- Abbey aux Dames, 79.
- Abbey aux Hommes, 79.
- Abelard, 121.
- Ambrose, 18.
- Amiens, viii.
- Amiens Copy, 107.
- Angelo, xii, 102.
- Bayeux, viii.
- Beauvais, viii.
- Bernard, Saint, 47.
- Bibliotheque Nationale, 116.
- Bologne sur Mer, viii.
- Bouillon, Godfrey de, 45.
- Bourg, viii.
- Browning, 113.
- Brunelleschi, 33.
- Caen, viii, 73.
- Calderon, 90.
- Carpio (see de Vega), 88.
- Cassiodorus, 105.
- Charlemagne, 106.
- Charles le Bel, 56.
- Charles the Bald, 55.
- Charles the Wise, 116.
- Chartres, viii, 51.
- Chaucer, xiii, 126.
- Cherbourg, viii.
- Cicely, 79.
- Clovis, 26, 27, 28, 52, 55.
- Cnut, 62.
- Coutances, viii.
- Corday, 97.
- Court of Love, 129.
- Crusade of Children, xv.
- Denis, Abbey de Saint, 38.
- Denis, Saint, 40.
- Dieppe, viii.
- Dinan, ix, 85.
- Dinard, ix.
- Dols, ix.
- DÜrer, xiv.
- Durrow, 106.
- Ebbon, 29, 30.
- Eleanor, Queen, 129.
- Eloi, Saint, 40.
- Francis, xvi.
- Fulbert, 62, 121.
- Fulda, Abbot of, 107.
- Georgebus, 133.
- Ghiberti, 102.
- Gibbon, 55.
- Glass, 44,
FOOTNOTES: Transcriber’s Notes: The cover image was created by the transcriber, and is in the public domain. The illustrations and footnotes have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs. Errors in punctuation and inconsistent hyphenation were not corrected unless otherwise noted. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered. |