Abbot, Mr., ;14, ;15
Abbott, Mrs., ;97
"A Chapter of Accidents, " song, ;12
Albany, N. Y., ;90, ;101
"All at Coventry, ";116
American Theatre, Phila., ;20
"Amilie; or, The Love Test, ";23
"An Alarming Sacrifice, ";116
"Animal Magnetism, ";112
"Antigone, ";22
"Antony's Orations, ";15
"An Unwarrantable Intrusion, ";58
"Apollo in New York, ";115
Arch Street Theatre, Phila., ;9, ;13, ;26
Astor Place Opera-House, ;97
"As You Like It, ";97, ;113
Atlanta, Ga., ;155
"Bachelors' Torments, ";53
Balls, Mr., ;15
Baltimore, Md., ;26, ;37
"Banker's Daughter, " the, ;132
"Barbers at Court, ";116
Barlow, S. L. M., ;179
Barnett, Morris, ;98, ;156
Barrett, Geo., ;38, ;45;
extended mention, ;75, ;76
Barry, Thos., ;38
"Beehive, " the, ;115
"Betsey Baker, ";116
Biddle, Nicholas, ;24
Blake, W. R., ;38, ;45, ;51;
extended mention, ;51-55;
mention, ;68, ;72, ;78, ;92, ;111, ;169, ;175
Bland, Humphrey, ;45, ;51;
extended mention, ;74, ;97, ;169
"Blighted Being, " a, ;73
"Blue Devils, ";112, ;140
Booth, Edwin, ;47, ;101
Boston, Mass., ;37, ;102
Boston Theatre, ;102
Boucicault, Dion, ;47, ;98, ;101, ;132
"Box and Cox, ";114
"Breach of Promise, " the, ;94, ;113, ;163, ;171
Broadway Theatre, ;38;;67, note
"Broken Heart, " the, ;114
Brooklyn, N. Y., ;39
Brougham, Jno., ;37, ;45;
extended mention, ;55-64, ;71, ;92, ;149
Brougham's Lyceum, ;60
Brougham, Mrs., ;60
Buckland, Mrs. Kate, ;45
Buckstone, J. B., ;36, ;131
Burton's Company in Chambers Street; extended review of particular players, ;45-92
"Burton's N. Y. Directory, ";114
Burton's New Theatre, ;88, ;99, ;100, ;101, ;102
Burton, Robert, ;158
Burton's Theatre, Chambers Street, ;27, ;29, ;34, ;36, ;39, ;40, ;42, ;44, ;47, ;56, ;63, ;74, ;85, ;88, ;93, ;97, ;99, ;149, ;168, ;169, ;172, ;175
Burton, Wm. Evans, subject of memoir, mention, preface;
birth and parentage, education, ;3;
edits a monthly magazine, amateur acting, ;4;
adopts the profession, first appearance in London, ;5;
succeeds Listen at Haymarket, plays with E. Kean, ;6;
his play of "Ellen Wareham, ";7;
progress and arrival in America, ;8;
first appearance in America, ;9;
portrait by Inman, ;9;
his success in Philadelphia, ;9 et seq.;
his musical talent, ;12;
development and versatility, ;13;
popularity and benefits, ;14;
busy with pen, ;16;
starts "The Gentleman's Magazine, ";16;
connection with E. A. Poe, ;16, ;17;
letter to Poe, ;18;
literary ventures, ;19, ;20;
President Martin Van Buren an auditor, ;20;
amusing experience at Napoleon, ;20 et seq.;
speech for the author of "Antigone, ";22;
first appearance in New York, ;22;
sundry appearances, ;23;
opens National Theatre, Phila.; produces "Naiad Queen"; at Providence; manager in New York, ;24;
loss by fire, ;25;
returns to Philadelphia, ;26;
survey of career in Phila., ;27 et seq.;
opens Chambers St. Theatre, ;36;
energy and perseverance, ;37;
charitable benefits, ;38;
popularity of theatre, ;39;
his power of attraction, ;40, ;41;
encomium of Jos. N. Ireland, ;42, ;43;
extended mention of members of company, ;45-92;
produces "Dombey and Son, ";56;
pleasantries with Brougham, ;58;
stage incident, ;59;
surprised by Thompson, ;84;
amusing correspondence with Norton, ;85, note;
relations with Mrs. Hughes, ;88;
his attributes as manager, ;95;
Shakesperian revivals, ;95, ;96;
plays for Dramatic Fund and Centenary Festival, ;97, ;98;
plays at Niblo's, ;99;
closes Chambers St. and opens New Theatre, ;99;
progress, ;100;
plays Dogberry, appears in Albany, ;101;
in Boston, ;102;
New Theatre closed, starring tour, ;102;
last appearance in New York, ;103;
engagement in Canada, and letter to his children, ;103-110;
last appearance on any stage, and death, ;110;
list of
parts acted, ;111-117;
personal appearance, ;121;
mental equipment, ;122, ;123;
an expounder and representative of the humor of the drama, ;124, ;125;
his comic power mentioned by Wemyss, ;125;
his performances in farce, ;123:
"The Mummy, ";134 et seq.;
Madame Vanderpants, ;137 et seq.;
"The Wandering Minstrel, " Pillicoddy, ;139.
