The adaptability of electricity to household use for lighting, heating and the generation of power has brought into use a host of mechanical devices that have found a permanent place in every community where electricity may be obtained at a reasonable rate, or where it can be generated to advantage in small plants. Because of its cleanliness and convenience, electricity is used in preference to other forms of lighting, even though its cost is relatively high. Electric power for household purposes is constantly finding new applications and will continue to increase in favor because its use as compared with hand power is remarkably inexpensive. Small motors adapted to most of the ordinary household uses are made in convenient sizes and sold at prices that are conducive to their greater use. Human energy is far too precious to be expended in household drudgery where mechanical power can be used in its place and often to greater advantage. Electric heating devices compete favorably with many of the established forms of household heating appliances, the electric flat-iron being a notable example. In all applications where small amounts of heat are required for short periods of time, electricity is used at a cost that permits its use, in competition with other forms of heating. The remarkable advance that has taken place in electric transmission in the past few years tends to an enormous increase in its use. The constant increase in its use for lighting, heating and power purposes is due in a great measure to the development of efficient electric generating plants from which this energy may be obtained at the least cost. In those communities where Incandescent Electric Lamps.—Anything made in the form of an illuminating device, in which the lighting element is rendered incandescent by electricity, may properly be called an incandescent lamp, whether the medium is incandescent gas as in the Moore lamp, an incandescent vapor as the Cooper Hewitt mercury-vapor lamp, or the incandescent filament of carbon or metal such as is universally used for lighting. From the year 1879, when Mr. Edison announced the perfection of the incandescent electric lamp, until 1903, when for a short period tantalum lamps were used, very little improvement had been made in the carbon-filament lamp. Immediately following the introduction of the tantalum lamp came the tungsten lamp, which because of its wonderfully increased capability for producing light has extended artificial illumination to a degree almost beyond comprehension. The influence of the tungsten lamp has induced a new era of illumination that has affected the entire civilized world. The development of the high-efficiency incandescent lamp has brought about a revolution in electric lighting. Its use is universal and its application is made in every form of electric illumination. Regardless of the immense number of tungsten lamps in use, the carbon-filament lamp is still employed in great numbers and will probably continue in use for a long time to come. In places where lamps are required for occasional use and for short intervals of time, the carbon filament still finds efficient use. In one form of manufacture the carbon filament is subjected to a metalizing process that materially increases its efficiency. This form, known commercially as the GEM lamp, fills an important place in electric lighting. Of the rare-metal filament lamps, those using tungsten and tantalum are in general use, but the tungsten lamps give results so much superior in point of economy in current consumed that the future filament lamps will beyond doubt be of that type unless some other material is found that will give better results. The filaments of the first tungsten lamps were very fragile and were so easily broken that their use was limited, but in a The metal tungsten, from which the lamp filament is made, was discovered in 1871. It is not found in the metallic state but occurs as tungstate of iron and manganese and as calcium tungstate. Up to 1906 it was known only in laboratories and on account of its rarity the price was very high. As greater bodies of ore were found and the process of extraction became better known, the price soon dropped to a point permitting its use for lamp filaments in a commercial scale. Pure tungsten is hard enough to scratch glass. Its fusing point is higher than any other known metal; under ordinary conditions it is almost impossible to melt it and this property gives its value as an incandescent filament. One of the laws that affect the lighting properties of incandescent lamps is: “the higher the temperature of the glowing filament, the greater will be the amount of light furnished for a given amount of current consumed.” The high melting point permits the tungsten filament to be used at a higher temperature than any other known material. Tungsten is not ductile, and in ordinary form cannot be drawn into wire. Because of this fact, the filaments of the first lamps were made by the “paste” process, which consisted of mixing the powdered metal with a binding material, in the form of gums, until the mass acquired a consistency in which it might be squirted through a minute orifice in a diamond dye. The resulting thread was dried, after which it was heated, and finally placed in an atmosphere of gases which attacked the binding material without affecting the metal. When heated by electricity in this condition, the particles of metal fused together to form a filament of tungsten. While the “paste” filaments were never satisfactory in general use, their efficiency as a light-producing Although tungsten in ordinary condition is not at all ductile, methods were soon found for making tungsten wire and the wire-filament lamps are now those of general use. One process of producing the drawn wire is that of filling a molten mass of a ductile metal with powdered tungsten after which wire is drawn from the mixture in the usual way. The enclosing metal is then removed by chemical means or volatilized by heat. Of the difficulties encountered in the use of metal-filament lamps that of the low resistance offered by the wire was overcome by using filaments very small in cross-section and of as great length as could be conveniently handled. The long tungsten filament requires a method of support very different from the carbon lamp. The characteristic form of tungsten lamps is shown in Fig. 217, in which the various parts of the lamp are named. Fig. 217.—An Edison Mazda lamp and its parts. The filament of an incandescent lamp is heated because of the current which passes through it. The electric pressure furnished by the voltage, forces current through the filament in as great an amount as the resistance will permit. A 16-candlepower carbon lamp attached to a 110-volt circuit requires practically ½ ampere of current to render the filament incandescent; the filament resistance must, therefore, allow the passage of ½ ampere. With a given size of filament, its length must be such as will produce the desired resistance. A greater length of this filament would give more resistance and a correspondingly less amount of current would give a dim light because of its lower temperature. Likewise, a shorter filament would allow more current to pass and a brighter light would result. When the size and length of filament is once found that will permit the right amount of current to pass, if the voltage is kept constant, the filaments will always E = RC that is E, the electromotive force in volts, is always equal to the product of the resistance R, in ohms, and the current C, in amperes. In the incandescent lamp, if the electromotive force is 110 volts and the current is ½ ampere, the resistance will be 220 ohms and as expressed by the law 110 = 220 × 0.5 From this it is seen that any change in the voltage will produce a corresponding change in the current to keep an equality in the equation. If the voltage increases, the current also increases and the lamp burns brighter. Should the voltage decrease the current will decrease and the lamp will burn dim. This dimming effect is noticeable in any lighting system whenever there occurs a change in voltage. The quantity of electricity used up in such a lamp is expressed in watts, which is the product of the volts and amperes of the circuit. In the lamp described, the product of the voltage (110) by the amount of passing current (½ ampere) is 55 watts. With the above conditions the 16 candlepower of light will require 3.43 watts in the production of each candlepower. The best performance of carbon-filament lamps give a candlepower for each 3.1 watts of energy. The filament of the tungsten lamp must offer a resistance sufficient to prevent only enough current to pass as will raise its temperature to a point giving the greatest permissible amount of light, and yet not destroy the wire. The high fusing point and the low specific heat of tungsten permits the filament to be heated to a higher temperature than the carbon filament and with a less amount of electric energy. These are the properties that give to the tungsten lamp its value over the carbon lamp. The exact advantage of the tungsten lamp has been investigated with great care and its behavior under general working conditions is definitely known. In light-giving properties where the carbon-filament lamp requires 3.1 watts to produce a candlepower The Mazda Lamp.—The trade name for the lamp giving the greatest efficiency is Mazda. The term is taken as a symbol of efficiency in electric incandescent lighting. At present the Mazda is the tungsten-filament lamp, but should there be found some other more efficient means of lighting, which can take its place to greater advantage, that will become the Mazda lamp. Candlepower.—The incandescent lamps are usually rated in light-giving properties by their value in horizontal candlepower. This represents the mean value of the light of the lamp which comes from a horizontal plane passing through the center of illumination and perpendicular to the long axis of the lamp. Candlepower in this connection originally referred to the English standard candle which is made of spermaceti. The standard candle is 0.9 inch in diameter at the base, 0.8 inch in diameter at the top and 10 inches long. It burns 120 grains of spermaceti and wick per hour. This candle is not satisfactory as a standard because of the variable conditions that must surround its use. The American or International standard is equal to 1.11 Hefner candles. The Hefner candle (which is the standard in continental Europe and South American countries) is produced by a lamp burning amylacetate. This lamp consists of a reservoir and wick of standard dimensions which gives a constant quantity of light. The light from this lamp has proven much more satisfactory as a means of measurement of light than the English standard and therefore its use has been very generally adopted. The light given out by an incandescent lamp is not the same in all directions. In making comparisons it is necessary to define the position from which the light of the lamps is taken. The horizontal candlepower affords a fairly exact means of comparing lamps which have the same shape of filament, but for different kinds of lamps it does not give a true comparison. The At their best, carbon-filament lamps require in electricity 3.1 w.p.c. (watts per candlepower). As the lamp grows old the number of watts per candle power increases, until in very old lamps the amount of electricity used to produce a given amount of light may become excessively large. According to a bulletin issued by the Illinois Engineering Experiment Station on the efficiency of carbon-filament incandescent lamps, the amount of electrical energy per candlepower varied from 3.1 w.p.c., when new, to 4.2 w.p.c., after burning 800 hours. A common practice in the use of carbon-filament lamps is to consider that the period of useful life ends at a point where the amount of electricity, per candlepower, reaches 20 per cent. in excess of the original amount. This point (sometimes termed the smashing point) would be reached after 800 working hours, according to the Illinois Station, and at about 1000 hours as stated by the bulletins of the General Electric Co. If a carbon-filament lamp burns for an average period of 3 hours a day for a year, it ought to be replaced. The Edison screw base as shown in Fig. 217 is now generally used in all makes of incandescent lamps for attaching the lamp to the socket. When screwed into place this base forms in the socket the connections with the supply wires, to produce a circuit through the lamp. One end of the filament is attached to the brass cap contact; the opposite end connects with the brass screw shell of the base. When the current is turned on, the contact made in the switch is such as to form a complete circuit between the supply wires; the voltage sending a constant current through the lamp produces a steady incandescence of the filament. In Fig. 218 is shown a carbon-filament lamp attached to an ordinary socket. The lamp base and socket are shown in section to expose all of the parts that comprise the mechanism. The insulated wires of the lamp cord enter the top of the socket and the ends attach to the binding screws A and B, which are insulated from each other and form the brass shell which encases the socket. Fig. 218.—Section of a lamp base and socket. Fig. 118 shows the use of an adapter that is sometimes encountered in old electric fixtures, the use of which requires explanation. Mention has already been made of the various forms of lamp sockets in use before the Edison base became a standard. In order to use an Edison lamp in a socket intended for another form of base an adapter must be employed to suit the new base to the old socket. In the figure the piece P1, is the adapter. This is intended to adapt the standard lamp base to a socket that was formerly in use on the Thompson-Houston system of electric lighting. The adapter is joined to the old socket by the screw at G and the circuit formed as already described. Lamp Labels.