Prefix five adjectives to each of the following nouns. Shrubs, wilderness, beggar, cattle, cloud. Write ten sentences with modified subjects, using in each two or more of the following adjectives. A, an, the, heroic, one, all, many, every, either, first, tenth, frugal, great, good, wise, honest, immense, square, circular, oblong, oval, mild, virtuous, universal, sweet, careless, fragrant. Write five sentences with modified subjects, each of which shall contain one of the following words as a subject. Chimney, hay, coach, robber, horizon. An and a are forms of the same word, once spelled an, and meaning one. After losing something of this force, an was still used before vowels and consonants alike; as, an eagle, an ball, an hair, an use. Still later, and for the sake of ease in speaking, the word came to have the two forms mentioned above; and an was retained before letters having vowel sounds, but it dropped its n and became a before letters having consonant sounds. This is the present usage. CORRECT THESE ERRORS.A apple; a obedient child; an brickbat; an busy boy. CORRECT THESE ERRORS.A heir; a hour; a honor. Notice, the first letter of these words is silent. CORRECT THESE ERRORS.An unit; an utensil; an university; an ewe; an ewer; an union; an use; an history; an one. Unit begins with the sound of the consonant y; and one, with that of w. +To the Teacher+.—See "Suggestions for COMPOSITION EXERCISES," p. 8, last paragraph. |