Alexandra, 17, 44.
Amnesty Act, The, 10.
Animals introduced by the Maories, 71.
Aotea canoe, The, 70.
Aotea Harbour, 44.
Aotearoa, Meaning of, 33
Apteryx, The, 317.
Arawa canoe, The, 70.
Arawas, The, 68.
Area of the King Country, 1.
Ariki Kapakapa, 62.
Ascent of Pirongia, 36.
—— Ruapehu, 199, 237.
—— Tongariro, 179.
Atea-Amuri, 112.
Auckland, 46.
Aukati, The, 1, 44, 328.
Australasian volcanoes, The, 195.
Bathing at the hot springs, 58.
—— at Te Koutu, 67.
——, the pleasures of, 98.
Bay of Plenty, The, 48.
Big Geyser, The, 121.
Birds, 358.
Birds, Measurements of, 318.
Botany, 350.
Boundaries of the King Country, 1.
Bridal Veil Fall, The, 244.
Bryce, Mr., 10.
Cambridge, 44.
Cameron, General, 6.
—— at the Gate Pa, 51.
Camp of Tawhiao, The, 20.
—— on Ruapehu, 210.
Canoes, The seven, 70.
Caterpillar, The vegetating, 83.
Chemical constituents of the springs, 63.
Coast-line of the King Country, 2.
Coffee-pot, The, 64.
Confiscations, The, 7.
Crater lakes, 147.
—— of Te Tarata, 97.
—— of Tongariro, The, 191.
Cream Cups, 64.
Crown of Ruapehu, The, 221.
Davis, Mr. C.O., 68.
Descent of Tongariro, 195.
Devil's Hole, The, 102.
Discoverer of New Zealand, The first Maori, 70.
Dismal Swamp, 268.
Distribution of the tribes, 349.
Eagle's Nest, The, 119.
Earliest discoverers, The, 68.
Entomology, 364.
Explorers of the King Country, 4.
Fauna, 358.
Ferns, 354.
Flora, 350.
Flute of Tutanekai, 76.
Fungi, 357.
Gas in the pools, 120.
Gate Pa, The, 51.
Genealogy of Tawhiao, 343.
Generations, The Maori, 71.
Geology of the King Country, 3.
—— of Pirongia, 40.
—— of the Taupo region, 140.
Geysers, 49, 62, 100, 109, 111, 116, 162.
Giant Rocks, The, 219.
Glacier on Ruapehu, The, 247.
Glowworms, The, 82.
Grasses, 357.
Greenstone, The, 22.
Grey, Sir George, 9, 15, 47.
Hamilton, 44.
Hapurangi, 110.
Hariki Kapakapa, 109.
Hati Wira Takahi, 37.
Hauhaus, The, 276.
Haurungaroa Mountains, The, 305.
Haurungatahi, 287.
Hawaiki, The fatherland of, 69.
Hemo Gorge, The, 110.
Hengia, 326.
Hikurangi, The meeting at, 7.
Hinemoa, The legend of, 78.
Hinepareoterangi, 273.
Hochstetter's Exploration, 4, 304.
Hone Te Wetere, 23.
Hongi, The, 309.
Horohoro, 110.
Horomatangi, 166.
Horses, Our, 135.
Horseshoe Fall, The, 242.
Hot springs, 56, 98, 101, 107, 109, 111, 117, 162, 193, 297.
Hotete, The, 83.
Huata, A, 292.
Huka Falls, The, 116, 125.
Hurakia Mountains, The, 305.
Hursthouse affair, The, 135.
Hurutirangi, 76.
Hymn of the Hauhaus, 280.
Insects, 364.
Jade ornaments, 22.
Kahakaharoa, 316.
Kahotawa Spring, The, 66.
Kai, 102.
Kaimanawa Mountains, The, 229.
Kainga, A, 329.
Kakaramea Ranges, The, 161.
Kakariki Geyser, The, 102.
Kakepuku, 18.
Karangahape, 306.
Karioi, 254.
Karioi, Mount, 44.
Kawau, 47.
Kawhia Harbour, 43.
Ketetahi, 299.
Kihikihi, 44.
King's address, The, 33.
Kings of the Maories, The, 343.
Kiriohinekai, The, 124.
Kiwi, The, 317.
Korero at Manga-o-Rongo, 329.
——, The, at Whatiwhatihoe, 27.
Kuiti Mountains, The, 331.
Kurahaupo canoe, The, 70.
Kuruaro, 76.
Kuwharua, 301.
Lake Country, The, 46.
Lament for Te Heuheu, 165.
—— of Te Kooti, 279.
Land Court, The, 313.
Language, The, 364.
Legend of the Huka Falls, 130.
—— Rotua, The, 282.