—For many years all incandescent lamps were rated in candlepower and were made in sizes 8, 16, 32, etc., candlepower. On the label was printed the voltage at which the lamp was intended to operate, and also the candlepower it was supposed to develop. Thus 110 v., 16 cp. indicated that when used on 110-volt circuit, the lamp would give 16 candlepower of light. This label in no way indicated the amount of energy expended. Commercial lamps are now manufactured in sizes of 10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 75, and 100 watts capacity for ordinary use. Of these the 40-watt lamp probably fulfills the greatest number of conditions and is most commonly used. Besides these there are the high-efficiency lamps of the gas-filled variety that are made in larger sizes and the miniature lamps in great variety. All are labeled to show the volts and the watts consumed. Illumination.—The development of high-efficiency lamps has caused a radical change in the methods of illumination. With cheaper light came the desire to more nearly approximate the effect of daylight in illumination. This has brought into use indirect illumination, in which the light from the lamp is diffused by reflection from the ceiling and walls of the room. Illuminating engineering is now a business that has to do with placing of lamps to the greatest advantage in lighting any desired space. In large and complicated schemes of lighting professional services are necessary, but in household lighting the required number of lamps for the various apartments are almost self-evident. The lighting of large rooms, however, requires thoughtful consideration and in many cases the only definite solution of the problem is that of calculation. The Foot-candle.—The amount of illumination produced over a given area depends not only on the number of lamps and their candlepower, but upon their distribution and the color of the walls and furnishings. In the calculation of problems in illumination, units of measure are necessary to express the amount of light that will be furnished at any point from its source. The units adopted for such purposes are the foot-candle and the lumen. The Lumen.—A light giving 1 candlepower, placed in the center of a sphere of 1 foot radius illuminates a sphere, the area To find the number of lamps required for lighting any space, the area in square feet is multiplied by the required intensity in foot-candles, to obtain the total necessary lumens, and the amount thus obtained is divided by the effective lumens per lamp. The bulletins of the Columbia Incandescent Lamp Works gives the following method of calculating the number of lamps required to light a given space: Number of lamps = (S × I)/(Effective lumens per lamp) The total lumens divided by the number of effective lumens per lamp gives the number of lamps required. In using the formula the effective lumens per lamp is taken from the following table:
The size of the units is a matter of choice since six 400-lumen units are equal to four 600-lumen units in illuminating power, etc. In deciding upon the proper size of lamps to use, consideration must be taken of the outlets if the building is already wired. In general the fewest units consistent with good distribution will be the most economical. The table shows the lumens effective for ordinary lighting with Mazda lamps and clear high-efficiency reflectors with dark walls and ceiling. Where both ceiling and walls are very light these figures may be increased by 25 per cent. To illustrate the use of the table, take an average room 16 by 24 to be lighted with Mazda lamps to an intensity of 3.5 foot-candles. If clear Holoplane reflectors are used, the values for lumens effective on the plane may be increased 10 per cent. due to reflection from fairly light walls. The lamps in this case are to be of the 40-watt type which in the table are rated at 160 lumens. To this amount 10 per cent. is added on account of the reflectors and walls. This data applied to the formula gives: s = 16 by 24 feet Fig. 219. Reflectors.—The character and form of reflectors have much to do with the effective distribution of the light produced by the lamp. The most efficient form of reflectors are made of glass and designed to project the light in the desired direction. The illustration in Fig. 219, marked open reflector, shows the characteristic features of reflectors designed for special purposes. They are made of prismatic glass fashioned into such form as will produce the desired effect and at the same time transmit Choice of Reflector.—Where the light from a single lamp must spread over a relatively great area, it is advisable to use an extensive form of reflector. This reflector is applicable to general residence lighting, also uniform lighting of large areas where low ceilings or widely spaced outlets demand a wide distribution of light. Where the area to be lighted by one lamp is smaller, the intensive reflector is used. Such cases include brilliant local illumination, as for reading tables, single-unit lighting or rooms with high ceilings as pantries or halls. Where an intense light on a small area directly below the lamp is desired, a focusing reflector is used. The diameter of the circle thus intensely lighted is about one-half the height of the lamp above the plane considered. Focusing reflectors are used in vestibules or rooms of unusually high ceilings.
The various other fixtures of Fig. 219 that are designated as reflectors are in some cases only a means of diffusion of light. In the use of the high-efficiency gas-filled lamps the light is too bright to be used directly for ordinary illumination. When these lamps are placed in opal screens of the indirect or the semi-indirect form the light produced for general illumination is very satisfactory. Considerable light is lost in passing through the translucent glass but this is compensated by the use of the high-efficiency lamps and the general satisfaction of light distribution. Lamp Transformers.—Lamps of the Mazda type, constructed to work at the usual commercial voltages, are made in low-power forms to consume as little as 10 watts; but owing to the difficulty of arranging a suitable filament for the smaller sizes of lamps, Fig. 220.—Miniature lamp transformer complete and the parts of which it is composed. The figure shows in A the assembled attachment with the lamp bulb in place. The part B, the transformer, changes the line voltage to that of a battery lamp. A line voltage of 110 may be transformed to suit a 6-volt miniature lamp. The parts C and D compose the screw base and the cover, in which is fitted the transformer B. Units of Electrical Measurement.—The general application of electricity has brought into common use the terms necessary in its measurement and units of quantity by which it is sold. The volt, ampere and ohm are terms that are used to express the conditions As already explained the volt is the unit of electric pressure which causes current to be sent through any circuit. The electric circuits of houses are intended to be under constant voltage—commonly 110 or 220—but the voltage may be any amount for which the generating system is designed. Independent lighting systems such as are used in house-lighting plants—to be described later—commonly employ 32 volts of electric pressure. Opposed to the effect of the volts of electromotive force is the resistance of the circuit, which is measured in ohms. Resistance has been called electric friction; it expresses itself as heat and tends to diminish the flow of current. Every circuit offers resistance depending on the length, the kind and the size of wire used. Since the wires of commercial lighting systems are made of copper, it can be said that the resistance of the circuit increases as the size of the conducting wire decreases. In large wires the resistance is small but as the size of the wire is reduced the resistance is increased. A long attachment cord of a flat-iron, may offer sufficient resistance to prevent the iron from heating properly. The ampere is the unit which measures the amount of current. The amperes of current determine the rate at which the electricity is being used in any circuit. The wires of a house must be of a size sufficient to carry the necessary current without heating. Any house wire which becomes noticeably warm is too small for the current it carries and should be replaced by one that is larger. The watt is the unit of electric quantity. The quantity of electricity being used in any circuit is the product of the volts of pressure and amperes of current flowing through the wires. The amount of current—in amperes—sent through the circuit is the direct result of the volts of pressure; the quantity of electricity is therefore the product of these two factors. A 25-watt lamp on a circuit of 110 volts uses 0.227 ampere of current. 25 watts = 110 volts × 0.227 amperes. Ten such lamps use 10 × 0.227 amperes = 2.27 amperes. The product of 110 volts and 2.27 amperes is 250 watts. In order to express quantity of energy, it is necessary to state the length of time the energy is to act and originally the watt represented the energy of a volt-ampere for one second. For commercial purposes this quantity is too small for convenient use and the hour of time was taken instead. The watt of commercial measurement is the watt-hour and in the purchase of electricity the watt is always understood as that quantity. Even as a watt-hour the measure is so small as to require a large number to express ordinary amounts and a still larger unit of 1000 watt-hours or the kilowatt-hour was adopted and has become the accepted unit of commercial electric measurement. Just as a dollar in money conveniently represents 1000 mills so does a kilowatt of electricity represent a convenient quantity. In the purchase of electricity, the consumer pays a definite amount, say 10 cents per kilowatt. This represents an exact quantity of energy, that may be expended in light, in heat, or in the generation of power, all of which may be expressed as definite quantities. As light, it indicates in the electric lamp the number of candle-power-hours that may be obtained for 10 cents. At this rate a single watt costs 0.01 cent an hour. A 25-watt electric lamp will therefore cost 0.25 (¼) cent for each hour of use; a 60-watt lamp costs 0.6 cent per hour; the ten 25-watt lamp mentioned above using 250 watts costs 2.5 cents per hour. As heat, it is expressed in English-speaking countries as British thermal units, 1 kilowatt-hour representing 3412 B.t.u. per hour. One cent’s worth of electricity at the rate given yields 341.2 B.t.u. of heat. As power, it represents an exact amount of work. So expressed, a watt represents 1/746 horsepower; therefore a kilowatt is represented in power as 1000/746 = 1.3 horsepower. Since the kilowatt purchased for 10 cents is a kilowatt-hour, the equivalent horsepower is for the same length of time. At the assumed rate, 10 cents buys 1.3 horsepower for one hour. When used as work Miniature Lamps.—Miniature electric lamps include all that are not used for general illuminating purposes. The term applies more particularly to the form of the base than to the voltage or candlepower of the filament. There are three general classes of these lamps: candelabra and decorative, that operate on lighting circuits of 100 to 130 volts and are usually intended for decorative purposes; general battery lamps used for flash lights; and lamps for automobiles and electric-vehicle service. Candelabra screw base Fig. 221.—Miniature lamp bases. The term miniature lamp applies more particularly to the base than to the voltage or candlepower. The style of base is characteristic of the service for which the lamp is designed rather than the size or number of watts consumed. There are two general styles of bases: the screw type of the Edison construction of which there are two sizes; and the bayonet type of which there are two styles of construction. Bases for miniature lamps are made in form to suit the conditions of their use. The styles at present are shown in Fig. 221. Of these the screw bases at the left are those attached to small flash-lamp bulbs and others of the smaller sizes of lamps. The two at the right of the figure are the bayonet style used under conditions not suited to the screw contact. In the case of automobile lamps and in places where vibration will cause loss of contact the bayonet base is generally in use. The lamp is held in place by the projecting lugs that engage with openings in the Effect of Voltage Variations.—Voltage variation may be temporary, due to changing load in the circuit, or in constantly overloaded circuits the voltage may be constantly below normal. The change in electric pressure affects in a considerable degree the amount of light given by the lamp. As an example, a 5 per cent. drop from the normal voltage will cause a decrease of 31 per cent. in the amount of light given. This means that if a lamp is working on a circuit of 110 volts and the voltage from any cause were to drop to 104½ volts, the light would decrease 6.8, almost 7 candlepower. Drop in voltage may also be due to the resistance of wires that are too small for the service. Lamps attached to such a circuit will constantly burn dim. Turn-down Electric Lamps.—The ordinary incandescent lamp lacks the flexibility of gas and oil lamp, in that the amount of light cannot be varied at will. This feature is attained in the electric turn-down lamp either by resistance added to the lamp circuit or by the use of two separate filaments in a single globe; one of ordinary lamp size and the other of such size that it consumes only a fraction as much energy as the normal lamp. Fig. 222.