MISCELLANEOUS ERRORS FOR CORRECTION. (See Cautions in Lessons 30, 40, and 41.)
There never was such another man.
He was an old venerable patriarch.
John has a cadaverous, hungry, and lean look.
He was a well-proportioned, fine fellow.
Pass me them potatoes.
Put your trust not in money.
We have often occasion for thanksgiving,
Now this is to be done how?
Nothing can justify ever profanity.
To continually study is impossible.
(An adverb is seldom placed between the preposition to and the infinitive.)
Mary likes to tastefully dress.
Learn to carefully choose your words.
She looks queerly.
Give me a soon and direct answer.
The post stood firmly.
The eagle flies highly.
The orange tastes sweetly.
I feel tolerable well.
The branch breaks easy.
Thistles grow rapid.
The eagle flies swift.
This is a miserable poor pen.
A wealthy gentleman will adopt a little boy with a small family.
A gentleman called from Africa to pay his compliments.
Water consists in oxygen and hydrogen.
He went out attended with a servant.
I have a dislike to such tricksters.
We have no prejudice to foreigners.
She don't know nothing about it.
Father wouldn't give me none.
He hasn't been sick neither.
I won't have no more nohow.
+To the Teacher+.—Let the reason be given for every correction.