His specially famous parts:
Paul Pry, ;144 et seq.;
Captain Cuttle, ;148 et seq.;
Ireland's tribute to Cuttle;151, note;
Aminadab Sleek, ;152 et seq.;
stage incident of "Serious Family, ";153;
ushered in with thunder, ;155;
Timothy Toodles, ;156 et seq.
His performances in comedy, ;158 et seq.:
Micawber, ;160;
Mr. Bumble, ;161;
Squeers, Sam Weller, ;162;
Bob Acres, ;164;
Tony Lumpkin, Chas. Goldfinch, ;165;
Dr. Ollapod, ;166;
Sir. Geo. Thunder, Job Thornberry (see;59 and;68), ;167;
Sir Oliver Surface, ;167;
Mr. Graves, Mock Duke, Adam Brock, Van Dunder, ;168;
"Nature's Nobleman, ";168;
John Smith, ;170;
Mr. Sudden, Thomas Trot, Don Whiskerandos, Triplet, ;171.
His performances in Shakespeare:
"A Midsummer-Night's Dream, ";171;
Bottom, ;172 et seq.;
Sir Toby Belch, ;174;
Caliban, Autolycus, Falstaff, ;175;
one of the Carriers in "Henry IV., ";176.
His residence and library; story of the painter, Elliot, ;179;
description of library, ;181 et seq.
Burton, Wm. Geo., father of subject, ;3, ;4
"Busybody, " the, ;117
Campbell, Thos., ;142
Carey & Hart, ;20
"Caste, ";132
Castle Garden, ;98
"Catspaw, " the, ;114
Chambers Street Theatre (see Burton's Theatre, Chambers St.)
Chapman, Caroline, ;45;
extended mention, ;60, ;61
Chapman, Mr., ;97
"Charles II., ";94, ;116
"Charles XII., ";94, ;116, ;163, ;168
Chatham Garden Theatre, ;53
Chatham Theatre, ;97
Chestnut Street Theatre, ;13, ;15, ;26
Chippendale, Mr., ;97
"Cinderella, ";113
Clapp, W. W., preface.
Clarke, C. W., ;45
"Cockney, " the, ;116
Cole, John O., ;90
Collins, John, ;101
Colman, Geo. (the Younger), ;9, ;131, ;167
"Comedy of Errors, ";111
"Comfortable Lodgings, ";116
Cooke's Circus Building, Phila., ;24
Cooke, Geo. Fred., ;126
"Cork Leg, " the, song, ;12
Covent Garden Theatre, ;166
"Crimson Crimes, ";116
"Critic, " the, ;113, ;163
"Cupid, ";14
"Cure for the Heartache, " a, ;69, ;114
Curwen, Henry, ;17, note
Cushman, Charlotte, ;24, ;91, ;97
Cushman, Susan, ;24
Daly, Augustin, ;132
Daly's Theatre, ;38
Dance, Chas., ;65
"Dan Keyser de Bassoon, ";36
"David Copperfield, ";61, ;62, ;74, ;88, ;93, ;113, ;160
Davidge, Wm., ;20, ;21
Dawson, Mr., ;38
"Deaf as a Post, ";11, ;14, ;163
"John Jones, ";12, ;14, ;22, ;110, ;117
"John of Paris, ";15
Johnston, T. B., ;45;
extended mention, ;61, ;73, ;92, ;160, ;167
Jonson, Ben, ;75, ;76
Jordan, Geo.,
;45, ;71;
extended mention, ;74, ;75, ;97
Kean, Edmund, ;6, ;7, note, ;142
Kemble, J. P., ;141
Kent, England, ;5
"Kill and Cure, ";23, ;114
"King's Gardener, " the, ;114
"Kiss in the Dark, " a, ;113
Knowles, J. Sheridan, ;10
"Ladies' Man, " the, ;12, ;14, ;116
"Lady of Lyons, " the, ;114
"Lancers, " the, ;115
"Last Man, " the, ;52
"Laughing Hyena, " the, ;112
"Laugh When You Can, ";98, ;115
Laura Keene's Theatre, ;101
"Leap Year, ";36, ;112
"Led Astray, ";132
"Lend Me Five Shillings, ";116
Leonard and Church Sts. Theatre, ;24
Lester, J. W. (see Lester Wallack)
Lewis, W. T., ;166
Library, Mr. Burton's, ;181 et seq.