—Sectional view of a “turn-down” lamp socket. Turn-down lamps of the latter form are made in several styles, the chief points of difference being in the method of changing the contact from the high-to the low-power filament. In Fig. 222 The lamp base when screwed into the socket makes contact with the two service wires of the circuit at A and at E, which are part of the screw base. To light the lamp the current is switched on as in any lamp. The current enters at A and passes down the connecting piece to the contact B. The piece B is moved by the cord to light either the large or the small filament. In the position shown the current enters the small filament at C and in order to complete the circuit to E must traverse both the large and the small filament. The resistance of the small filament is such that the passing current raises it to a temperature of incandescence but the large filament does not heat sufficiently to give an appreciable amount of light. When the cord is pulled to light the large filament, the contact is made at D and the current passes directly through the large filament to complete the circuit at E. Turn-down lamps are especially adapted to the home. Their use in a child’s bedroom or sick chamber is a great convenience. The lamps are often constructed with a long-distance cord extending from a fixture to the bedside. By this means a dim or bright light is given as desired, with the least inconvenience. Turn-down lamps are made in a variety of sizes. The large filaments are arranged to give 8, 16, and 32 candlepower. With the 8-candlepower lamp the small filament gives ½ candlepower and with the 16-and 32-candlepower the small filament gives 1 candlepower. With the lamps described, the variation in amount of light is attained by changing the contacts, to bring into action filaments The Dim-a-lite.—In another form of turn-down lamp the change in amount of light is produced by external resistance in the circuit. The resistance is furnished by a coil of wire which is enclosed in a special lamp socket. It possesses the advantage as a turn-down lamp in a number of changes of light. The added resistance in a socket decreases the flow of current and, therefore, the filament gives less light. The resistance wire is divided into a number of sections and contact with the terminals of these sections decreases the light with each addition of resistance. The heat generated in the resistance coils is dissipated by the brass covering of the socket. Fig. 223.—The resistance type of “turn-down” lamp. An illustration of a turn-down lamp using a separate resistance is that of Fig. 223, known commercially as the Dim-a-lite, which is an excellent example. The Dim-a-lite attachment is a lamp socket in which is enclosed a miniature rheostat or resistance unit. The lamp, when placed on the Dim-a-lite, makes electrical contact as in an ordinary socket but with the difference that in series with the lamp filament is the rheostat, by means of which additional resistance may be added to change the current flowing in the lamp. The rheostat is so arranged that contact may be made at four different points in the resistance coil, through which the electricity may be varied from 100 to 20 per cent. of the normal quantity. The resistance in any case permits current to pass through the filament in amounts of 70, 30 and 20 per cent. of the normal amount. In use, the variation is made by pulling one string to add resistance and thus dim the light; or by pulling the other string, the resistance is decreased and more electricity passes through the filament to produce a brighter light. The quantity of light given out by the filament does not vary in the ratio of the added resistance but a variable light is obtained at the expense of a small amount of electricity which is changed Fig. 224.—40-watt Mazda B lamp (½ scale). Gas-filled Lamps.—Until 1913 the filaments of all Mazda lamps operated in a vacuum. The vacuum serving the purpose of preventing oxidation and at the same time it reduced the energy loss to the least amount. It was found, however, under some conditions of construction that lamps filled with inert gas gave a higher efficiency and more satisfactory service than those of the vacuum type. In this construction, the filament is operated at a temperature much higher than that of the vacuum lamp and as a consequence gives light at a less cost per candlepower. Mazda vacuum lamps are now designated by the General Electric Co. as Mazda B lamps, Fig. 224, and those of the gas-filled variety, Fig. 225, are designated as Mazda C lamps. The filaments of the gas-filled lamps are intensely brilliant and where they come within the line of vision should be screened from the eyes. The high efficiency of these lamps permit the use of opal shades to produce a desired illumination at a rate of cost that compares favorably with the unscreened light of the vacuum lamps. Fig. 225.—750-watt Mazda C lamp (¼ scale). Daylight Lamps.—The color of the light from an incandescent electric lamp depends on the temperature of the filament. In the case of the gas-filled Mazda lamp the high filament temperature produces a light that differs markedly from the vacuum lamps in that it contains a greater amount of blue and green rays. It is therefore possible to produce light that is the same as average daylight. Gas-filled lamps with globes colored to produce light of noonday quality are produced at an expenditure of 1.2 watts per candlepower. In the matching of colors, it should be kept in mind that the Miniature Tungsten Lamps.—The wonderful light-giving properties of tungsten has made possible the use of miniature incandescent lamps for an almost infinite variety of usages. The miniature lamps are similar in action to other incandescent electric lamps except that they are operated on voltages lower than is used on commercial circuits. When used on commercial circuits, incandescent tungsten lamps of less than 10 watts capacity require filaments that are too delicate to withstand the conditions of ordinary use. The properties of tungsten are such that the passage of only a small amount of current is required to render the filament incandescent. In the case of a 110-volt circuit, a 10-watt lamp requires only 0.09+ ampere to produce the desired incandescence. It will be remembered that the watt is a volt-ampere and the 10-watt lamp will then require 110 volts × 0.09 + ampere = 10 watts. Since 10-watt lamps are the smallest units that may be used on 110-volt circuits, their employment in smaller sizes must be such as will give more stable filaments. This is possible when the lamps are used at lower voltage. A 10-watt lamp on a 10-volt circuit will require an ampere of current. 10 volts × 1 ampere = 10 watts. A filament suitable for an ampere of current is shorter and heavier than that of the 110-volt lamp and therefore furnishes a good form of construction. Still lower voltages may be used with filaments suited to the quantity of light desired. In the case of battery lamps that are intended to operate on 1 or more volts, the filaments are made in size and length to suit the condition of action. In all cases the product of the volts and amperes give the capacity of the lamp in watts. Miniature lamps are ordinarily marked to show the voltage on which they are intended to operate. A 6-volt battery lamp is Flash Lights.—These are portable electric lamps composed of a miniature incandescent bulb, which with one or more dry cells are enclosed in a frame to suit the purpose of their use. They are made in pocket sizes or in form to be conveniently carried in the hand and are convenient and efficient lamps wherever a small amount of light is required for a short time. The electricity for operating the lamp is supplied by a battery of dry cells (to be described later), or by a single dry cell. In each case the incandescent bulb is suited to the voltage of the battery. In replacing the bulbs care must be taken to see that the voltage is that suited to the battery. The voltage is usually stamped on the lamp base or marked on the bulb. In case a lamp intended for a single cell is used with a battery of three or four cells, the lamp filament will soon be destroyed. The reverse will be true should a lamp intended for a battery be used with a single cell. The single cell giving not much more than a volt of electromotive force will not send sufficient current through the lamp filament to render it incandescent. The Electric Flat-iron.—The changes that have been made in domestic appliances by the extended use of electricity have brought many innovations but none are more pronounced than the improvements made in the domestic flat-iron. It was the first of the household heating devices to receive universal recognition and its place as a domestic utility is firmly established. The relatively high cost of heat as generated through electric energy is in a great measure counterbalanced in the flat-iron by high efficiency in its use. In the electric iron, the heat is developed in the place where it can be used to the greatest advantage, and transmitted to the face of the iron with but very little loss. Because of this direct application the cost of operation is but slightly in excess of the other methods of heating. The electric flat-iron has now become a part of the equipment of every commercial laundry, where electricity can be obtained at a reasonable rate. The popularity of the electric iron is due to its cleanliness and to the increased amount of work that may be accomplished through its use. Because of the time saved in The electric current is conducted to the flat-iron from the house circuit by wires made into the form of a flexible cord. The cord attaches to the electric-lamp fixture by a screw-plug and connects with the iron by a special attachment piece as indicated at P and R in Fig. 226. Connection is made to an incandescent lamp socket at any convenient place. The only precaution necessary in attaching the iron is to see that the fuse and the wires, which form the circuit, are of size sufficient to transmit the amount of current the iron is rated to use. As explained later, the fuse which is a part of every electric house circuit, and the conducting wires which form the heater circuit, must be sufficient in size to transmit the necessary current without material heating. The cord connects with the socket at P, and the current turned on. It is attached with the iron by a piece R, made of non-conducting and heat-resisting material and arranged to make contact with the heater terminals by two brass plugs that are insulated from the body of the iron and afford easy means of making electric contact. The contact plugs are shown in Fig. 227. To make electric connection, the contact piece is simply pushed over the plugs, where it is held in place by friction. Instructions which accompany a flat-iron when purchased advise that the attachment piece be used in turning off the current. The reason for this is because of the flash that accompanies the break in the circuit when disconnection is made in the socket. This flash is really a small electric arc, that forms as the circuit is broken and which burns away the switch at the point of disconnection. The arc so formed Fig. 227.—Electric flat-iron showing position of the heating element and contact plugs. A spiral spring connected to the attachment cord prevents it from kinking when in use and thus breaking the conducting wires. The attachment cord is made of stranded wires to make it flexible. The strands of fine copper wire are made to correspond to the gage numbers by which the various sizes of wire are designated. In use the constant movement of the iron tends to kink the cord and thus breaks the strands. This action is most pronounced at the point where the cord attaches to the iron. For this reason a spiral spring wire encloses the cord for a short distance above the attachment piece. After long usage the cord is apt to break in this vicinity. It may usually be repaired by cutting off the ends of the cords and new connections made in the attachment piece. When the iron is in use the slack portion of the cord is kept from interfering with the work by the Electric flat-irons are made in a variety of styles and forms, the mechanism of each possessing some particular advantage, but all are provided with the same essential parts, chief of which is the heater with its electric attachment piece. In Fig. 228 is shown very clearly the construction of an example in which attention is called to the points of excellence that are required in a particularly serviceable iron. The form of the heating element which is recognized in the iron is also shown in Fig. 228. Fig. 228.