, but in a Roman disguise.]