Transcriber's Notes


Obvious errors of punctuation and diacritics repaired.

Click on the plates to see high-resolution images.

Hyphen replaced by space: death[-]wound (p. 110), REIT[-]FONTEIN (p. 75).

Hyphen added: ant[-]hills (p. 25), cow[-]dung (p. 299), cow[-]horn (p. 276), day[-]break (p. 28), dissel[-]boom (p. 316), drift[-]wood (p. 300), forsaken[-]looking (p. 285), hand[-]cuffed (p. 83), head[-]dress (pp. 27, 51), hill[-]side (p. 152), loop[-]holed (p. 25), milk[-]white (p. 23), officer[-]of-the-day(p. 118), out[-]works (p. 286), pack[-]horses (p. 230), pack[-]saddle (p. 19), rear[-]guard (pp. 117, 126), re[-]formed (p. 116), stand[-]still (pp. 38, 199), sub[-]divisions (p. 143), sun[-]baked (p. 323), three[-]penny (p. 286), wide[-]awake (p. 164), wild[-]looking (p. 309).

Hyphen removed: a[-]head (p. 301), battle[-]axes (pp. 309, 316), by[-]gone (p. 187), day[-]light (p. 264), ear[-]rings (p. 101), duyker[-]bok (p. 24), harte[-]beest (p. 50), night[-]fall (p. 26), out[-]lying (p. 305), out[-]spanned (p. 237), re[-]assured (p. 79), re[-]capturing/ed (pp. 45, 84, 199), sharp[-]shooters (p. 246), spring[-]bok (pp. 76, 80), sun[-]down (p. 225), sun[-]set (pp. 38, 271), water[-]course (p. 73), white-washed (p. 178), Wolfs[-]back (p. 268).

Both versions of "day break" / "day-break", "farm house" / "farm-house", "half way" / "half-way" occur frequently and have not been changed.

The attributions of the plates are illegible and have been removed.

P. 2: We steamed away, eat and drank -> We steamed away, ate and drank.

P. 22: spite of which -> in spite of which.

P. 32: a "vlei" in front of our right wing -> a "vley" in front of our right wing.

P. 33: redered all pursuit hopeless -> rendered all pursuit hopeless.


P. 56: kept us awake great part of the night -> kept us awake a great part of the night.

P. 110: waiting a fresh supply of ammunition -> awaiting a fresh supply of ammunition.

P. 120: as if to envelope us -> as if to envelop us.

P. 179: haversacs -> haversacks.

Pp. 191, 232, 239, 275: hyena(s) -> hyÆna(s).

P. 216: Colonels Napier and Michel -> Colonels Napier and Michell.

P. 244: red wollen nightcaps -> red woolen nightcaps.

P. 251: biovouac fires -> bivouac fires.

P. 282: the two pair of serviceable boots -> the two pairs of serviceable boots.

P. 327: bran-new waggons -> brand-new waggons.

Ad on last page: engraved, bound and guilt -> engraved, bound and gilt.


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