—Electric flat-iron heating element. In the figure the heater is made of coils of resistance wire, wound on a suitable frame of mica. The heating element is insulated from the body of the iron with sheets of mica, this being a material that makes an excellent insulator and is not materially affected by the heat to which it is subjected. The resistance wire of which the element is composed is especially prepared to resist the corroding action common to metal when heated in air. The form of the element is such as to permit the least movement of the turns of wire—in their constant heating and cooling—that will allow the different spires to make contact and thus change the resistance. Should the spires of wire come together, the current would be shunted across the contact and the resistance of the element decreased. The effect of such a reduction of resistance would be an increased flow of current and a corresponding increase of heat. In this, as in the electric lamp and all other electric circuits, the current, voltage and resistance follow the conditions of Ohm’s law. Different sizes of irons will, of course, require different amounts of current. A 6-pound iron, such as is commonly used for household work, will take about 5 amperes of current at 110 volts pressure. The amount of electricity the iron is intended to consume is generally stamped on the nameplate of the manufacturer. This is specified by the number of volts and amperes of current the iron is rated to use. As an example, the iron may be marked, Volts 105-115, Amperes 2-3. This indicates that the iron is intended to be used on circuits that carry electric pressure varying from 105 to 115 volts and that the heater will use from 2 to 3 amperes of current, depending on the voltage. To estimate the cost of operating such an iron, it is necessary to determine the number of watts of electric energy consumed. The number of watts of energy developed under any condition will be the product of the volts times the amperes. Suppose that in the above example the iron was used on a circuit of 110 volts. Under this condition the current required to keep the iron hot would be 2.5 amperes. The product of these two qualities, 110 × 2.5 is 275 watts. If the cost of electricity is 10 cents per kilowatt-hour (1000 watts) the cost of operating the iron would be 275/1000 × 10 cents = 2¾ cents an hour. Since the electric iron requires a much larger amount of current than is usually required for ordinary lighting, the circuit on which it is used should receive more than passing attention. The wires should be of size amply large to carry without heating the current necessary for its operation. This topic will be discussed later but it is well here to call attention to the necessity for a circuit suited to the required current. If an iron requiring 5 amperes of current is attached to a circuit that is intended to carry only 3 amperes the conducting wires will be overheated and may be the cause of serious results. The Electric Toaster.—As shown in Fig. 229 the toaster is made of a series of heating elements mounted on mica frames and supported on a porcelain base. It is an example of heating by exposed wires and direct radiation. The heaters H are coils of Fig. 229.—The electric toaster. In a heater of this kind the resistance of the wire may increase with age and the coils fail to glow with a sufficient brightness. The reason for the lack of heat is that of decrease in current, due to the increased resistance of the wires. This condition may be corrected by the removal of a little of the heater coils. If a turn or two of the heater wire is removed, the resistance of the circuit is reduced and the effect of the increased current will produce a higher temperature in the heater. Motors.—As a means of developing mechanical power in small units, the electric motor has made possible its application in many household uses that were formerly performed entirely by manual labor. As a domestic utility electrical power is generated at a cost that is the least expensive of all its applications. As a means of lighting and heating electricity has had to compete with established methods and has won place because of the advantages it possesses over that of cost. In the development of domestic power it has practically no opponent. There is no other form of power that can be so successfully utilized in delivering mechanical work for the purposes required. A kilowatt of electric energy, for which 10 cents is a common price, will furnish a surprising amount of manual labor. Theoretically, 746 watts is equal to 1 horsepower. The commercial kilowatt is rated at an hour of time, and is, therefore, equal theoretically to 11/3 horsepower for one hour. While motors cannot be expected to transform all of this energy into actual work without loss, even at the low rate of efficiency attained by the small electric motor, they furnish power at a relatively small cost. The first applications of electric power were those for sewing machines, fans, washing machines, etc. Its use has made possible the vacuum cleaner, automatic pumping, refrigeration, ventilation, and many other minor uses as the turning of ice-cream freezers, churning and rocking the cradle. Electric motors are made in many sizes for power generation and in forms to suit any application. They are made to develop 1/30 horsepower and in other fractional sizes for both direct and alternating current. In applying mechanical power to any particular purpose special appliances must be made to adopt electric motors to the required work. This is accomplished in all household requirements. The motors are made to run at a high rate of speed and must be reduced in motion by pulleys or gears to suit their condition of operation. As in the case of electric lamps they must be suited to the voltage and type of current of the circuit on which they are to be used. Commercial electric circuits furnish electricity in two types, direct current, ordinarily termed D.C., and A.C. or alternating current. The terms direct and alternating current apply to the The term electric current is used only for convenience of expressing a directed form of energy. Since nothing really passes through the wires but a wave of energy, the effect is the same whether the electric impulses are in the same or in opposite directions. An incandescent lamp will work equally well on an A.C. or a D.C. circuit of the proper voltage; but in the case of motors the form of construction must be suited to the kind of current. Both A.C. and D.C. commercial circuits are in common use, the units of measurement are the same for each but in ordering a motor it is necessary to state the type of current and the voltage, in order that the dealer may supply the required machine. In the case of an alternating motor it is further necessary to state the number of cycles of changes of direction made per second in the A.C. circuit. All of this information may be obtained by inquiring of a local electrician or of the power station from which the current is obtained. There is still another item of information necessary to be supplied with an order for a motor, other than those of fractional horsepower. With motors of a horsepower or more it is necessary to state the number of phases included in the circuit. This information to be complete must state whether the motor is to operate on a single-phase, two-phase, or three-phase circuit. These terms apply to a condition made possible in A.C. generation that permits one, two, or three complete impulses to be developed in a circuit at the same time. These phases are transmitted by three wires, any two of which will form a circuit and give a supply of energy at the same voltage. Either one phase or all may be used at the same time and for this reason the phase of an A.C. motor should be given in an order. To make the information complete there should be included the number of cycles or complete Fuse Plugs.—Every electric circuit is liable to occurrences known as short-circuiting or “shorting.” This is a technical term describing a condition where, by accident or design, the wires of a circuit are in any way connected by a low-resistance conductor or by coming directly into contact with each other. In case of shorting, the resistance is practically all removed and the amount of current which flows through the circuit is so great as to produce a dangerous amount of heat in the wires. If the covering of a lamp cord becomes worn so as to permit the bare wire of the two strands to come together, a “short” is produced. Immediately, the reduced resistance permits the electric pressure to send an amount of current through the wires, greater than they are intended to carry. When this occurs an electric arc will form at the point of contact with the accompanying flash of vaporizing metal and the wire will finally burn off. Fires started from this cause are not uncommon. To guard against accidents from short-circuiting, every electric circuit should be provided with fuses which, in cases of emergency, are intended to melt and thus break the circuit. Fuses are made of lead-composition or aluminum and are used in the form of wire or ribbon-like strips, of sizes that will carry a definite amount of current. They are designated by their carrying capacity in amperes. As an example: a 2-ampere fuse will carry 2 amperes of current without noticeable heating, but at a dangerous overload the fuse will melt and the circuit be broken. Should a short-circuit be formed at any time, the rush of current through the fuse will cause it almost immediately to melt, and stop the flow of current. They are, therefore, the safeguard of the circuit against undue heating of the conducting wires. When an open fuse blows (melts), the heat generated by the Fig. 230.—Electric cabinets. Cabinets for this purpose are made in standard form of wood or steel to suit the condition of service. These cabinets may be obtained from any dealers in electrical supplies or the cabinet may be made a part of the house since they are only small shallow closets. Fig. 230 represents such a cabinet as is used in the average dwelling. It is made of a light wooden frame set between the studding of a partition at any convenient place. The bottom of the cabinet is made sloping to prevent its being used as a place of storage for articles that might lead to trouble. The cabinet is sometimes lined with asbestos paper as a prevention from fire but this is not necessary as the fuse plugs and their receptacles, when of approved design, are sufficient to prevent accident. The main wires which supply the house with electricity—marked lead wires—are brought into the cabinet as shown in Fig. 231 and attached to the poles of the switch S. In passing through the switch the lead wires each contain a mica-covered fuse plug F, that will be described later. The current at any time may be entirely cut off from the house by pulling the handle H, Fig. 231.—Electric panel containing cutout blocks, fuses and switch. The wattmeter for measuring the current is placed at the points marked meter, as a part of the main circuit. The main wires in the cabinet terminate in the porcelain cutouts, from which are taken off the various circuits of the house. In the figure, three such cutouts are shown making three circuits marked 1, 2, and 3. In circuit No. 1, the fuses are marked F. These wires are joined to the main wires at the points marked C and C´. The number of circuits the house will contain depends on the number of lights and the manner in which they are placed. The circuits are intended to be arranged so that in case of a short, no part of the house will be left entirely in darkness. Fuses for general use are made in two different types—the plug type and the cartridge type—each of which conforms to the rules of the Underwriters Association. Those most commonly Fig. 232.—Mica covered fuse plug. Fig. 233.—Cartridge fuse. Fig. 234.—Plug receptacle for cartridge fuse. The second type is commonly known as the cartridge fuse plug from its general appearance. This fuse is shown in Fig. 233. The fusable wire is enclosed in a composition fiber tube, the ends of which are covered by brass caps which afford contact pieces in the fuse receptacle and to which are fastened the ends of the fuse wire. These fuses are very generally employed in power circuits and others of large current capacity. The small circle in the center of the label is the indicator. When the fuse burns out, a black spot will appear in the circle. It is sometimes desirable to use the cartridge fuse plug in receptacles intended for the mica-covered type. The use of the cartridge fuses under this condition is effected by use of a porcelain receptacle such as is shown in Fig. 234; the cartridge fuse is simply inserted into the receptacle which is then screwed into the socket in place of the mica fuse. In order to avoid any possible chance of overloading the wires of a circuit, fuses are installed which are suited to the work to be performed. Suppose that there are ten 40-watt lamps that may 110 × C = 40 watts Ten such lamps require ten times 4/11 ampere or 40/11 = 3.7 amperes to supply the lamps. A fuse that will carry 3.7 amperes of current will supply the circuit but a 5-ampere fuse will permit an increase in the size of the lamp and will fulfill all the necessary conditions. If, however, an electric heater requiring 7 amperes were attached to the circuit, the fuse being intended for only 5 amperes would soon burn out. When a fuse burns out it must be replaced either with an entirely new receptacle or the fuse wire must be replaced. It sometimes happens that in case of a blown fuse there is no extra part at hand and a wire of much greater carrying capacity is used in its place. It should be remembered that in this practice of “coppering” a blown fuse, has taken away the protection against short-circuiting with its possibility of mischief. When a short occurs, the cause should be sought for. It cannot be located and on being replaced a second fuse blows, the services of an electrician should be secured. Electric Heaters.—All electric heating devices—whether in the form of hot plates, ovens, stoves or other domestic heating apparatus-possess heating elements somewhat similar to the flat-iron or the toaster. The construction of the heating element will depend on the use for which the heater is intended and the temperature to be maintained. Hot plates similar to that of Fig. 235 are made singly or two or more in combination. When the heat is to be transmitted directly by radiation the heating coils are open, as with the toaster. Under other conditions the coils are embedded in enamel that is fused to a metal plate. In elements of this kind the heat is transmitted to the plate entirely by conduction from which it is utilized in any manner requiring a heated surface. The form of the heating element will, therefore, depend on the application of the heat, whether it is by direct radiation or by a combination of radiation and conduction. Electric ovens are constructed to utilize electric heat in an insulated enclosure. Heat derived from electricity is more Fig. 235.