War-time Dances.


The arrival at “the ball” in the old days. Haughty wall-propping men, and little Eves wondering whether they were going to get off and detach one of the aforesaid males from his customary support, or also decorate the side benches—

—But nowadays at “the party” each little Eve takes her own young man—sometimes two—with whom she spends the greater part of a delightful evening, so she’s happy, he’s happy, and chaperones, safely ensconced in bed or at the bridge table, are happy too—

—While the final breakfast-supper, when a raid is made on the kitchen to see what can be found, and Reggie or Billy makes the most divine omelettes in the fish saucepan, provides a worthy finish to a delightful evening, which keeps many a festive on-leaver out of mischief



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