Household Hints Mildew in white clothes may be removed by soaking for a short time in a pail of water to which has been added a heaping teaspoonful of chloride of lime. Then hang in sun. Repeat if necessary. When frying potatoes, etc., try chopping with empty baking powder can instead of knife. You will find it much more handy and quicker. Try greasing cake and bread pans with a small five-cent paint brush. Keep grease in round tin can; cut hole in cover and insert handle of paint brush when not in use. It is then always ready for use and does not soil the hands. To prevent cake from burning when using new tins, butter the new tins well and place them in a moderate oven for fifteen minutes. After this the cake may be cooked in them without danger of burning. When ironing with gas, place a lid of the coal stove over the gas burners and place the irons over this. The irons will always be clean and heat much better than if they are put directly over the gas flame. To clean plaster of paris figures, use toilet soapsuds and a shaving brush. Rinse well. Dipping them in a strong solution of alum water will give them the appearance of alabaster. To preserve gilt frames, cover them when new with a coat of white varnish. All specks can be washed off with water without injury. To keep lemons, put them in water. Change once a week. Will keep a long time. DO YOU KNOW—That a small piece of butter added to the water prevents vegetables, macaroni or rice from boiling over? That the water from macaroni or rice after they have been cooked should be saved for soup and gravies? That a teaspoonful of vinegar added to boiled meat, while cooking, makes the meat tender? That after peeling onions if celery salt is rubbed over the hands before washing the odor will disappear? That if you add a pinch of salt to ground coffee before boiling it will improve the flavor? That if kid gloves are rubbed gently with bread crumbs after each time they are worn they will remain clean much longer than otherwise? That a poultice made of tobacco and warm water, put between two cloths and placed over the breast and pit of the stomach will relieve convulsions when nothing else will? It will do no harm. That any one who has aching feet, if the feet are placed in kerosene for about ten minutes each day will receive the greatest relief. If used regularly for a month is said to cure all corns and callous places on the feet. Will not blister or do any injury. To relieve burns get a small bottle of picric acid and with a feather paint the burned or scalded parts, allowing it to dry. In a few minutes all the pain will be gone and you will never feel it again. Where the burns are very severe more than one application is sometimes necessary. This is an invaluable remedy, especially where there are children in the home, for they are getting burned continually. There is nothing better than sulphur tea for the hair. It cures dandruff, promotes the growth, makes the hair soft and glossy and is very good to keep the hair from turning gray. The whitish stain left on a mahogany table by a jug of boiling water or a very hot dish may be removed by rubbing in oil and afterward pouring a little spirits of wine on the spot and rubbing it dry with a cloth. Wash your weathered oak woodwork and furniture with milk. To rid your home of ants mix thoroughly two parts borax with one part powdered sugar and put around where the ants come. For two or three days the ants will come in swarms, but after that they will disappear. Leave the powder around for a week or two and you will never be bothered again with ants. If food becomes slightly burned in cooking, set the saucepan in cold water and it will take away burned taste. S. Goldstein and Nevada Implement ads S. Goldstein High Class Ladies Tailor and Furrier Fit Guaranteed SUITS MADE TO ORDER REASONABLE PRICES OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK 228 North Virginia Street Up-Stairs Reno, Nevada Phone Main 154 You now have the wife! Let us furnish the home and save you money. It will pay you to investigate the TA BED, three pieces of furniture in one. Nothing on the market so convenient. Kitchenware, Dry Goods Gents’ Furnishings and Farming Machinery All Moderately Priced Nevada Implement and Supply Co. 214 Sierra Street RENO, NEVADA The Motoraid The Motoraid Thor and Lightweight Cleveland MOTORCYCLES ODEN, The Cyclist and Ford Specialist All Kinds of Repairing Promptly Done Baby Buggy Wheels Re-tired New and Second-Hand Wheels Bought, Sold and Exchanged Agency For The Diamond Squegee Tires 15 West Fourth Street RENO :: :: NEVADA University Terrace ad A Rare Opportunity The highest class sub-division in the State of Nevada University Terrace Large Lots—Beautiful View No Taxes—No Assessments All Improvements Free Cement Sidewalks: 14 feet from curb to property line, 8 feet for parking; cement curbs and gutters, 22 in. wide; streets graveled, rolled