—Electric three-burner hot plate. Electric hot plate. Electric cooking stoves and ranges are made for every form of domestic and culinary service. They fulfill many purposes that may be obtained in no other way. As conveniences, the cost of heat becomes of secondary consideration and their use is constantly increasing. In Fig. 236 is an example of a time-controlled and automatically regulated electric range. In the picture is shown separately all of the heaters for the ovens and stove top. The part S shows the switches attached to the heaters of the stove top, which is raised to show the connecting wires. In the larger oven there are two heaters of 1000 watts each, and in the smaller oven one heater of 850 watts. Each heater may be controlled separately with a switch giving three regulations of heat—high, medium and low. The advantage of this arrangement lies in the fact that one can set the two heaters in the oven at different temperatures which will permit either a slow or quick Fig. 236.—Electric range. Showing how all parts can be removed for cleaning and replacement. Intercommunicating Telephones.—This form of telephone is used over short distances such as from room to room in buildings or for connecting the house with the stable, garage, etc. It is complete, in that it possesses the same features as any other telephone but the signal is an electric call-bell instead of the polarized electric bell used in commercial telephone service. Any telephone is made to perform two functions: (1) that of a signal with which to call attention; and (2) the apparatus required to transmit spoken words. In the intercommunicating telephone or interphone, the signal is made like any call-bell and parts are similar to those described under electric signals. The bell-ringing mechanism is included in the box with the transmitting apparatus and the signal is made by pressing a push button. It is not suitable for connecting with public telephones. Telephone companies, as a rule, do not permit connection with their lines any apparatus which they do not control. The interphone of Fig. 237 shows the instrument complete except the battery. This form of instrument is inexpensive, easy to put in, simple to operate and supplies a most excellent means of intercommunication. Complete directions for installation are supplied with the phones by the manufacturers. Fig. 237.—The intercommunicating telephone. Electric Signals.—Electrical signaling devices for household use, in the form of bells and buzzers, are made in a great variety of forms and sizes to suit every condition of requirement. The vibrating mechanism of the doorbell is used in all other household signals except that of the magneto telephone. It is an application of the electromagnet, in which the magnetism is applied to vibrate a tapper against the rim of a bell. A bell system consists of the gong with its mechanism for vibrating the armature, an electric battery or A.C. transformer connected to the magnet coils to form an electric circuit and a push button which serves to close the circuit whenever the bell is to be sounded. The bell system is an open-circuit form of apparatus; that is, the circuit is not complete except during the time the bell is ringing. By pressing the push button the circuit is closed and the electric current from the battery flows through the magnet and causes the tapper to vibrate. When the push button is released the circuit is broken and the circuit stands open until the bell is to be again used. The parts of the bell mechanism are shown in Fig. 238 where with the battery, Fig. 238.—Diagram showing the parts of an electric doorbell. The battery B, in Fig. 238, is a single dry cell but more commonly it is composed of two dry cells joined in series. It is connected, as shown in the figure, to the binding posts P1 and P2 of the vibrating mechanism, the push button PB serving to make contact when the circuit is to be closed. When the button is pressed the circuit is complete from the + pole of the battery cell through the binding post P1, across the contact F, through the spring A, through the magnet coils M, across the binding post P2 and push button to the-pole of the cell. The vibration of the tapper is caused by the magnetized cores of the coils M. When the electric current flows through the coils of wire, the iron cores become temporary magnets. This magnetism attracts the iron armature attached to the spring A, and it is suddenly pulled forward with energy sufficient to cause the tapper to strike the gong. As the armature moves forward, the spring contact at F is broken and the current stops flowing through the magnet Fig. 239.—Example of an electric doorbell installation. Electric bells vary in price according to design and workmanship. A bell outfit may be purchased complete for $1 but it is advisable to install a bell of better construction, as few pieces of household mechanism repay their cost in service so often as a well-made bell. The bell should be rigid, well-constructed, and the contact piece F should be adjustable. This part F, being Fig. 240.—Diagram of the vibrating mechanism used in buzzers and doorbells. Buzzers.—Electric bells are often objectionable as signal calls because of their clamor, but with the removal of the bell the vibrating armature serves equally well as a signal but without the undesirable noise. With the bell and tapper removed the operating mechanism of such a device works with a sound that has given to them the name of buzzers. Fig. 241 illustrates the form of an iron-cased buzzer for ordinary duty. The working parts are enclosed by a stamped steel cover that may be easily removed. The mechanism is quite similar to that already described in the doorbell and Fig. 240 shows in detail the working parts. The noise, from which the device takes its name, is produced by the armature and spring in making and breaking contact. Burglar Alarms.—A burglar alarm is any device that will give notice of the attempted entrance of an intruder. It is Fig. 241.—The electric buzzer. In Fig. 243 is illustrated one form of door trip which may be used on a door to announce its opening. This trip makes electric connection in the alarm circuit when the opening door comes into contact with the swinging piece T, but no contact is made as the door closes. The trip is fastened with screws at D to the frame above the door. The opening door comes into contact with T and moves it forward until the electric circuit is formed at C; after the door has passed, a spring returns it to place. As the Fig. 244 is another form of door alarm that makes contact when the door is opened and remains in contact until the door is closed. The part P is set into the door frame of the door in such position that the contact at C is held open when the door is closed. When the door is opened a spring in C closes the contact and causes the alarm to sound. It continues to sound until the door is closed and the contact is broken. When the use of the alarm is not required, the contact-maker is turned to one side and the contact is held open by a catch. It is put out of use by pressing the plunger to one side. The matting shown in Fig. 245 is provided with spring contacts so placed that no part may be stepped upon without sounding the alarm. When placed in a doorway and properly connected with a signal, no person can enter without starting an alarm. The matting is attached to the alarm by the wires C and contacts are set at close intervals so that a footstep on the mat must close at least one contact. Annunciators.—It is often convenient for a bell or buzzer to serve two or more push buttons placed in different parts of the house. In order that there may be means of designating the push button used—when the bell is rung—an annunciator is provided. This is a box arranged with an electric bell and the required number of pointers and fingers corresponding to the push buttons. In Fig. 246 is shown an annunciator with which two push buttons are served by the single bell. The annunciator is placed at the most convenient place of observation, usually in the kitchen. When the bell rings the pointer indicates the push button that has last been used. In hotels or apartment houses an annunciator with a single bell may thus serve any number of push buttons. In a burglar-alarm system the annunciator numbers are arranged to indicate the windows and other openings at which entrance might be made. When the alarm sounds the annunciator indicates the place from which the alarm is made. Table Pushes.—Call bells to be rung from the dining-room table are connected with an annunciator or to a separate bell. The table pushes may be temporarily clamped on the edge of the Fig. 246.—A kitchen annunciator. Bell-ringing Transformers.—The general employment of alternating electricity for all commercial service requiring distant transmission is because of the possibility of changing the voltage to suit any condition. The energy transmitted is determined by the amperes of current carried by the wires and the 110 volts × 1 ampere = 110 watts. If the voltage is raised to say ten times the original intensity with the same current, the quantity of energy is ten times the original amount. 1100 volts × 1 ampere = 1100 watts. The carrying capacity of wires is determined by the amperes of current that can be transmitted without heating. The cost of copper wire is such that the expense of large wires for carrying a large current is unnecessary where by raising the voltage a small wire will perform the same service; therefore, it is desirable to transmit electric energy at a high voltage and then transform it to suit the condition of usage. Alternating current may be transformed to a higher or a lower voltage to suit any condition by using step-up or step-down transformers. A transformer is a simple device composed of two coils of wire wound on a closed core of iron. The coil into which is sent the inducing current is the primary. That in which the current is induced is the secondary coil. The change in voltage between primary and secondary coils vary as the number of turns of wire which compose the coils. The house circuit may be stepped down from the customary 110 volts to a voltage such as is furnished by a single dry cell, or a battery of cells. In principle, the action of the transformer is the same as that of the induction coil, a detailed explanation of which will be found in any text-book of physics. Each impulse of current in the primary coil of the transformer magnetizes its core and the magnetism thus excited induces a corresponding current in the secondary coil. Since alternating current in the primary coil constantly changes the polarity of the core, each change of magnetism induces current in the secondary coil. Small transformers are frequently used for operating doorbells, annunciators, etc., in place of primary batteries. These transformers are also used to supply current for lighting low-power tungsten lamps that cannot be used with the ordinary voltages Fig. 250.—Doorbell transformer. Fig. 251.—Details of doorbell transformer. Fig. 250 shows such a transformer with the cover partly broken away to expose the interior construction. The wires from house mains MM lead the current to the primary coil P which is a large number of turns of fine wire wound about a soft-iron core. The induced current in the secondary coil S is taken from the contact points 1, 2, 3 and 4. The construction of the transformer coils shown in Fig. 250 indicates the primary wires at LL of Fig. 251. The wires of the primary coil are permanently attached to house wires. The reactive effect of the magnetism in the coil permits only enough current to flow as will keep the core excited. This is a step-down transformer and the secondary coil contains fewer turns of wire than the primary coil. Since the voltage induced in the secondary coil is determined by the number of turns of wire in action, this coil is so arranged that circuits formed by attachment with different contacts give a variety of voltages. The numbers on the front of Fig. 250 correspond to those of Fig. 251. The coils between contact 1 and the others 2, 3 and 4, represent different number of turns of wire and in them is induced voltages corresponding with the number of turns of wire in each. The Recording Wattmeter.—To determine the amount of electricity used by consumers, each circuit is provided with some form of wattmeter. These meters might be more correctly called watt-hour meters since they register the watt-hours of electrical energy that pass through the circuit. Fig. 252.—Recording watt meter. In the common type of meter, the recording apparatus in composed of a motor and a registering dial. The motor is intended to rotate at a rate that is proportional to the amount of passing current. An example of this device is the Thompson induction meter of Fig. 252. The motion of the aluminum disc seen through the window in front indicates at any time the rate at which electricity is being used. This constitutes the rotating part of the motor. It is propelled by the magnetism, created by the passing current, and is sensitive to every change that takes place in the electric circuit. Each lamp, heater or motor that is brought into use or turned off produces a change of current in the conducting wires and this change is indicated by the rate of rotation of the disc. Each rotation of the disc represents the passage of a definite amount of electricity that is recorded on the registering dials. The shaft on which the disc is mounted is connected with the recording mechanism by a screw which engages with the first of a train of gears. These gears have, to each other, a ratio of 10 to 1; that is, ten rotations of any right-hand gear, causes one rotation of the gear next to the left. The pointers on the dial are attached to the gear spindles. One rotation of the right-hand dial will move the pointer next to the left one division on its dial. Each dial in succession will move in like ratio. The meters are carefully calibrated and usually record with truthfulness the amount of electricity used. They are, however, subject to derangement that produces incorrect registration. To Read the Meter.