’Abd-el-Kadir, 305-6
’Abd-el-Melik. Khalif, 7
’Abd-er-Rahman, 7
Acre, 62
Acton, Chevalier, 191
Aden, 98
Aegina, 97
“Africa” (Mahdiya), Siege of, 128-133;
(Illustr.) 129;
taken by Dragut, 133;
retaken by Doria, 134.
Aghlabis, 7, 21
Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress, 4, 299
Alghero, 62
Algiers, 8;
taken by D. Pedro Navarro, 13;
orthography, 13 n., 16, 19;
occupied by Uruj Barbarossa, 46;
ruled by Kheyr-ed-din, 54;
Hasan Aga, viceroy, 81;
Charles V.’s Expedition, 112-123;
renegade Pashas, 185;
Turkish Deys, 185-7;
its galleys, 218 ff.;
its slaves, 235 ff.;
arrogance of its Deys, 257 ff.;
bombardment, 297;
French occupation, 301-7
Algiers (Illustr.) frontispiece, 48, 115
Alhucemas, 188
’Ali Aga, 272
’Ali Pasha at Lepanto, 164, 173-6
Allen, Sir T., 272
Almohades, 7, 21
Almoravides, 21
Alva, Duke of, 113
’Amr, General, 7
Angelo, Fort (Corfu), 97
Angelo, Fort (Malta), 136, 142 ff.
Aragon, 23
Aranda, Emanuel d’, 195
Arenela, 143
Armadores, 221
Arta, Gulf of, 101 ff.
Astrolabe, 170
Astrolabe, observation with, 104
Atlas range, 14
Aubusson, D’, 66
Aumale, Duc d’, 306
Ayas, Grand Vezir, 96
Aydin ReÏs “Drub-Devil,” 56, 57, 89B
Bab Azun, 117, 118
Bab-el-Wed, 117
Bainbridge, Capt., 277 ff.
Balaklava, 62
Balearic Islands, 24, 56, 57
Baltimore in Ireland sacked, 233, 265
Barbarigo, 173, 175
Barbarossa, Uruj, birth, 31;
Lives of, 31 n.;
arrives at Tunis, 32;
takes Papal Galleys, 35;
settles at Jerba, 40;
attacks Bujeya, 40;
is wounded, 43;
second attempt on Bujeya, 44;
goes to Jijil, 44;
surprises Shershel, 46;
occupies Algiers, 49;
defeats the Spaniards, 50;
conquers Tinnis, 51;
is pursued by the Spaniards, 51;
and killed, 52
Barbarossa, Kheyr-ed-din, see Kheyr-ed-din
Barbary peninsula, 14 ff.
Barbary, map of, 17
Barcone, 231
Bastion de France, 253-4
Bazan, Alvaro de, 173
Beaufort, Henry, 131
Bekri, El, 26
Beshiktash, 111
Besistan, 243
Beys of Tunis, 22
Blake, Admiral, 269
Blomberg, Barba, 167
Boccanegra, 103
Bona, 19, 24, 26
Bona, Cape, 19
Borak ReÏs, 66-7
Bourbon, Duke of, 131
Bourbon, FranÇois de, 106
Boyssat, 89 n.
Brigantine (VergÃtina), 10, 205
Bragadino, 164
Braithwaite, Capt., 191 n.
BrÈves, M. de, 226
Broadley, A. M., 89 n., 257, 295, 307
Bruce, James, 273
Bugeaud, Marshal, 306
Bujeya, taken by Spaniards, 12;
harbour, 19, 23;
besieged by
Uruj Barbarossa, 40;
again, 44, 51;
Charles V. at, 122, 254
Burgol, 222C
Caesarea Augusta, 13 n.
Cairo, 21
Canale, 95
Capellan, Van, 296
Capello, 101-4, 194
Carack, 86, 103
Caramuzel, 231
Caravel (Illustr.), 11, 231
Cardona, Juan de, 150, 168, 177
Carthage, 19
Castelnuovo, 105
Catena, 9, 168 n.
Cattaro, 105
Cerda, Juan de la, 147
Cervantes, 177, 246-8
Cervellon, 182
Cetraro, 84
Ceuta, 16, 20, 23, 188
Challoner, Sir T., 122
Charles V., 51, 57, 77;
at Tunis, 86-91;
at Algiers, 112-123, 167
Chenier, 191 n.
Chesneau, 83 n.
