utenberg@html@files@41207@41207-h@41207-h-8.htm.html#Page_364" class="pginternal">364. - Economic Principles, 254, 285, 286, 292, 330, 331.
- Education, theories of, 265, 270, 272-275, 361-363.
- England, love for, 83, 140; life and politics of, 82, 83, 150-152, 197, 198, 210, 219, 280, 332; foreign policy of, 105, 304, 305, 309, 310, 365; studies in literature of, 9, 149, 150; help from for Italy, 106, 152, 153, 193, 194 (see London).
- Ethics, insufficient without religion, 224, 250; theories of, 249-263; sanction of, 263.
- Europe, solidarity of, 302, 303, 309, 310; future of, 307-309 (see Young Europe).
- Family life, remarks on, 65, 66, 72, 264-266.
- Fanti, Manfredo, 49, 118, 123, 187.
- Federalists (see Italian Unity).
- Fenians, 199, 200.
- Fletcher, Mrs Archibald, 83.
- Florence, visits to, 126, 179-182, 186, 220.
- Foreign policy, ethics of, 302-61, 102, 103, 125, 157, 158, 168, 193, 218, 349.
- International, The, attack on, 219.
- Intuition, 240-242, 244, 245, 277, 330, 351.
- Irish Question, remarks on, 107, 199, 200.
- Italy, condition of in 1830, 20-22; politics in 1845-47, 100-103; events of 1848-49 in, 114-125, 128; politics in (1850-1858), 154-164; politics in (1859-1860), 177-188; condition of after 1860, 191, 192; war of 1866, 205-207; Republican movement in, 209; Mazzini's belief in mission of, 26, 60, 126-128, 192, 248, 295, 307, 310, 311, 322.
- Italian Unity, popular demand for, 20, 21, 31, 121; Mazzini's advocacy of, 31, 32, 111, 117, 155, 180, 181, 192, 211; how far his work, 32, 154, 336.
- Lamartine, Alph
ternal">Spiritual Power, State, Universal Suffrage, War; position as a politician, 335-337; theories of education, 265, 270, 272-275, 361-363; social theories, 283-295, see Collectivists, Cooperative Societies, Economic principles, Nationalisation, Property, Taxation, Social Reform, Socialism; theory of Nationality, 296-311; literary theories, 11, 12, 312-328, see Byron, Dante, Drama, History, Poetry, Romanticism; writings, 13, 14, 39, 64, 65, 92-94, 108, 109, 139, 149, 196, 197, 213, 312, 329, 330; theories of music, 321-323, 350.
- —— personal appearance, 6, 36, 37, 143, 210; character, 6, 7, 57, 79-81, 109, 148, 210, 337-341; sense of mission, 58, 96, 333; impulse to action, 156, 301, 302.
- People's International League, 106.
- People's War, 125.
- Personal morality, preaches, 264, 286, 338; dependant on environment, 267, 268; essential to patriotism, 301.
- Philosophy, studies in, 10; insufficient without religion, 224, 225.
- Piedmont, army plot in, 42, 45-47.
- Piedmontese party, 154-156, 159-161, 173.
- Pietism, criticism of, 257, 258.
- Pilo, Rosalino, 184.
- Pisa, death at, 221.
- Pisacane, Carlo (Duke di San Giovanni), 136, 139, 174.
- Pius IX., 110-112, 114; Mazzini's letter to, 111, 112.
- PlombiÈres, agreement of, 177, 179.
- Poetry, theories of, 313-321, 324, 352, 353, 361; Mazzini's, 329, 330, 369.
- Poland, plans to assist, 193, 194, 202; literature of, 10, 327; future of, 306, 308, 309.
- Post-Office scandal, 103-105; see 197.
- Progress, theory of, 236-239, 257, 362.
- Property, rights of, 270, 291.
- Protestantism, attitude towards, 150, 152, 227, 240, 244.
- Providence, belief in, 125, 233, Made At The
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