—First, note carefully the unit in which the dial of the meter reads. The figures above the dial circle indicate the value of one complete revolution of the pointer in that circle. Therefore, each division indicates one-tenth of the amount marked above or below the circle. Second, in reading, note the direction of rotation of the pointers. Third, read the figures indicated by the pointers from right to left, setting down the figures as they are read, i.e., in a position relative to the position of the pointers. Note: One revolution of the first or right-hand pointer makes one-tenth of a revolution of the pointer next to it on the left. One revolution of this second pointer makes one-tenth of a revolution of the pointer next to it on the left, etc. Therefore, if, when reading the dial, it is found that the second pointer rests very nearly over one of the tenth divisions and it is doubtful as to whether it has passed that mark, it is only necessary to refer to the pointer next to it on the right. If this pointer on the right has not completed its revolution, it shows that the second pointer has not yet reached the division in question. If it has completed its revolution, that is, passed the zero, it indicates that the second pointer has reached the division and the figure corresponding is to be set down for the reading. The foregoing also applies to the remaining pointers. When it is desired to know whether a pointer has passed a tenth division mark, it is necessary to refer only to the next pointer to the right of it. Fourth, see if the register is direct-reading, i.e., has no multiplying constant. Some registers are not direct-reading in that they require multiplying the dial reading by a constant such as 10 or 100 in order to obtain the true reading. If the register bears some notation such as “Multiply by 100,” the reading as indicated by the pointers should be multiplied by 10 or 100 as the case may be to determine the true amount of energy consumed. Some of the earlier forms of meters were equipped with what Fifth, the reading of the dial does not necessarily show the watt-hours used during the past month. In other words, the pointers do not always start from zero. To determine the number of watt-hours used during a certain period it is necessary to read the dial at the beginning of a period and again at the end of that period. By subtracting the first reading from the second, the number of watt-hours or kilowatt-hours used during the period is obtained. The meter man, having in his possession a record of the readings of each customer’s meter for the preceding months, is thus able to determine the amount of energy consumed monthly. EXAMPLES OF METER READINGSFig. 253a shows an example of an ordinary dial reading. Commencing at the first right-hand pointer, Fig. 253c, it is noted that the last figure passed over by the pointer is 1. The next circle to the left shows the figure last passed to be 2, bearing in mind that the direction of the rotation of this pointer is counter-clockwise. The last figure passed by the next pointer to the left is 1, while that passed by the last pointer to the left is obviously 9. The reading to be set down, therefore, is 9121. Fig. 253b.—This dial reads 997 kilowatt hours. Fig. 253c.—This dial reads 9121 kilowatt hours. In a similar manner the dial shown in Fig. 253b may be read. In this case, however, three of the pointers rest nearly If, for example, the reading of this meter for the preceding month was 976 kilowatt-hours, the number of kilowatt-hours used during that month would be 997-976 = 21 kilowatt-hours. State Regulation of Meter Service.—Electric wattmeters are subject to errors that may cause them to run either fast or slow. Complaints made of inaccurate records or readings are usually rectified by the electric company. In many States all public utilities are governed by laws that are formulated by public utilities commissions or other bodies from which may be obtained bulletins fully describing the conditions required of public service corporations or owners of public utilities. The following quotation from Bulletin No. V., 233 of the Railroad Commission of Wisconsin, will give an illustration of the requirement in that State. Rule 14.—Creeping Meters.—No electric meter which registers upon “no load” shall be placed in service or allowed to remain in service. This means that when no electricity is being used in the system the motor disc should remain stationary and if it shows any motion under such condition it is not recording accurately. PERIODIC TESTSRule 17.—Each watt-hour meter shall be tested according to the following schedule and adjusted whenever it is found to be in error more than 1 per cent., the tests both before and after adjustment being made at approximately three-quarters and one-tenth of the rated capacity of the meter. Meters operated at low power-factor shall also be tested at approximately the minimum power-factor under which they will be required to operate. The tests shall be made by comparing the meter, while connected in its permanent position, on the consumer’s premises with approved, suitable standards, making at least two test runs at each load, of at least 30 seconds each, which agree within 1 per cent. Single-phase, induction-type meters having current capacities not exceeding 50 amperes shall be tested at least once every 4 months and as much oftener as the results obtained shall warrant. All single-phase induction-type meters having current capacities exceeding 50 amperes and all polyphase and commutator-type meters having voltage ratings not exceeding 250 volts and current capacities not exceeding 50 amperes shall be tested at least once every 12 months. All other watt-hour meters shall be tested at least once every 6 months. Rule 20.—Request Tests.—Each utility furnishing metered electric service shall make a test of the accuracy of any electricity meter upon request of the consumer, provided the consumer does not request such test more frequently than once in 6 months. A report giving the results of each request test shall be made to the consumer and the complete, original record kept on file in the office of the utility. Electric Batteries.—Electric batteries are composed of electric cells that are made in two general types: the primary cell, in which electricity is generated by the decomposition of zinc; and the secondary cell or storage cell in which electricity from a dynamo may be accumulated and thus stored. Electric cells are the elements of which electric batteries are made; a single electric cell is often called a battery but the battery is really two or more cells combined to produce effects that cannot be attained by a single element. Both primary and secondary batteries form a part of the household equipment but the work of the secondary battery is used more particularly for electric lighting, the operation of small motors and for other purposes where continuous current is required. It will, therefore, be considered in another place. Primary batteries are used to operate call-bells, table pushes, buzzers, night latches and various other forms of electric alarms besides which they are used in gas lighters, thermostat motors Formerly all primary cells were made of zinc and copper plates placed in a solution called an electrolite, that dissolved the zinc and thus generated electricity, the electrolite acting as a conductor of the electricity to the opposite plate. In later electric cells the copper was replaced by plates of carbon and from the zinc and carbon cell was finally evolved the present-day dry cell. When the use of electric cells reached a point where portable batteries were required, a form was demanded from which the solution could not be lost accidentally. The first electric cells in which the electrolite was not fluid was, therefore, called a dry cell. These cells are not completely dry. The electrolite is made in the form of a paste that acts in the same manner as the fluid electrolite and is only dry in that it is not fluid. Fig. 254.—Electric dry cell. Fig. 255.—Details of electric dry cell. In construction the dry cell is shown in Figs. 254 and 255, the former showing its exterior and the latter exposing its internal construction. The container is a zinc can which is lined with porous paper to prevent the filler from coming into contact with the zinc. The zinc further is the active electrode, the In the action of cell, the salammoniac attacks the zinc in which chemical action electricity is evolved. The electricity is conducted to the carbon pole through the carbon and the salammoniac solution which in this case is the electrolite. In the dissolution of the zinc, hydrogen gas is liberated which adds to the resistance of the cell and thus reduces the current. The presence of the hydrogen is increased when the action of the cell is rapid and the decrease in current is said to be due to polarization. The manganese dioxide is mixed with the filler in order that the free hydrogen may combine with the oxide and thus reduce the resistance. This process is known as depolarization. The combination between the hydrogen and the oxide is slow and for this reason the depolarization of batteries sometimes require several hours. Dry cells are usually contained in paper cartons to prevent the surfaces from coming into contact and thus destroying their electrical action. The best cell is that which gives the greatest amount of current for the longest time. Under any condition the working value of a cell is determined by the number of amperes of current it can furnish. The current is measured by a battery tester such as Fig. 257. The + connection of the tester is placed in contact with the + pole of the cell or battery and the other connection placed on the-pole. The pointer will immediately indicate the current given out by the battery. A new dry cell will give 20 or more amperes of current for a short time but if used continuously the quantity of current will be reduced by polarizing until but a very small amount is generated. A cell that indicates less than 5 amperes should be replaced. If short-circuited, that is if the poles are connected without any intervening resistance, a large amount of current will be given but the The moisture in the paste of a cell is that which forms the circuit between the zinc and the carbon elements. If the paste has dried out its resistance is increased and the cell generates little current. The voltage of such a cell may be normal while the amperage is very low. Cells in this condition may be revived by adding moisture to the paste as a temporary remedy. This may be accomplished by puncturing the can with a nail and adding water. A solution of salammoniac may be used instead of water and the cell soaked to accomplish the same purpose; this, however, is only a temporary expedient. Temperature influences the working properties of an electric cell in pronounced manner. The moisture contained in the cell is composed of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride and consequently the resistance of the cell increases with the fall of temperature; the effect of the resistance thus added is a decrease in the flow of current. Batteries should be kept in a temperature as nearly as possible that of 70°F. The battery regains its normal rate of discharge when the temperature is restored. The normal voltage and amperage for a given make of cell is practically the same for all. The size of the cell does not in any way influence the voltage. Small cells and large cells are the same. The large cells are advantageous only in that they give out a greater number of ampere-hours of energy. All batteries are rated in the number of ampere-hours of current they are capable of furnishing. The ampere-hour represents an ampere of current for one hour. On this basis all batteries are rated for the total amount of energy they are capable of producing. If the battery is worked at a high current, its life is short; if however, it is discharged at a low rate, its life should be long. In all cases the product of the number of amperes and the number of hours constitute the ampere-hours of energy produced. Battery Formation.—For ordinary household work as that of operating doorbells, etc., the cells which form a battery are joined in series, that is the positive or carbon pole of one cell is joined to the zinc or negative pole of the next. The cells so connected are placed in circuit with the bell and push button. If by accident the two cells of a battery are joined with both carbon poles or both zinc poles together the battery will give out no current because the voltage is opposed. Fig. 256.