Chioggia, 62
Christian privileges in Barbary, 22
ClÉment, Saint-, 161, 192
Col, 55
Collingwood, Admiral, 292
Colonna, 163, 173, 176
Comares, Marq. de, 51
Comelin, Father, 255
Commercial Treaties, 22
Compass, 99
Condulmiero, 103
Constantine, 55
Constantinople, 82-3
Consuls at Algiers, &c., 259 ff.
Cordova, 7
Corfu, 95;
besieged, 96-7
Corsica, 7, 24
Cortes, 114
Cossier, 89
Cottington, 229
Courcy, De, 131
Crossbow, observation with, 55
Cruz, Marquis of Santa, 177
Cyprus, 72;
taken by Turks, 162-4D
Damad ’Ali, 181
Dan, Father, 218, 219, 220, 233, 235 ff., 252 ff.
Danser, Simon, 226
Dardanelles, 62
Daud Pasha, 67-71
Decatur, Stephen, 283 ff., 293
Delgarno, 188
Deli Memi, 246
Dellals, 243
Denis, Sir Peter, 264
Denmark and Tunis, 258 ff.
Deys of Algiers, 22, 262 ff.
Doria, Andrea, drives Kheyr-ed-din from the Goletta, 43;
life up to 1533, 76-8;
portrait, 79;
takes Coron, 81;
misses Kheyr-ed-din, 82;
expedition to Tunis, 86 ff.;
chases Kheyr-ed-din, 93;
fight off Paxos, 95;
defeated at Prevesa, 101-4;
inactivity, 110;
expedition to Algiers, 113 ff.;
to Mahdiya, 133;
lets Dragut slip, 135;
death, 140
Doria, Giannettino, 112, 127
Doria, Giovanni Andrea, 138-40, 163, 168, 173, 175
Doria, Roger, at Jerba, 128
Dragut, ReÏs (Torghud), 56, 98, 103, 110, 112;
early career, 124;
captivity, 127;
ransom, 112, 127;
at Jerba, 128;
takes “Africa,” 133, and loses it, 134;
escape from Jerba, 135;
joins the Ottoman navy, 136, 138;
destroys the Christian fleet at Jerba, 140;
dies at the siege of Malta, 146-9
“Drub-Devil” Aydin, 56
DuperrÉ, Admiral, 302
Dynasties of N. Africa, 21E
Echinades, 173
Elba looted, 82
Elmo, Fort St., 142-9
England and Algiers, 257 ff.
Eski Serai, 82
Evangelista, Master, 142
Exmouth, Lord, 293 ff.F
Falcon, Consul, 264
Fatimis, 7, 21, 24
Ferdinand the Catholic, 8, 13, 44
Fez, Bishop of, 22
Fondi sacked, 84-5
Formentara, 57, 224
France and Algiers, 256 ff., 301 ff.
Francis I., 77, 94, 106-10
Frazer, Hon. A. C., 264
Frizell, Consul, 266
Froissart, 128-33
Furttenbach, 206 ff., 232G
Gabes, Gulf of, 26
Galata, 62
Galleasse, 68, (illustr.) 69, 227;
description, 206, 230
Galleon (illustr.), 6;
description, 205
Galleot, description, 218
Galley (illustr.), 37, 64;
building at Constantinople, 83;
(illustr.) 107, 203, 207, 209, 211;
description of, 200 ff., 213 ff.
Gembloux, 178
Genoa, 23, 43, 61 ff., 77
Goletta of Tunis, 16, 32, 78, 86
Gonzaga, Giulia, escape of, 84-5
Granada, fall of, 8
GraviÈre, Admiral Jurien de la, 31 n., 59, 71, 73, 81, 83, 104, 123, 138, 150, 177, 206, 215
Greece, raid among the isles of, 97
Greek fire, 131
Grimani, 67, 71, 101-4
Guaras, Jean de, 146H
Haedo, Diego de, 31 n., 36, 82 n., 200-5, 219, 220, 223-4
Hafs, dynasty, 21, 23, 32, 85
Hajji Khalifa, 31 n., 67, 82 n., 98, 104
Hammad, dynasty, 21
Hammer, Von, 31 n., 104
Harebone, Mr., 260
Hasan Aga, 81, 112;
defends Algiers against Charles V., 112-23
Hasan, King of Tunis, 85-91
Hasan, Pasha of Algiers, 246-7
Herbert, Admiral, 272
Hisar ReÏs, 134
Holland and Algiers, 257 ff., 271, 295
Hope, Capt., 264
Hospitallers, Knights of St. John, 66, 73, 76, and see Malta
Ibrahim, Grand Vezir, 83, 89, 94
Ibrahim Lubarez, 277
Idris, 21
Inchiquin, Earl of, 269
India, expedition to, 98J
Jerba, lotus-eaters’ island, 16, 40;
(illustr.) 125;
Dragut’s lair, 128;
his escape from, 135;
destruction of the Christian fleet, 139
JezaÏr, Al-, 13 n.