and finished; electric lights, telephone; city water piped to every lot; pillars and arches at main entrances and every lot well drained. Why not make the wife a present of one of these lots? They are increasing in value all the while. We sell on very easy payments. Do not delay. The lots are being sold rapidly. We are the owners Bonham Realty and Trust Company 131 N. VIRGINIA ST. RENO, NEVADA Phone 756 ![]() MRS. HOUSEWIFE: We guarantee that your dollar will buy as much dependable merchandise from us as can be had anywhere, and further that if for any reason, what you buy is not satisfactory, we will gladly exchange it or refund your money. You are insuring satisfaction when you come here to do your shopping. We Open Monthly Accounts with Responsible People COMMERCIAL HARDWARE CO. 24 W. Commercial Row Phone 460 RENO, NEVADA NEVADA PRESS GAZETTE BLDG., RENO Transcriber’s NotesObvious punctuation errors repaired. Varied hyphenation and spacing was retained as in saucepan, sauce-pan and sauce pan. Recipe oddities were retained except where a clear solution could be found. These are noted. Page 3, “Muffiins” changed to “Muffins” (Bread, Muffins, Rolls) Page 6, “Orchesta” changed to “Orchestra” (Parker’s Harp Orchestra) Page 11, twice, “over” changed to “oven” (Flour in oven) (very hot oven for ten) Page 12, same, (quick oven 45 minutes) Page 14, Boston muffins, “bafle” changed to “bake” (should bake in) Page 15, “making” changed to “baking” (teaspoonfuls baking powder) Page 18, “separte” changed to “separate” (and white separate) Page 18, same line, “tetaspoonful” changed to “teaspoonful” (teaspoonful baking powder) Page 23, “marshmellow” changed to “marshmallow” (ice with marshmallow) Page 23, “minues” changed to “minutes” (Bake 20 minutes) Page 24, “Contiue” changed to “Continue” (Continue the beating) Page 25, Sponge Cake, “teaspoonfuls” changed to “teaspoonful” (1 teaspoonful baking powder) Page 25, “marhsmellows” changed to “marshmallows” (about 24 marshmallows) (marshmallows until cool) Page 28, Jam Cake, “making” changed to “baking” (teaspoonful baking powder) Page 29, “whisp” changed to “whisk” (with a clean whisk) Page 31, Rolled Oats Crisps, “making” changed to “baking” (on greased baking pan) Page 31, “mor” changed to “more” (more than is necessary) Page 32, Graham Wafers, “tablspoonfuls” changed to “tablespoonfuls” (2 tablespoonfuls milk) Page 33, “wripper” changed to “whipper” (patent cream whipper) Page 34, “nutmg” changed to “nutmeg” (nutmeg; cover with) Page 34, “carmel” changed to “caramel” (want caramel custard) Page 34, Raisin Layer Pudding, “and” changed to “add”, “heaten” changed to “beaten” (add stiffly beaten whites) Page 37, Russian Cream, “whick” changed to “whisk” (fire, whisk briskly and) Page 39, Hard Sauce, word “of” added to text (add whites of) Page 39, Brandy Sauce, “fourts” changed to “fourths” (add three-fourths of) Page 41, “APPPLE” changed to “APPLE” (APPLE MERINGUE PIE) Page 42, Famous Cream Pie, “over” changed to “oven” (and brown in oven) Page 42, “wit htwo” changed to “with two” (of butter with two) Page 45, “flexability” changed to “flexibility” (flexibility that gear) Page 50, Macaroni Soup, “tablespoonfuls” changed to “tablespoonful” (with one tablespoonful) Page 52, “skin” changed to “skins” (skins will rise to top) Page 57, Crab Salad, “lttuce” changed to “lettuce” (leaves of lettuce) Page 61, “CABBABE” changed to “CABBAGE” (CABBAGE SALAD a la CALAIS) Page 68, Pigeon Pie, “over” changed to “oven” (quick oven for one) Page 69, “of” changed to “or” (hung a day or two) Page 74, “stil” changed to “stir” (Medal Flour; stir until) Page 78, Veal Loaf, the recipe seems to be missing the final instructions as it stops mid-sentence. Research on Veal Loaf of this era seems to recommend cooking it in a slow oven for two hours just in case the reader wishes to try it. Page 79, Beef Pie with Potato Crust, “over” changed to “oven” (the dish in an oven) Page 81, Apple Sauce, “emash” changed to “mash” (when tender, mash them) Page 82, “SOULFLE” changed to “SOUFFLE” (OMELET SOUFFLE) Page 85, Baked Peppers, “opion” changed to “onion” (and a little onion) Page 86, Lyonnaise Potatoes No. 2, “teh” changed to “the” (season with the salt) Page 88, Spinach Cooked in Butter, “Finished” changed to “Finish” (Finish by adding) Page 88, “humburger” changed to “hamburger” (Put the hamburger) Page 90, Mixed Pickles, “earthern” changed to “earthen” (in an earthen jar) Page 92, Blackberry Jam, “bset” changed to “best” (the best loaf sugar) Page 95, “MARSHMELLOWS” changed to “MARSHMALLOWS” (MARSHMALLOWS) Page 98, “Roome” changed to “Rooms” (Rooms 10-11-12-14) Page 100, Household Hints, “over” changed to “oven” (a moderate oven for fifteen) Page 100, “them” changed to “they” (each time they are worn) Page 100, “furniure” changed to “furniture” (furniture with milk) Page 21, “Medeira” and “Meleira” changed to “Madeira” (Sherry or Madiera) |