—Battery combinations. In the use of batteries for ignition as for gasoline engines, automobiles, etc., the arrangement of the cells has frequently a decided influence on the effect produced. In Fig. 256 A is represented four cells joined in series, that is the carbon or + poles are joined with the zinc or-poles, alternately. Connected in this manner if each cell gives 1.5 volts the battery will give 4 × 1.5 = 6 volts; the current, however, will remain as that of a single cell. If the cells singly give 20 amperes, the battery will give 20 amperes. When cells are connected in this form the current passes When joined in multiple or parallel connection as in Fig. 256 B, in which all similar binding posts are connected, the effect is decidedly different. In the multiple connection all of the zincs are joined to act as a single zinc and all of the carbons are likewise joined and act as a single carbon. In such a combination the voltage will be that of a single cell 1.5 volts, but the amperage will be four times that of a single cell or 80 amperes. The diagrams and following descriptions of possible combinations were taken from a bulletin on battery connections issued by the French Battery and Carbon Co. By combining the series and multiple connections, as shown in Fig. C, both the voltage and current can be increased over that delivered by one cell. Referring to the figure, it is seen that in each of the two rows of four cells the cells are connected in series. This would produce 6 volts and 20 amperes for the series of four which may now be assumed as a unit, so that the two rows can be imagined as two large cells, each of which has a normal output of 20 amperes at 6 volts. Now by connecting the similar poles of two such large cells they are in multiple and we get an increased current or 40 amperes and 6 volts, which is the capacity of the eight cells connected as shown in the figure. This is commonly designated as a multiple-series battery. Fig. 256 D illustrates a multiple-series connection made in a different manner, but which produces the same voltage and current as the above mentioned. In Fig. D, two cells at a time are connected in multiple, and these sets are then connected in series. The capacity of each set of two is 40 amperes at 1½ volts, and as these four sets are connected in series the total output of the eight cells combined is 6 volts and 40 amperes, the same as that produced by the connections shown in Fig. C. Fig. E shows the multiple-series connection illustrated in Fig. D, applied to twelve cells in which four sets of three cells each are wired in series, the three cells of a set being in multiple so that the capacity of a set is 1½ volts and 60 amperes. By connecting The use of the series-multiple connection is a distinct step forward in dry-cell use. The arrangement of cells shown in Figs. C or D is better than the arrangement in Fig. A, in just the same way that a team of horses is better than a single horse. One horse pulling a load of 2 tons may become exhausted in one hour, but two horses pulling that same load may work continuously for six hours. It is true that in Fig. C there are twice as many cells used as in Fig. A, but the eight cells in Fig. C will do from three to four times as much work as the four cells in Fig. A. In other words, while more cells are used in the multiple-series arrangement, the amount of service per cell is greater and the service is, therefore, cheaper in the multiple-series arrangement. Some battery manufacturers sell their batteries put up in boxes, the cells being connected up in multiple-series and surrounded by pitch or tar to keep out the moisture. This has certain advantages as well as certain disadvantages. One of the objections to this method of putting up dry cells is that if by any chance one cell out of the eight or twelve which are buried in the pitch is defective it will run all of the cells down, and being buried offers no means of detection or removal. It is not possible to guarantee absolutely that a weak cell will not be occasionally included in a large number, so dry cells may be expected to vary to some degree among themselves. It is interesting to know the effect of one weak cell on a series-multiple arrangement. If, for example, in Fig. C or Fig. D, the dotted line connecting (a) and (b) be used to indicate a cell which is partly short-circuited by internal weakness or external defect the result is as follows: In the arrangement shown in Fig. C, where one cell of the upper four is short-circuited, the lower four will discharge through the upper four even though the external circuit is not closed; that is, one short-circuited cell will cause a run-down in all of the cells. In Fig. D, however, one short-circuited cell will influence not the entire set but the other one to which it is directly connected. There is thus seen to be an advantage in the arrangement of Fig. D and Fig. E, over the arrangement in Fig. C. In making connections between cells insulated wire should be Different classes of work require different amounts of current at different voltages and by choosing the proper combination of series, multiple, or series-multiple connections practically every requirement can be fulfilled. For electric bells, telegraph instruments, miniature lights, toy motors with fine wire windings, etc., series connection is recommended for the reason that the resistance of the external circuit is high and a large voltage is necessary. For spark coils, magnets and toy motors with large wire windings, multiple or series-multiple connection of batteries should be used as a high voltage is not required. For some work, gas-engine ignition especially, it is economical to have two complete sets of batteries, either of which can be thrown into the circuit at will, so that while one set is delivering current the other is recuperating. It has been estimated that by using two sets of batteries, properly connected to give the desired current, the life of each set is increased about four times. Thus it is seen that a saving of 50 per cent. is effected in the cost of the batteries. Battery Testers.—The “strength” of a cell is determined by the amperes of current it is capable of producing; therefore, a meter that will indicate the amount of current being produced is used to test the current strength of the cell. Battery testers are made to indicate voltage or amperage and sometimes the instrument is made to indicate both volts and amperes. As explained Fig. 257.—Battery tester. The common battery tester does not always give the exact number of amperes of current, but it indicates the relative strength which is really the thing desired. When the current from an active cell is once shown on the dial of the tester, any other cell of the same intensity will be indicated in like amount. Electric Conductors.—Covered wire for carrying electricity is made in a great variety of forms and designated by names that have been suggested by their use. These wires are made of a single strand or in cables, where several wires are collected, insulated and formed into a single piece. Cables may contain any number of insulated wires. The sizes of wires are determined by a wire gage. In the United States the B. & S. gage is used as the standard for all wires and sheet metal. The gage originated with the Brown & Sharp Mfg. Co. of Providence, R. I., and has become a national standard by common consent. The numbers range from No. 0000 to No. 60. The size of wire for household electrical service ranges from No. 18 which is 0.04 inch in diameter to No. 8 which is 0.128 inch across. The carrying capacities in amperes of wires, as given by the Underwriters’ table of sizes from No. 8 to No. 18, are as follows:
Lamp Cord.—The flexible cord used for drop lights, connectors, portable lamps, extensions, etc., is made of two cords twisted together or two cords laid parallel and covered with braided silk or cotton. The conductors consist of a number of No. 30 B. & S. gage, unannealed copper wires twisted into a cable of required capacity. The conductor is wound with fine cotton thread over which is a layer of seamless rubber, and the whole is covered with The new code lamp cord is identical with the old code form except that it is required by the National Board of Fire Underwriters to be covered with a higher quality of rubber insulation than was used in the old form. The commercial cord is not recognized by the National Board of Underwriters. It is practically the same as that described but does not conform to the tests prescribed for the new code cord. The sizes of the conductors enclosed in the lamp cord are made equal in carrying capacity to the standard wire gage numbers. The sizes ordinarily used are No. 18 and 20 gage but they are made in sizes from No. 10 to No. 22 of the Brown & Sharp gage. Portable Cord.—This is a term used to designate reinforced lamp cord. The wires are laid parallel and are covered as with a supplementary insulation of rubber. The additional insulation and the braided covering assumes a cylindrical form. The covering is saturated with weatherproof compound, waxed and polished. Annunciator Wire.—This wire is made in the usual sizes and covered with two layers of cotton thread saturated with a special wax and highly polished. As the name implies it is used for annunciators, door bells and other purposes of like importance. Private Electric Generating Plants.—The conveniences to be derived from the use of electricity were for many years available only by those who lived in distributing areas covered by commercial electrical generating plants. Except in towns of sufficient size to warrant the erection of expensive light and power systems or along the lines of electric power transmission, current for domestic purposes was not obtainable. Within a comparatively few years there have been developed a number of small electric generating systems that are suitable for supplying the average household with the electric energy for all domestic conveniences. The combination of the gasoline engine, the electric dynamo and the storage battery have made possible generating apparatus that is operated with the minimum of difficulty and which supplies all of the electric appliances that were formerly served only from commercial electric circuits. An electric generating system is commonly termed an electric plant. It consists of an engine for the development of power, a dynamo for changing the power into electricity and—to be of the greatest service—a storage battery for the accumulation of a supply of energy to be used at such times as are not convenient to keep the dynamo in active operation. Such a combination, each part comprised of mechanism with which the average householder is unfamiliar, seems at first too great a complication to put into successful practice. Such, however, is not the case. The operation of small electric generating plants is no longer an experiment. Their general use testifies to their successful service. The working principles are in most cases those of elementary physics combined with mechanism, the management of which is not difficult to comprehend. Such plants are made to suit every condition of application and at a cost that is condusive to general employment. In a brief space it is not possible to enter into a detailed discussion of the gasoline engine, the electric dynamo, and the storage battery with the various appliances necessary for their operation; it is, therefore, intended to give only a general description of the leading features of each. The manufacturers of such plants furnish to their customers and to others who are interested detailed information with explicit instructions for their successful management. The first private lighting plants were made up of parts built by different manufacturers and assembled to form generating systems with little regard to their adaptability. A gasoline engine belted to a dynamo of the proper generating capacity supplied the electricity. Neither the engines nor the dynamos were particularly suited to the work to be performed, yet these combinations were sufficiently successful to command a ready sale. The energy thus generated was accumulated in a storage battery from which was taken the current for a lighting and heating device. Besides the generating and storage apparatus there is required in such a system, a switchboard, to which are attached the necessary meters and switches that are required to measure and direct the current to the various electric circuits. Foresighted manufacturers, comprehending the probable future demand, began the construction of the various parts, suited to Fig. 258.—Household electric generating plant. As an example of the private electric plant Fig. 258 shows the apparatus included in a combined engine, dynamo and switchboard, connected with a storage battery. The relative size of the machine is shown by comparison with the girl in the act of starting the motor. This plant is of capacity suitable for supplying an average home with electricity for all ordinary domestic uses. A nearer view of the generating apparatus is given in Fig. 259 in which all of the exterior parts are named. An Fig. 259.—Combined motor, electric generator and switchboard. On the left-hand side is seen the dynamo and switchboard. Fig. 260.—Details of motor, electric generator and switchboard. Referring to the switchboard of Fig. 259, the three switches and the ammeter comprise the necessary accessories. The starting switch is so arranged that by pressing the lever a current of electricity from the storage battery is sent through the dynamo. The dynamo acting as a motor starts the engine. When the engine has attained its proper speed its function as a dynamo overcomes the current pressure from the battery and sends electricity into the cells to restore the expended energy, or if so desired the current may be used directly from the dynamo for any The “stopping switch” at the right of the board and the “switch for light and circuit” on the left are used respectively for stopping the engine and for opening and closing the house circuits. The meter performs a multiple function, in that it shows at any time the condition of charge in the storage battery, the rate at which current is entering or leaving the battery and also acts to stop the engine when the battery is charged. At any time the pointer reaches the mark indicated in the picture, the ignition circuit is automatically broken and the engine stops. The fuses on the board in this case perform the same function as those already described. Storage Batteries.