"Life Among the Players, ";114
List of Characters, ;111-117
Liston, J., ;6, ;11, ;41, ;125, ;144, ;168
"Little Toddlekins, ";84
"Loan of a Lover, ";113
London, England, ;3, ;5, ;9, ;10, ;11, ;17, note, ;41
"London Assurance, ";113
Longfellow, H. W., ;124
"Lottery Ticket, " the, ;5, ;8, note, ;9, ;14, ;113
"Love Chase, " the, ;113
"Love in a Village, ";114
"Love in Humble Life, ";114
"Love in a Maze, ";116
"Lucia di Lammermoor, ";33
"Lucy Did Sham Amour, ";36
"Macbeth, ";117
"Macbeth Travestie, ";114
Macready, W. C., ;37
"Maidens, Beware, ";36
Malvina, Miss (see Mrs. W. J. Florence)
"Man of Many Friends, ";116
"Married an Actress, ";115
"Married by Force, ";115
"Married Life, ";13, ;113
"Masks and Faces, ";81, ;112, ;163
Mathews, Chas. (elder), ;3
Mathews, Chas. (younger), ;45, ;46, ;84, ;131
Maywood & Co. (managers), ;9, ;13
Mechanics Hall, Hamilton, Canada, ;110
"Merchant of Venice, " the, ;13, ;98, ;112
"Merry Wives of Windsor, " the, ;77, ;84, ;95, ;111, ;175
Metropolitan Theatre (see Burton's New Theatre)
"Midnight Watch, " the, ;114
"Midsummer-Night's Dream, " a, ;75, ;76, ;80, ;95;
extended mention, ;96, ;112, ;171
"Miller's Maid, " the, ;83
"Mind Your Own Business, ";117
Mississippi River, ;20
Mitchell, Maggie, ;97
"Money, ";113, ;163
"Mormons, " the, ;115
Morton, J. M., ;131
"Mrs. Bunbury's Spoons, ";117
"Much Ado About Nothing, ";13, ;114
"Mummy, " the, ;14, ;112;
extended mention, ;134 et seq.
Munden, J. W., ;11, ;54
"My Awful Dad, ";67
"My Fellow Clerk, ";116
"My Wife and Umbrella, ";115
"Naiad Queen, " the, ;24, ;25, ;113
Napoleon, town, ;20, ;21, ;22
National Theatre, Leonard St., N. Y., ;22, ;23
National Theatre, Phila. (formerly Cooke's Circus), ;24
"Nature's Nobleman, ";114, ;163;
extended mention, ;168 et seq.
Neilson, Adelaide, ;80
"New Way to Pay Old Debts, " a, ;116
New York, ;3, ;11, note, ;22, ;24, ;25, ;27, ;28, ;29, ;33, ;35, ;37, ;38, ;39, ;42, ;43, ;47, ;53, ;55, ;63, ;67, ;71, ;88, ;91, ;98, ;101, ;103, ;148, ;152, ;179
"New York in Slices, ";36
Niblo's Garden, ;23, ;99, ;103
"Nice Young Man, " a, ;115
"Nicholas Nickleby, ";83, ;85, ;93, ;113
Norton, W. H., ;45, ;71, ;85;
correspondence with Burton, ;85, note
Norwich, England, ;5
"No Song No Supper, ";14
"Not So Bad As We Seem, ";117
"Now-a-days, ";114
"Old Guard, " the, ;49
"Old Heads and Young Hearts, ";115
"Oliver Twist" (play), ;93, ;113, ;160, ;161
Olympic Theatre, London, ;41, ;85
Olympic Theatre, N. Y., ;38, ;97
"One-Hundred-Pound Note, ";116
"Ours, ";132
"Our Set, ";115
Palmo, Ferdinand, ;33
Palmo's Opera-House, ;27, ;33
Pardey, H. O., ;168
"Paris and London, ";49, ;113, ;163
Park Theatre, ;23, ;25, ;37, ;38, ;39
Parsloe, C., Jr., ;45, ;85, ;86
Parsons, Thos. Wm., poem of, ;47, ;48
"Patrician and Parvenu, ";23, ;117
"Paul Pry, ";50, ;72, ;94, ;113;
extended mention, ;144 et seq.
