6.htm.html#Page_108" class="pginternal">108 Coward, 83 Crab, 32 Craft, 131 Craftsman, 97 Crane, 145 Cranes, 179 Creaking, 205 Creep, 194 Cripple, 120, 151 Cripples, 85, 99 Crooked carlin, 120 Crooks, 30 Crow, 27, 120 Crucifixes, 55 Cry, great, 128 Cry out, 57 Cup, 144 Cupar, 93 Curse, 172 Custom, 96-98 Cutty, 155 Dainty, 189 Dancer, 89 Darkest hour, 57 Daughter, 114 Daughters, 24, 28 Day, 67, 142 Daylight, 166 Dead, 114 Dead men's, 146 Dear, 74 Debt, 64 Deil, 65, 71, 72, 128, 200 Deils, 63 Delay, 139 Devil, 86, 130, 132, 136, 138, 143, 153, 187, 217 Devils, 52 Die, 146 Dirt, 162 Dirty-nosed, 120 Dishclout, 84, 163 Disease, 203 Ditch, 142 Doctor, 203, 204 Dog, 37, 48, 51, 58, 83, 103, 204 Friends, 39, 40, 43-46, 136, 147 Friendship, 40, 42, 43, 45 Frog, 34 Fruit, 70, 161 Fruit, forbidden, 93 Fruit, late, 30 Fryingpan, 161 Fules, 197 Full-fed, 190 Furriers, 183 Gain, 76 Galled horse, 124 Gallows, 116, 183 Gambrel, 30 Gander, 1 Gear, 75 Gear to tine, 186 Gentle, 70, 81 Gentleness, 81 German, 222, 225 Germany, 225 Gibbet, 116 Giblets, 115 Giff-gaff, 50 Gifts, 90 Gileynoar, 79 Giving, 113 Glass houses, 119 Glitters, 128 Glowworm, 128 Glutton, 81 Goat, 10 God, 105, 114, 130, 136, 138, 139, 141, 145, 170, 187, 200, 204 God help, 120 Godfathers, 114 God's sake, 115, 210 Gold, 83, 128, 188 Good name, 164 Good-will, 90 Goodwin Sands, 220 Goose, 1, 115 Gospel, 157 Gotham, 126 Naethin, 71 Nag, 34 Nail, 154, 206 Naked, 99 Naples, 226 Neck, 55, 85 Need, 48, 49, 190 Neighbours, 40 Nest, 36 Newcastle, 218 News, 109 Night, 57, 142 Nile, 54 Nobody, 112 Nose, 54, 109, 124, 125 Nothing to do, 72 November, 214 Nuns, 209 Offence, 126 Office, 195, 197 Offices, 196 Old, 149, 206 Old sores, 63 Olive, 142 One-eyed, 154 Opens, 67 Opinions, 160 Orchard, 113 Oven, 120 Ower hot, 82 Ower mony, 82 Ox, 37, 54 Pacha, 101 Pains, 71, 72 Pan, 120 Paradise, 217 Paris, 226 Path, 123 Patience, 66, 68, 69 Pence, 75 Penny, 54, 75, 84 Peralvillo, 184 Perforce, 90 Perhaps, 86 Perseverance, 69 Peter, 45, 101 Petticoat, 112 Pettitoes, 115 Physician, 121, 208 Pie, 113 Pig, 51, 129 Sow, 34, 49, 189 Spain, 224, 225 Spaniard, 217, 223, 224 Spanish, 222 Speech, 168 Spoil, 98 Spoil a horn, 62, 86 Spoleto, 217 Spoon, 86 Spots, 121, 122 Sprat, 113 Spune, 62, 65 Squints, 10 Stable door, 63 Steal, 115 Steal a horse, 164, 217, 224 Stealing, 133, 194 Stop, 193 Sticking, 156 Sting, 117 Stinking fish, 108 Stockfish, 18 Stolen, 63, 93 Store, 75 Storm, 67 Stout, 49 Stout heart, 69 Stretch your arm, 62 Strike, 138 Stuarts, 101 Stupidity, 52 Sublime, 83 Summer, 214 Summers, 215 Sunday, 224 Supper, 76 Supperless, 196 Surety, 64 Swabian, 225 Sweet malt, 81 Swimmer, 123 Take-it-easy, 80 Tarry breeks, 50 Teeth, 16, 173 Tenterden steeple, 220 Tether, 145 Thanks, 197 Thief, 48, 116, 183, 194 Thieves, 24, 184 Think, 168 Tholes, 69 Thorn, 30 Thorns, THE END. Winchester: Printed by Hugh Barclay. NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED BY W. KENT & CO. (LATE D. BOGUE), 86, FLEET STREET, AND PATERNOSTER ROW. Foolscap cloth, 2s. 6d., THE WIT AND OPINIONS OF DOUGLAS JERROLD Edited by his SON. A collection of the bright thoughts, pungent sarcasms, and words of wisdom uttered by this celebrated man. Illuminated boards, 1s. 6d., SECOND SERIES, RECOLLECTIONS OF A DETECTIVE POLICE OFFICER. By "WATERS." Being a collection of incidents of the same thrilling interest as those contained in the First Series. In crown 8vo., price 12s. cloth, with a portrait on steel, THE LIFE AND REMAINS OF DOUGLAS JERROLD. By his Son, BLANCHARD JERROLD. Containing also a quantity of interesting Correspondence with some of the principal Literary Men of the day. "Here we have Jerrold at home; and a more beautiful and winning portrait of a man of letters does not, we think, exist."—AthenÆum. In fscp. 8vo., fifth edition, greatly enlarged, 12s. 6d. cloth, MEN OF THE TIME. 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With several hundred Woodcuts. New edition, greatly enlarged and improved. LONDON: W. KENT & CO. (LATE D. BOGUE), 86, FLEET STREET, AND PATERNOSTER ROW. Transcriber's Note Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained. Minor punctuation inconsistencies have been silently repaired. Corrections. The first line indicates the original, the second the correction. p. 154 - The mouse that has but one hole is soon caught.
- The mouse that has but one hole is soon caught. (Latin)
p. 193 - Teh hardest step is over the threshold.
- The hardest step is over the threshold.
Footnote 362 - Der Weg zum Verderben est mit guten VorsÄtzen gepflastert.
- Der Weg zum Verderben ist mit guten VorsÄtzen gepflastert.
Footnote 557 - Chi della serpa È punto, ha paura della lucertola.
- Chi della serpe È punto, ha paura della lucertola.
Footnote 653 - Van dreigen sterft man niet.
- Van dreigen sterft men niet.
Footnote 657 - Schiaffo minacciato, mai ben dato. Bofeton amagado, nunca bien dado.
- Schiaffo minacciato, mai ben dato. BofetÓn amagado, nunca bien dado.
Footnote 658 - Gato maublador nunca buen caÇador.
- Gato maullador nunca buen caÇador.