- A
- Acetylene, gas burner, 302
- gas machine, the Colt, 300
- machines, 295
- generators, types of, 297
- stoves, 304
- Air conditioning, 240
- cooling plants, 244
- discharged by a flue, 225
- eliminators, 35, 36
- properties of, table, 199
- tester, the Wolpert, 233
- valves, 19
- Alcohol, sad irons, 289
- table stoves, 293
- Annunciators, 346
- Anthracite, graphitic, 186
- Atmospheric humidity, 196
- B
- Backventing, of plumbing, 105
- Bathroom, 97
- Bathtubs, 98
- fixtures for, 100
- Bibb, compression flange, 89
- flange, 89
- Fuller, 89
- hose, 89
- lever handle, 90
- screw, 89
- self-closing, 90
- solder, 89
- wash-tray, 91
- Boiler, at end of season, 79
- cast-iron, 19, 20, 38
- cylindrical form of, 38
- house heating, 19, 24
- rules for management of, 77
- sheet-metal, 19
- Boiler, steam, rules for management of, 78
- the house-heating steam, 19
- Boyle’s law, definition, 161, 272
- Briquettes, 189
- British thermal units, 4
- for one cent, 190
- B.t.u., 2, 32, 182, 185
- Burglar alarms, 344
- Buzzers, 344
- C
- Candle, foot, 313
- Hefner, 310
- power, 310
- horizontal, 310
- spherical, 311
- Cellar drain, 84
- Cell, Pilot, storage battery, 275
- open-flame, 278
- coal, 250
- lamps, mantle, 274, 276, 277
- lighters, 302
- measurements of, 253
- meter dials, reading of, 255, 256
- meters, 254
- prepayment, 256
- Pintsch, 251
- service rules, 256, 257
- ranges, 258
- water, 251
- Gases, heating values of, 252
- Gasoline, 250
- BeaumÉ test of, 261
- Gasoline, boulevard lamp, 287
- central generator plants for use of, 282
- cold process system of lighting with, 264, 265
- gas lamps, 286
- gravity test of, 262
- hollow-wire system of lighting and heating with, 269
- lamps, inverted mantle, 279
- portable, 280, 281
- lighting and heating with, 259, 264
- regulation and sale of, 261
- sad irons, 289
- stoves, burners for, 288
- Gate valve, 94
- Globe valve, 93
- angle, 94
- Grate surface, 53
- Gravity system, low pressure, 6, 15
- H
- Heaters, combination hot-air and hot-water, 56
- direct and indirect, 28
- furnace hot-water, 122
- instantaneous, 123
- tank, 121
- wash boilers, 96
- Heating, C. A. Dunham’s system of vapor, 34, 35
- direct indirect, 30
- hot-water, 26
- indirect method of, 29, 30
- low pressure system of, 5, 6
- overhead or drop system of steam, 14
- system of hot water, 44
- plants, management of, 70
- separate return system of steam, 13
- single pipe system of steam, 6, , 85
- gas,114
- Short circuiting, 334
- Sitz bath, 98
- Slicing bar, 72
- Slugging, 15
- Soil pipe, 84, 107
- Soot pocket, 80
- Stand pipe eliminator, 36
- Steam temperatures, 4
- Stop-cock, 46
- Stove, acetylene, 292
- gasoline, 288
- putty, 54
- Surface, grate, 53
- air-heating, 53
- Surging, 15
- Switch, automatic door, 378
- heater, 380
- local, 382
- service, 381
- System, high-pressure hot-water, 41
- low-pressure gravity, 6
- hot-water, 38
- overhead or drop, 14
- separate return, 13
- single pipe, 8
- two pipe, 10
- T
- Table, air discharged from flues, 229
- required for ventilation, 220
- calorific value of American coals, 192
- Table, dew-point, 210, 211
- frost prediction, 214
- heating values of coals, 93
- gases, 252
- wood, 187, 188
- hot-air furnaces, 51
- registers, 51
- lumens per watt, 314
- prices of fuels, 191
- properties of air, 199
- steam, 3
- radiators, sizes of, 27
- record of evaporation from hot-air furnace, 217
- relative heating values of domestic fuel, 252
- humidity, 202, 203
- sizes of hard coal, 183
- heating mains, 26
- hot-air furnaces, 51
- soft coal, 184
- thermal units for one cent, 190
- Table pushes, 346
- Tank heaters, 121
- expansion, 38, 40,