Pavilion Theatre, London, ;6, ;9
"Peep from the Parlor Windows, ";114
Pelham, Miss, ;10
Perry, H. A., ;98
Phelps, H. B., preface, ;89
Philadelphia, ;9, ;10, ;11, ;12, ;24, ;26, ;27, ;28, ;29, ;34, ;35, ;37
"Pickwickians, " the, ;94, ;113
Placide, Henry, ;24, ;38, ;45;
extended mention, ;48 et seq., ;51, note, ;92, ;111, ;147, ;167
Placide, Thomas, ;24
"Player's Plot, ";115
"Pleasant Neighbors, ";114
"Ploughman Turned Lord, " a, ;83
"Pocahontas; or, The Gentle Savage, ";64
Poe, E. A., ;16, ;19
Poole, John, ;144
"Poor Gentleman, " the, ;9, ;13, ;53, ;72, ;73, ;77, ;82, ;87, ;111, ;162, ;166
"Poor Pillicoddy, ";112
"Poor Scholar, " the, ;115
Povey, Jno., ;38
Power, Tyrone, ;14
"Pride Must Have a Fall, ";115
"Prince's Frolic, " the, ;114
Providence Theatre, ;24
"Raising the Wind, ";36, ;116
Raymond, J. T., ;92, ;132, ;142
Raymond, Miss, ;45
Raymond, O. B., ;61
Rea, Mrs., ;45
Recollections of Burton's acting, ;121-176
Reeve, John, ;14
"Rent Day, " the, ;114
"Review, " the, ;113
Richings, Peter, ;23, ;38
"Rip Van Winkle, ";132
"Rivals, " the, ;9, ;10, ;13, ;87, ;99, ;112, ;162
"Road to Ruin, " the, ;13, ;51, ;54, ;72, ;74, ;88, ;112, ;162, ;165
"Robert Macaire, ";112
Robertson, Agnes, ;45, ;46, ;47, ;90, ;98
Robertson, T. W., ;132
Robson, Stuart, ;92
"Rosedale, ";132
Rowe, Fawcett, ;92
Russell, Mrs. (nÉe Shaw; Mrs. Hoey), ;45, ;46;
Washington, ;26
"The Cork Leg, " song, ;12
Thompson, L. S., ;45;
extended mention, ;82-84
"Three and Deuce, ";15
"Tom Noddy's Secret, ";112
"Toodles, " the, ;94, ;112, ;152;
extended mention, ;156
"To Parents and Guardians, ";49, ;113
Toronto, Canada, ;103
Tripler Hall, N. Y.,
"Turning the Tables, ";116, ;140
"Turnpike Gate, " the, ;116
"Twelfth Night, ";49, ;77, ;78, ;95, ;112, ;174
"Twice Killed, ";114
"Two Bonnycastles, " the, ;112
"Two Buzzards, " the, ;116
"Two Orphans, " the, ;132
Union Square Theatre, ;132
United States Bank, ;24
"Upper Ten and Lower Twenty, ";116
"Used Up, ";67, note.
Van Buren, Martin, President, ;20
"Vanity Fair, ";117
"Venice Preserved, ";15
"Vicar of Wakefield, " the, ;114
Walcot, C. M., ;38, ;64
Walcott, Mrs., ;97
Wallack, Fanny, ;45, ;161
Wallack, J. W. (elder), ;14, ;15, ;16, ;22, ;23, ;25, ;46
Wallack, Lester, ;45, ;51;
extended mention, ;65 et seq., ;67, note, ;72, ;74, ;75, ;78, ;92, ;175
Wallack's Lyceum, ;64, ;70
Wallack's Theatre, ;54, ;132
"Wall Street, ";115
"Wandering Minstrel, " the, ;112, ;133, ;139
"Wanted, ;1, 000 Milliners, ";113;
extended mention, ;137 et seq.
Washington Theatre, ;26
"Water Party, " the, ;23, ;114
Watson, Miss, ;15
Watson, Mrs., ;15
"Way to Get Married, " the, ;68
Wemyss, F. C., preface, ;15, ;25, ;33, ;125
"West End, " the, ;68
Weston, Lizzie, ;45, ;46, ;68, ;169
"Wheel of Fortune, " the, ;77
White, R. W., ;80, ;172
"Widow Machree, " song, ;90
"Widow's Victim, " the, ;112
"Wild Oats, ";67, ;117, ;162
Williams, Mrs. Barney, ;47
Windsor, England, ;5
Winstanley, Mrs., ;38
"Winter's Tale, ";95, ;98, ;175
Winter, Wm., ;28
"Witch Wife, " the, ;115
Wood, Wm. B., preface, ;14, ;34
Woodworth, Sam'l, poet, ;22
Wynne, James, M.D., ;181
"Young Actress, " the, ;47, ;90
Young, Mrs. (see Mrs. Hughes)
"Young Quaker, " the, ;115
"You're Another, ";116
"Youthful Days of Louis XIV., ";117
Transcriber's Note
Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical errors.