VOCABULARY of the LANGUAGE of the FRIENDLY ISLANDS, May, &c. 1777. Friendly Isles. | English. | | Ve faine, | A woman. | | Maiee, | Bread-fruit. | | Fukkatou, | Barter. | | Woa, | Admiration. | | My, fogge, | Good. | | Attahoa, | A bead; a necklace. | | Koehaa, or Kohaeea? | What is that? or what is the name of it? | | Magoo, | Give me. | | Le laiee, | Good. | | Hou, | Come here. | | Moree, | A shaddock. | | Omee, | Give me. | | Hobba, | A sort of plantain. | | Koajee, or Kaoojee, | Done; finished. | | Koeea, | Yes; it is so. | | Amou, | Got; to hold fast. | | Horo, horo, | A handkerchief or wiper. | | Ongofooroo, | Ten. | | Gehai, or geefai, | There; and that. | | Kato, | A basket. | | Egeeai, | A mat they wear round them. | | Fooroo, or fooloo, | Hair. | | Fooee vy, | The leg. | | Tooa vy, | Upper part of the foot. | | Fooloo, fooloo, matta, | The eye-brow. | | Emamae, | Pointed plantains. | | Evatta vatta, | The breast. | | Eboore, | Ditto. | | Etooa, | The back. | | Erongootoo, | The lips. | | Elelo, | The tongue. | | Edainga, | The thigh. | | Eraimoo, | The hips. | | Evae, veene, | The arm-pit. | | Too, | The finger | | Vakka, vakka, | The side. | | Hekaite, | The belly. | | Tareenga, | The ear. | | Horo, | To wipe. | | Kouta, | Beating with two sticks. | | Fangoo, fangoo, | A flute. | | Motoo, | To break. | | Koooma, | Burnt circular marks. | | Taffa, | Raised marks burnt. | | Kowy, | The cheeks. | | Koomoo, koomoo, | The beard. | | Peeto, | The navel. | | Eoo, | The nipple. | | Etarre, | To cough. | | Hengatoe, | Cloth. | | Efangoo, | To sneeze. | | Eanoo, | To spit. | | Etoogee, | To beat or strike. | | Etooee, | The elbow. | | Efeelo, | A small rope, or thread. | | Haro, or halo, | Go; begone. | | Egeea, | The throat. | | Eky, | To eat, or chew. | | Evagoo, | To scratch. | | Ma matta, | Let me look, or see. | | Egeea, | The neck. | | Enofoa, haioo, | A seat. | | Etoo, | To rise up. | | Mamao, | To yawn. | | Ehappe, | A box, or chest. | | Moe, or mohe, | Sleep. | | Tangooroo, | To snore. | | Ekatta, | To laugh. | | Akka, | To kick, or stamp. | | Feedjee, | A fillup. | | Ekakava, | Sweat. | | Eeoho, | To hollow, or cry. | | Epooo, | A post, or staunchion. | | Etolle, | A hatchet. | | Maalava, | To breathe. | | Haila, | To pant. | | Oooo, | To bite. | | Taffa, | To cut. | | Moevae, | The heel. | | Eeegoo, | The tail of a dog. | | Faitannoo, | A sort of pepper-tree, the juice of which is very acrid. | | Nafee, nafee, | A fine white sort of mat. | | Abee, | A house to sleep in. | | Touaa, | A square bonnet. | | Fukke, fety, | To give a thing gratis, or for friendship’s sake. | | Tooa, or Tooaeea, | A servant, or person of inferior rank. | | Fukkatooa, | A challenging motion, made by striking the hand on the bend of the opposite arm. | | Kaeehya, or kaeehaa, | A thief. | | Fooloo, | A quill. | | Moojeekakka, | A basket made of cocoa-nut core, and white beads. | | Mahanga, | A brother. | | Maeele, | An odoriferous shrub, planted near the Fyatooka. | | Fofolla, | To unfold a piece of cloth. | | Kotjee, | None. | | Taboone, | To close, or shut; a partition or skreen. | | Too, | To draw back a curtain or skreen. | | Ava, | A window; hole. | | Fonooa, foohoo, | A land of warriors. | | Taboo, | Not to touch a thing. | | Goomoo, goomoo, | A species of lichen, that grows plentifully on some trees. | | Laiva, | For good and all; certainly. | | Bagooee, | A prickly star fish. | | Bedjeeloa, | A crab, with black claws. | | Fae, | A sister. | | Makka fatoo, | Coral rock. | | Gailee, gailee, | Dirt. | | Maa, | Clean. | | Ma, tagge tagge, | Let me look at it. | | Konna, | Poison. | | Fekaee, or smatte, fekaee, | Hunger. | | Matte, fee aeenoo, | Thirst. | | Aieenoo, | To drink. | | Awhainne, | Near at hand. | | Monoo, | An expression of thanks. | | Mattahoa, | Very good. | | Toooa, | Both; we; both of us. | | Fooa, repeated, | A great number. | | Boola, | Small white shells. | | Anoo, anoo, | To swim. | | Anga, | A man. | | Haile, | A knife. | | Haile, fofoo, | A knife that shuts. | | Adoo, | Give it; to give. | | Geehea, | Which, or what. | | Tohagge, | Let me look at, or see it. | | Namoogoo, | A stink, or bad smell. | | Namoo, kakulla, | A sweet smell. | | Boobooa, tahee, | Salt. | | Meeme, | Urine. | | Owo, owo, owo. | No, no, no. | | Fohee, | To peel a plantain. | | Ajeeneu, | A vessel to put drink