+To the Teacher+.—For additional exercises in composition, see Notes, pp. 176-180. Change the following simple sentences into complex sentences by expanding the phrases into adjective clauses. +Model+.—People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Those living in the Arctic regions need much oily food. Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences by contracting the adjective clauses into phrases. Much of the cotton which is raised in the Gulf States is exported. Change the following simple sentences into complex sentences by expanding the phrases into adverb clauses. +Model+.—Birds return in the spring. The dog came at call. In old age our senses fail. Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences by contracting the adverb clauses into phrases. The ship started when the tide was at flood. By supplying noun clauses, make complete sentences out of the following expressions. —— is a well-known fact. |