Jijil, 19, 20;
occupied by Uruj Barbarossa, 44
John of Austria, Don, 164-78, 246
Julius II., Pope, 35K
Kasaba at Algiers, 244 ff.
Kara Hasan, 49
Kayrawan, 91
Kemal ReÏs, 66
Keppel, Admiral, 273
Khaldun, Ibn-, 26
Khalifs, 7, 21
Kheyr-ed-din Barbarossa, birth, 31 and n., 36 n.;
driven from the Goletta, 43;
character, 53;
policy towards Sultan, 54;
appointed Governor of Algiers, 54;
defeats Hugo de Moncada, 55;
storms the PeÑon de Alger, 58;
summoned to Constantinople, 75;
arrival, 82;
High Admiral of Turkey, 83, 94;
raid in Italy, 84;
sacks Fondi, 85;
takes Tunis, 86;
is expelled, 89;
sacks Port Mahon, 92-3;
at Stambol, 94;
lays waste Apulia, 96;
siege of Corfu, 96-7;
takes Castelnuovo, 105;
at Marseilles, 106;
siege of Nice, 109;
winters at Toulon, 109;
returns to Constantinople, 111;
death, 111
Knights of St. John, 66, 73, 76
Koka, 67
Kuroghler, Creole, 221L
Lacalle, 19;
taken by Turks, 71
Lepanto, 67;
battle of, 164-178
Lesbos, 31
Liman ReÏs, Port Admiral, 225
Lomellini family, 19, 43
Loredani family, 65, 68
Louis, St., 85
Lucida, S., stormed, 84
Luni, 24
Lutfi Pasha, 81, 96M
Madeira, 232
Mahon, Port, sacked, 93, 114
Mahdiya, 16, 21, 24, 26;
siege by Bourbon, 128-133;
(Illustr.) 129;
taken by Dragut, 133;
by Doria, 134
Mahmud, Bey of Tunis, 294-5
Majorca, 57
Malta, description of, 143
Malta, Knights of, 76, 86 ff., 109, 118-123, 136-8, 141-159, 161, 177, 213;
captives, 244 ff.
Mansell, Sir R., 272
Marabut, 222
Marmora, 62
Matha, Juan de, 251
Marmol, 31 n.
Marsa, La, 143
Mars-el-Kebir, 19
Marseilles merchants, 19, 254
Marseilles receives the Turkish fleet, 106
Martinego, 73
Mas-Latrie, Cte. de, 24, 25
Maura, Santa, 103
McDonell, Consul, 296 ff.
Medina-Celi, Duke of, expedition to Jerba and defeat, 138-140
Memi Arnaut, 185
Memi Gancho, 220
Mendoza, 81, 114
Merin, dynasty, 22
Minorca, 92
Modon, 71
Mohammed II., 31, 65, 66
Mohammed Es-Sadik, 308-9
Moor of Alexandria, 95
Moors in Spain, Story of, 8, 167
Morgan, S., 36, 46, 52, 58, 91, 104, 215, 241, 268
Moriscos, 26, 57, 59
Morocco, 187-191
Mujahid (Muget), 24
MuÑatones, 156
Murad ReÏs, 98, 192, 193, 233
Murad IV., 194
Muset, 143
Mustafa, Seraskier, 144 ff.
Mustafa, Lala, 162-3
Mustafa, Bogotillos, 187N
Narborough, Sir John, 272
Navarino, 67, 68
Navarro, D. Pedro, takes Oran, Algiers, &c., 12-13, 43, 138
Nave, 231
Naxos, 97
Neale, Sir H., 300
Negropont, 65
Nelson, Admiral Lord, 292
Nice, siege of, 109O
Ochiali (El-Uluji, Uluj Ali), at Jerba, 140;
at Malta, 146;
his exploits, 161;
at the battle of Lepanto, 175-7;
retakes Tunis, 182;
death, 185, 219
Oglander, Consul, 294
Oliva, 57
’Omar, Khalif, 7
Oran, 8;
taken by Spaniards, 12;
harbour, 19, 51
Othello, 65
Otranto, 65P
Page, Sanson Le, 252-4
Pallavicini, Cristofero, 81
Patras, 71, 81
Paxos, 95, 97
Pellew, Sir Edward, see Exmouth
PeÑon de Alger founded, 13, 45, 46, 49, 51;
destroyed, 59
PeÑon de Velez da la Gomera, 188
Pertev Pasha, 176
Piali Pasha, 138;
at Jerba, 140;
at Malta, 145 ff.;
at Cyprus, 162-4
Pichinin, ’Ali, 194-9
Piracy, pleasures of, 9-13
Pisa, 23, 24, 25
Pius V., 162, 164, 177
Philadelphia, loss of the, 280
Playfair, Sir R. L., 242 n., 261, 273, 296, 302
Polacca, 231
Porto Farino, 19, 269
Portundo, General, 57
Portus Divinus, 19
Preble, Commodore, 276 ff.
