The following is an alphabetical list of the birds which I have seen in my neighborhood, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio. It is given for the convenience of bird students, who are always interested in the locale of the feathered tribe. The small figure (1) indicates residents all the year round; (2), summer residents; (3), winter residents; (4), migrants. - Bittern, American.²
- Blackbird, red-winged.²
- Bluebird.² (occasionally winter resident).
- Bobolink.²
- Bob-white.¹
- Bunting, black-throated;
- Dickcissel.²
- Butcher-bird.4
- Buzzard, turkey.²
- Cat-bird.²
- Cedar-bird.4
- Chat, yellow-breasted.²
- Chickadee, black-capped.¹
- Cow-bird.²
- Creeper, brown.³
- Crow.¹
- Cuckoo, black-billed.²
- yellow-billed.²
- Dickcissel.²
- Dove, turtle or mourning.¹
- Duck, wood.²
- Finch, purple.4
- Flicker.¹
- Flycatcher, Acadian.4
- crested.²
- least.4
- Traill’s.4
- yellow-bellied.4
- Gnatcatcher, blue-gray.4
- Goldfinch, American.¹
- Grass-finch.²
- Grossbeak, cardinal.¹
- rose-breasted.4
- Grouse, ruffed.¹
- Hawk, red-shouldered.³
- sharp-shinned.³
- sparrow.¹
- Heron, great blue.²
- green.²
- Humming-bird, ruby-throated.²
- Indigo-bird.²
- Jay, blue.²
- Junco; snowbird.³
- Killdeer.²
- Kingbird.²
- Kingfisher, belted.²
- Kinglet, golden-crowned.³
- ruby-crowned.4
- Lark, horned or shore.³
- meadow.²
- Martin, purple.²
- Night-hawk.²
- Nuthatch, white-breasted.¹
- red-breasted.4
- Oriole, Baltimore.²
- orchard.²
- Oven bird.²
- Owl, screech.¹
- Pewee, wood.²
- Phoebe; house pewee.²
- Pipit, American.³
- Redstart.4
- Robin.² (sometimes in winter).
- Sandpiper, spotted.²
- Sapsucker, yellow-bellied.4
- Shrike, loggerhead.4
- Sparrow, chipping.²
- English.¹
- field.²
- fox.4
- grasshopper.²
- lark.4
- Savanna.4
- song.¹
- swamp.4
- tree.³
- white-crowned.4
- white-throated.4
- Swallow, bank.²
- barn.²
- cliff or cave.
- white-bellied or tree.²
- Swift, chimney.²
- Tanager, scarlet.²
- Titmouse, tufted.¹
- Thrasher, brown.²
- Thrush, hermit.4
- Wilson’s or veery.4
- wood.²
- Towhee; chewink.²
- Vireo, blue-headed.4
- red-eyed.²
- warbling.²
- white-eyed.4
- yellow-throated.4
- Warbler, bay-breasted.4
- black and white.4
- Blackburnian.4
- black-poll.4
- black-throated blue.4
- black-throated green.4
- blue-winged.4
- Canadian.4
- cerulean.4
- chestnut-sided.4
- Connecticut.4
- golden-winged.4
- hooded.4
- Kirtland’s.4
- magnolia.4
- Maryland yellow-throat.²
- mourning.4
- myrtle.4
- Nashville.4
- palm or red-poll.4
- Tennessee.4
- Wilson’s; green black-capped.4
- worm-eating.4
- yellow or summer.²
- Water-thrush.4
- Louisiana.4
- Whippoorwill.²
- Woodpecker, downy.¹
- golden-winged; flicker.¹
- hairy.¹
- red-bellied; zebra-bird.³
- red-headed.²
- yellow-bellied.4
- Wren, Bewick’s.²
- Carolina.¹
- house.²
- short-billed marsh.4
- winter.4