- Air Balloons, 165.
- Air Balls, 124.
- Alum, 13.
- Articles, to Mix, 8.
- Asteroid, or Parachute Rockets, 131.
- Balloons, Fire or Montgolfier, 159.
- Gas, 165.
- Screw-propelled, 80.
- Blow-pipe Experiment, 176.
- Blue Lights, 111.
- Bottles, to Clean, 7.
- Bottomless Pill-boxes, 57.
- Brass, to Lacquer, 4.
- Bursting Powder, 45.
- Caprice Wheels, 139.
- Carriage Bolts, 165.
- Cascade, 142.
- Cases, to Tie on Wheels, 136.
- Cast Iron Borings, to Preserve, 116.
- Charcoal, 46, 49.
- Chenille, 132.
- Chequer Piece, 141.
- Chertier's Copper, 14.
- Chinese Fliers, 83.
- Trees, 69.
- Chondrometer, 158.
- Chopped Stars, 54.
- Clay, 15.
- Coffee Mill, 52.
- Coke, 48.
- Coloured Gerbes, 70.
- Lances, to Prime, 177.
- Comet, 148.
- Compositions required, 44, 68.
- Concluding Remarks, 173.
- Crackers, 98.
- Cracks in Wooden Bowls, 23.
- Crochet Cotton, 29.
- Cup Hook, 167.
- Cut Stars, 54.
- Darning Cotton, 29.
- Devices for Lancework, 115.
- Devil-among-the-Tailors, 146.
- Dextrine Solution, 11.
- Distillation, 173.
- Distress Rockets, 171.
- Drop Piece, 150.
- Dry Pill-box Stars, 54.
- Enveloped Stars, 58.
- Faraday's Example, 183.
- Fire from Wheel to Fixed, 149.
- Five-pointed Star, 83.
- Fixed Cases, 66.
- Flat Weights, to Make, 165.
- Flax, 5.
- Flower Pots, 72.
- Flying Dutchman, 65.
- Leaden Spheres, 65.
- Water, 12.
- for Quickmatch, 27, 177.
- Wheel Cases, 66.
- Windmill Piece, 149.
- Winged Rockets, 168.
- Wire, to render inelastic, 71.
- Zinc Pot, 13.
J. OGDEN AND CO., PRINTERS, 172, ST. JOHN STREET, E.C. [Pg 201] [Pg 202] [Pg 203] [Pg 204] [Pg 205] [Pg 206] [Pg 207] [Pg 208] [Pg 209] [Pg 210] [Pg 211] [Pg 212] [Pg 213] [Pg 214] [Pg 215] [Pg 216] [Pg 217] [Pg 218] [Pg 219] [Pg 220] [Pg 221] [Pg 222] [Pg 223] [Pg 224] [Pg 225] [Pg 226] [Pg 227] [Pg 228] [Pg 229] [Pg 230] [Pg 231] Charging a Case. Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. solid piece of wood. After catisng, the rough solid piece of wood. After casting, the rough ironmongers', of lengths varying from 1 inch ironmonger's, of lengths varying from 1 inch |