Prevesa, battle of, 101-4
Provence, 23R
Ramadan Sardo, 185, 200
Ransoms, 267
Redemption, order of, 251 ff.
Reggio looted, 84;
burnt, 106
ReÏs, 221
“Religion, The,” 86
Renegades, 200 ff.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 273
Rhodes, siege of, 66;
second siege and fall, 73
Robles, Melchior de, 150 ff.
Roe, Sir T., 272, 285
Romegas, 142
Roustan, M., 307-9S
SÁhara, 14, 15
Sale, 20, 23, 188, 191
Salih ReÏs, 56, 57, 98, 103, 110, 112
Salih ReÏs (II.), 156, 185
Salim, 45, 46, 49, 50
Sandwich, Lord, 272
Sanson Napolon, 254
Saracens, arts of, 72
Sardinia, 7, 24
Sarmiento, D. Francisco, 105
Scirocco (Mohammed Shaluk), 175
Selim II., 161
SevignÉ, Mons., on galley slaves, 217
Sfax, 128
Shaler, W., 293, 298
Sherifs of Morocco, 22
Shershel, 8, 19;
taken by Uruj Barbarossa, 46;
attacked by Doria, 78;
Ship supersedes galley, 229 ff.
Sicily, 7, 23, 24, 25
Sinan Pasha, attacks Malta, 136;
and Tripoli, 137
Sinan ReÏs, 56, 89, 98, 112
Simeoni, 109
Slaves on galleys, 39
Soame, Sir W., 273
Spain and Tunis, 258 ff.
Spragg, Sir E., 272
Spratt, Rev. D., 266
Stradiotes, 65
Suleyman the Magnificent, 60, 72 ff., 78, 82, 96-8, 104, 134, 142, 143, 161
Susa, 128
Syrtes, Greater, 16
Sweden and Tunis, 258 ff., 295T
Tabarka, 19, 43
Tangiers, 16, 188
Tartana, 231
Temendefust, 121
Tetwan, 188, 223-4
Tierra Nuova, Duke of, 192
Tilimsan, 7, 51
Timur, 66
Tinnis, 19;
conquered by Uruj, 51
Tipton, John, 259
Toledo, D. Garcia de, 133
Tongues of the Order of St. John, 73, 137
Torghud, see Dragut
Torpedoes, 232
Toulon receives Turkish fleet, 109
Treaties of Commerce, 22
Tripoli, 23, 274 ff., 294-5;
(Illustr.) 281
Tron, Alexandro, 97
Tunis, 7, 16, 20, 21, 23, 25, 32, 85;
taken by Kheyr-ed-din, 86;
retaken by Charles V., 86-93;
taken by Ochiali, 161;
retaken by Don John of Austria, 178;
again taken by Ochiali, 182;
arrogance of the Beys, 257 ff.;
Lord Exmouth, 294-5;
French invasion, 307-310
Tunis, Illustr. of, 33, 87
Turkey, Story of, 65, 66, 72, 78, 82, 94, 138U
United States and Barbary States, 258 ff., 274-293
Uruj, see BarbarossaV
Vacher, Jean de, 263
Valette, de la, 127, 142, 145 ff.
Vargas, D. Martin de, 58
Vasquez, 168
Venice, 23, 61 ff., 71 ff., 94 ff.
Venice, Oriental commerce of, 72
Venice, Greek islands, 97
Veniero, 62, 173, 176
Vera, D. Diego de, 50
Villiers, Gaspard de, 138W
Wales, Caroline, Princess of, 294-5
Watts, H. E., on Cervantes, 246-8
Wer, Captain, 226
William III., letter to ’Ali ReÏs, 187
Winchelsea, Earl of, 272
Windus, J., 191 n.X
Ximenes, Cardinal, 50Y
Yamboli, 104
Yani, 66Z
Zanne, 163
Zante, 72
Zeyris of Tunis, 21
Ziyan, dynasty, 21