in. | | Tangee, fe toogee, | Striking the cheeks on the death of their relations. | | Mamaha, | Coral rock under water. | | Oohee, | A species of diosma. | | Mawhaha, | An excellent root like a potatoe. | | Baa, | A crackling noise; to crack, or snap. | | Boogo, | The largest sort of tree in the islands. | | Taifo, | A mullet. | | Amou, | Whole; sound; true; valid. | | Faigeeaika, | Iambos. | | Kakou, | A shoal, or reef, on which the sea breaks. | | Shainga (in the language of Feejee), | No; there is none. | | Fangoo, | A small calibash shell. | | Oore, oore, | Black. | | Looloo, | An owl. | | Murroo, | Soft. | | Faifaika, | Hard. | | Feengotta, | A sort of shell. | | Wouainee, | I am here; i.e. when called upon. | | Mahagge, fatoo, | A dropsy. | | Goee enee, | Near at hand. | | Fukka, ma fooa, | An arbour in which they catch pigeons, &c. | | Fatooree, | Thunder. | | A faa, | A storm; lightning. |
td class="c022">The eye-brow. | Aapso, | The arm. | | Aapsoonilk, | The arm-pit. | | Eneema, | The nipple. | | Kooquainux, or Kooquainuxoo, | The fingers. | | Chushchuh, | Nail of the finger. | | Kleashklinne, | The thighs and legs. | | Klahtimme, | The foot. | | Aiahkomeetz, | The thumb. | | Kopeeak, | The fore finger. | | Taeeai, | The middle finger. | | Oatso, or akkukluc, | The ring finger. | | Kasleka, | The little finger. | VOCABULARY of the LANGUAGE of ATOOI, one of the SANDWICH ISLANDS, January, 1778. Atooi. | English. | | Tehaia, | Where. | | Mahaia, | Ditto. | | Aorre, or Aoe, | No. | | He oho, | The hair. | | E poo, | The head. | | Papaiee aoo, | The ear. | | Heraee, | The forehead. | | Matta, | The eye. | | Pappareenga, | The cheek. | | Haieea, | Fish. | | Eeeheu, | The nose. | | Oome oome, | The beard. | | Haire, | To go. | | Erawha, | Tears of joy. | | Aee, | The neck. | | Poheeve, | The arm. | | Ooma ooma, | The breast. | | Heoo, | The nipple. | | Peeto, | The navel. | | Hoohaa, | The thigh. | | He, wawy, | The leg. | | Eroui, | Wait a little. | | Areea, | Wait a little. | | Myao, | Finger and toe nails. | | Eeno, | Bad. | | Hootee, hootee, | To pluck up, or out. | | Tooanna, | A brother. | | Teina, | A younger brother. | | Otooma heeva, | A man’s name. | | Nanna, | Let me see it. | | Noho, | To sit. | | Hoe, | To go. | | Hooarra, | Sweet potatoes. | | E Taeeai, | Calling to one. | | Waheine, | A woman. | | Teeorre, | To throw away a thing. | | He, aieeree, | The skin. | | Ma, ty ty, | To look at, or survey a thing. | | Tommomy, | Come here. | | Erooi, | To retch, to puke. | | Too, | Sugar cane. | | Maa mona, | Sweet or savoury food. | | Tooharre, | To spit. | | Matou, | I, first person singular. | | My, ty, | Good. | | Otaeaio, Terurotoa, | Names of two chiefs. | | Oome, | A great number. | | Poe, | Taro pudding. | | Oohe, | Yams. | | Booa, | A hog. | | Eeneeoo, | Cocoa nuts. | | Ono, | To understand. | | Eetee, | To understand, or know. | | Otae, | A man’s name. | | Maonna, | Full, satisfied with eating. | | Owytooehainoa, | What is your name? | | Tanata, | A man. | | Tangata, | Ditto. | | Pahoo, | A drum. | | Ehoora, | A kind of dance. | | Maro, | A narrow stripe of cloth they wear. | | Hoemy; harremy, | To come. | | Eroemy, | Fetch it here. | | Taooa, | We, first person plural. | | Toura, | A rope. | | Ooroo, | Bread fruit. | | Etee, | DracÆna. | | Appe, | Virginian Arum. |
class="c024">E Rooa A Ooa | Three, | Torhoa | Toreo | A Toroa | Four, | Ha | A Haa | A Faa | Five, | Il Lemi | E Reema | A Aeema | Six, | Whaine | A Ono | A Ono | Seven, | Hitoo | A Heitoo | A Wheetoo | Eight, | Wallhea | A Waroo | A Waoo | Nine, | Iva | A Eeva | A Eeva | Ten, | Hoolhoa | A Hooroo | Whannahoo, and Whannahooee | | Anderson’s Vocabulary, in this Appendix. | Parkinson, p. 64. | Cook, end of Vol. iv. | Cook, end of Vol. iv. | | | XXXVII. | XXXVIII. | XXXIX. | | | Marquisas. | Easter Island. | Easter Island. | | One, | Bo Dahai | Kat Tahaee | Ko Tahai | | Two, | Bo Hooa | Rooa | Rooa | | Three, | Bo Dooo | Toroo | Toroo | | Four, | Bo Ha | Haa, and Fa | Haa | | Five, | Bo Heema | Reema | Reema | | Six, | Bo Na | Honoo | Hono | | Seven, | Bo Hiddoo | Heedoo | Hiddoo | | Eight, | Bo Wahoo | Varoo | Varoo | | Nine, | Bo Heeva | Heeva | Heeva | | Ten, | Bo Nahoo | Atta Hooroo Anna Hooroo | Ana Hooroo | | | Forster’s Observations, p. 284. | Cook, end of Vol. iv. | Forster’s Observations, p. 284. | |