—— Tongariro, The, 181.
Lichens, 357.
Lizard, A gigantic, 319.
Lizards, 364.
Love song, A, 80.
McLean, Sir Donald, 9.
Mamanui, 233.
Mammalia, 358.
Manawapou, Runanga at, 5.
Mangakara, The, 307.
Mangakino, The, 321.
Mangakowiriwiri, 320.
Manganui-a-te-Ao, The, 270, 284.
Manga-o-Rongo, 329.
Manga Rewi, 23, 25, 347.
Mangatotara, The, 267.
Mangatuku, The, 267, 329.
Mangorewa Gorge, The, 54.
Manuka-trees at Wairakei, 119.
Manutarere, 329.
Maories, The, 11.
——, their cheerfulness, 322.
——, cause of their decay, 291.
——, fatherland of the, 69.
——, their language, 364.
——, their life, 133.
——, their mode of fighting, 292.
——, murder of a girl, 231.
——, their origin, 68.
——, their numbers, 11.
——, a typical speech, 33.
——, tribes of the, 71.
Mata-Atua canoe, The, 70.
Matene Te Whiwi, 5.
Maungakawa, 44.
Maungatautari, 44.
Maunsell, Archdeacon, 346.
Mere, use of the, 294.
——, sketch of a, 311.
Mineral wealth of the Kaimanawas, 236.
Moa, 317.
Moffat, the murder of, 273.
Mohi, 311.
Mokaikai, The, 326.
Mokia, Island of, 77.
Morning on Ruapehu, 214.
Moss, Mr. F.J., 41.
Mosses, 357.
Motuoapa, 159.
Motutaiko, 166.
Motutere, 158.
Murimotu Plains, The, 253.
Napier mail, The, 256,
Natives Reserves Act, The, 9.
New Zealand War, The, 6, 51, 345.
Ngahapu, 100.
Ngapuhi, a chief of the, 40.
Ngatihau legend, 130.
Ngatiproa, chief of the, 39.
Ngatiruanui, The, 5.
Ngatitematera, a chief of the, 42.
Ngatitoa, a chief of the, 38.
Ngatituwharetoa, The, 130, 164, 333.
Ngatiwhakaue, The, 68.
Ngatoroirangi, 181, 255.
Ngatokorua Pa, 281.
Ngauruhoe, 182.
Ngongotaha, 65.
Ohinemutu, 56.
Okarewa, 307.
Onetapu Desert, The, 232.
Orakeikorako, 111.
Origin of the Maories, 68.
Ornithology, 358.
Oropi, 53.
Oruapuraho Valley, The, 315.
Paeroa Mountains, The, 111.
Pakihi, 265.
Pangarara, 177
Paora tu haere, 34.
Paratene te manu, 40.
Tetauranga, 325.
Te Tihoi Plains, The, 319.
Te Tokapo, 100.
Te Toto Ranges, The, 324.
Te Tuhi, 30.
Te Wairoa, 85.
Te Whakataratara, 104.
Te Whatapohu, 102.
Te Wheoro, Major, 22, 28, 346.
Te Wheu, 259.
Te Whiti, 14, 278.
Thorny plant, A, 230.
Tikitapu, 84.
Tikitere, 62.
Time, Maori method of reckoning, 332.
Titiraupenga, 3, 320.
Tokomaru canoe, The, 70.
Tokanu, 161.
Tongariro, 3, 7, 179, 296.
——, flora of, 355.
Towai, Mount, 286.
Trachytic lava bed, 240.
Traditions of the Maories, 68.
Tree ferns, 355.
Trees, 350.
—— in the pumice, 177.
—— in the Terangakaikha Forest, 261.
Tribes of the Maories, 70.
—— at Manga-o-Rongo, 332.
—— on the Whanganui, 276.
—— and their localities, 349.
Tuatara, The, 49.
Tukukino, 42, 348.
Tupuhi Spring, The, 65.
Turner, Mr. J.A., 134.
Tutanekai, 76.
Tu Tawhiao, 22.
Twin Waterfalls, The, 246.
Uenuku, 277.
Uenukukopako, 76.
Upper Waikato, The, 143, 160, 174, 249.
Vegetating caterpillar, The, 83.
Victoria Point, 227.
View frLONDON:
Transcibers note:
The folowing printers errors have been corrected;
The following place/proper names have been corrected on the advise of proofreaders and after cross-referencing within the text and on-line.
tangate to tangata
Kamianawa to Kaimanawa
Perongia to Pirongia
Tuatard to Tuatara
Te Motopuke to Te Motupuke
Kakaramia Ranges to Kakaramea Ranges
Other possible errors, because of doubt, have been left unaltered.
We hope our kiwi cousins will forgive us.