—These batteries have already been mentioned as secondary batteries. They are sometimes called electric accumulators. The electricity is stored or accumulated, not by reason of the destruction of an electrode as in the primary cell but by the chemical change that takes place in the plates as the charging current is sent through the cell. When the battery is discharged, the current from the dynamo is sent through the battery circuit in the reverse direction to that of the discharge and the plates are restored to their original condition. The action that takes place in charging and discharging is due to chemical changes that take place in the plates and also in the solution or electrolyte in which the plates are immersed. There are two types of storage batteries, those made of lead plates immersed in an acid electrolyte and the Edison battery which is composed of iron-nickel cells immersed in a caustic potash electrolyte. The former type is most commonly used and is the one to be described. The lead-plate cell illustrated in Fig. 262 shows all of the parts of a working element. The plates are made in the form of lead grids which when filled to suit the requirements of their action, form the positive and negative electrodes. The negative plates are filled with finely divided metallic lead which when charged are slate gray in color. The positive plates are filled The unit of electric capacity in batteries is the ampere-hour. The cell illustrated will accumulate 80 ampere-hours of energy. It will discharge an ampere of current for 80 hours. If desired it may be discharged at the rate of two amperes for 40 hours, or four amperes for 20 hours, or at any other rate of amperes and hours, the product of which is 80. The number of ampere-hours a cell will accumulate will depend on the area of the positive and negative plates; large cells will store a greater number of ampere-hours than those of small size. The cells, no matter what size, give an average electric pressure of 2 volts. The plates are joined by heavy plate-straps connecting all of the positives on one end and all of the negative kind on the opposite end. To insure rigidity the two sets are secured to the rubber cover by locknuts. In this cell the plates are suspended from the cover. The plate terminals are made of heavy lead connectors that when formed into a battery are joined together with lead bolts and nuts. Fig. 261.—Hydrometer for testing storage battery electrolyte. The electrolyte is a solution of pure sulphuric acid in distilled water and on its purity depends, in a great measure, its action and length of life. The electrolyte is made of a definite density which is expressed as its specific gravity. When fully charged the electrolyte will test 1220 by the hydrometer. That is, it will be 1.220 heavier than water. When discharged it will test by the hydrometer 1185. This means that in discharging the density has been reduced to 1.185 that of water. The chemical change in the electrolyte is, therefore, an important part of the The Pilot Cell.—In order to make apparent this density of the electrolyte without the necessity of its measurement with a hydrometer, one cell of the battery is provided with a gage as that of Fig. 262. This is an enlargement of the end of the jar in which floats a hollow glass ball of such weight that it will at any time indicate by its position the relative density of the solution. When the cell is charged the ball stands at the top of the gage and indicates a density 1220; when discharged it is at the bottom and expressed by its position a density of 1185. The electrolyte densities are the indicators of the conditions of charge. The ball by its position shows at a glance the quantity of electricity in the battery. The voltage usually employed in household electric plants is that of a battery composed of 16 cells. Since the normal voltage of a storage cell is 2 volts such a battery joined in series is 32 volts. This voltage for the purpose fulfills all ordinary conditions and is generally employed. A battery of 16 cells, of 80-ampere-hour capacity, will deliver current of 1 ampere for 80 hours at 32 volts intensity. A 20-watt lamp on a 32-volt circuit requires 2/3 ampere for its operation. The battery will, therefore, keep lighted one such lamp for 96 hours, or four 20-watt lamps may be lighted continuously for 24 hours, or eight lamps for 12 hours, before recharging. Aside from its ability to supply the required light for the average home, it furnishes energy sufficient for heating a flat-iron or other heating apparatus, to operate motors for pumping water, driving a washing machine or any other of the domestic requirements. Such plants are made in sizes to suit any condition of requirement. In large establishments a larger motor generator and battery will be necessary with which to generate and store the Fig. 262.—Electric storage cell. National Electrical Code.—The details governing the size, the manner of placing and securing wires in buildings is included in the regulations published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters as the National Electric Code. Likewise the mechanical construction of all apparatus dealing with electric distribution is definitely specified so that manufacturers furnish reliable materials for all requirements. In the specifications for furnishing Electric Light Wiring.—In the equipment of a house for the use of electricity, the wiring, together with distributing panel, the various outlets, receptacles, switches, and other appliances that make up the system, is of more than passing consequence. In the construction of the electric system it is important that the wires and their installation be done in a manner to meet every contingency. The following descriptions for electric house wiring were taken from a set of specifications published by the Bryant Electric Co. as applying to buildings of wood frame construction. The specifications serve as explanations for the appliances required in an ordinary dwelling. The specifications are for the least expensive form of good practice in wiring for frame buildings. They would not be permitted in large cities where further protection from fire is required and where more rigid rules are demanded by the Board of Fire Underwriters. 1. System.—The circuit wiring shall be installed as a two-wire direct current or alternating system. Not more than 16 outlets or a maximum of 660 watts shall be placed on any one circuit, allowing 110 watts for each baseboard plug connection or extension outlet and 55 watts for each 16 candlepower lamp indicated at the various wall and ceiling outlets on plans. All wiring shall be installed as a concealed knob-and-tube system. The type of wiring is designated as a two-wire direct or alternating current system in order that there shall be no doubt as to the method of wiring to be used. There are other methods that might be employed that need not be discussed here. The 16 outlets mentioned are intended to cover all lamps or plug attachments that are to be used for heaters, fans, motors, or any other electric device. The 660 watts at 110 volts pressure will require 6 amperes in the main wires of the circuit, which is the maximum current the wires are intended to carry. This does not mean that 110-watt lamps might not be used but that no single circuit shall carry lamps that will aggregate more than 660 watts. The concealed knob-and-tube system mentioned is illustrated in Figs. 263 and 264, in which the wires which pass through joists Fig. 263.—Manner of securing wires by the knob-and-tube system for ceiling outlets. 2. Outlets.—At each and every switch, wall, ceiling, receptacle or other outlet shown on plans, install a metal outlet box of a style most suitable for the purpose of the outlet. All outlet boxes must be rigidly secured in place by approved method and those intended for fixtures shall be provided with a fixture stud, or in the case of large fixtures, a hanger to furnish support independent of the outlet box. Outlet Boxes.—For the safe and convenient accommodation of switches, receptacles or other connections in the walls and ceilings of a building, outlet boxes are used as a means of securing the wire terminals to the receptacles. These boxes are made in a number of forms for general application. One style is shown in Fig. 265. The boxes are made of sheet steel and arranged to be secured in place with screws. The box is further provided with screw fastenings to which the switch or receptacle may be firmly attached. 3. Installation of Wires, Etc.—All wires shall be rigidly supported on porcelain insulators which separate the wire at least 1 inch from the surface The method and reasons for supporting the wires described above are as have already been mentioned under item 1. The reason for extra supports near gas pipes and water pipes is as a precaution against the possibility of short-circuiting. Fig. 265.—Outlet box. 4. Conductors.—Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and no splices shall be made except in outlet boxes. No wire smaller than No. 14 B. & S. gage shall be used and for all circuits of 100 feet or longer, No. 12, B. & S. gage or larger shall be used. All conductors of No. 8 B. & S. gage or larger shall be stranded. Wires shall be of sufficient length at outlets to make connection to apparatus without straining connections. Splices shall be made both mechanically and electrically perfect, and the proper thickness of rubber and friction tape shall be then applied. Continuous conductors are required because of the possibility of defects in the joints of spliced wire. 5. Position of Outlets.—Unless otherwise indicated or directed, plug receptacles shall be located just above baseboard; wall brackets, 5 feet above finished floor in bedrooms, and 5 feet 6 inches in all other rooms; wall switches, 4 feet above finished floors. All outlets shall be centered with regard to panelling, furring, trim, etc., and any outlet which is improperly located on account of above conditions must be corrected at the contractor’s expense. All outlets must be set plumb and extend to finish of wall, ceiling or floor, as the case may be, without projecting beyond same. 6. Materials.—All materials used in carrying out these specifications shall be acceptable to the National Board of Fire Underwriters and to the local department having jurisdiction. Where the make or brand is specified or where the expression “equal to” is used, the contractor must notify the architect of the make or brand to be used and receive his approval before any of said material is installed. Where a particular brand or make is distinctly specified, no substitution will be permitted. 7. Grade of Wire.—The insulation of all conductors shall be rubber, with protecting braids, which shall be N.E.C. Standard (National Electrical Code Standard). 8. Outlet Boxes.—Outlet boxes shall be standard pressed steel, knock-out type and shall be enameled. 9. Local Switches.—Local wall switches shall be two-button flush type completely enclosed in a box of non-breakable insulating material with brass beveled-edge cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Fig. 269 shows the various forms and grades of switches that there are on the market. The screws which attach the plate to the switch enter bushings that are under spring tension thereby preventing defacement of the plate by overtightening of the screws. Single-pole is to be used where the load will not be in excess of 660 watts; double-pole to be used where the load is more then 660 watts or where for any other reason it is desirable to break the current at both wires. Three-point switches are to be used when a light or group of lights is to be controlled, as hall lights that may be lighted or extinguished, from either the top or at the bottom of a stairway. Four-point switches are to be used between and two, three-point switches to control additional lights. Where two or more switches are placed together an approved gang plate is to be provided which designates the use of each switch. Where indicated on the plan, clothes closets shall be equipped with automatic door switch to connect the light when the door is open. 10. Pilot Lights.—Switches controlling cellar, attic and porch lights shall have pilot lamp in parallel on the load side of the switch. The switch in Fig. 3 requires for its installation a two-gang outlet box. The ruby bull’s-eye which covers the lamp is practically flush, extending from the wall no further than the buttons of the switch. Pilot lights are intended to indicate the operation of other lights or apparatus that cannot be directly observed. The term bull’s-eye applies to a colored-glass button covering a miniature lamp which burns whenever a light is used which is apt to be forgotten and allowed to burn for a longer time than necessary. 11. Plug Receptacles.—Plug receptacles shall be of the disappearing-door type, with beveled-edge brass cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware (see Fig. 266). In this receptacle the doors are pushed inward by the insertion of the plug and upon its withdrawal close automatically, Plug receptacles are the attachments for the terminal pieces of plugs, which temporarily connect portable lamps, electric fans or other devices, they are made in many forms. 12. Wall and Ceiling Sockets.—One-light ceiling receptacles shall be of a type to fit standard 3¼-inch or 4-inch outlet boxes. Wall sockets shall be of the insulated base type. Sockets in cellars shall be made entirely of porcelain and of the pull type. All lamp sockets used in fulfilling these specifications shall have an approved rating of 660 watts, 250 volts. 13. Drop Lights.—Drop lights shall consist of the necessary length of reinforced cord supported by an insulated rosette with brass base and cover; the latter to cover 4-inch outlet box, and furnished with a key socket complete with a 2¼-inch shade-holder. Each drop cord shall have an adjuster. 14. Heater Switch, Pilot and Receptacle.—Heating device outlets shall be equipped with combination of switch, pilot light and receptacle with plug and spare pilot lamp. 15. Service Switch.—The service-entrance switch shall be 30 amperes, porcelain base with connections for plug fuses. Installation of Service Switch.—Service switch shall be installed in a moisture-proof metal box with hinged door. Panel Cabinet.—The distributing panel cabinet shall be of steel not less than No. 12 gage reinforced with angle iron frames, which shall be securely riveted in place. Cabinet shall be larger than panel to give at least 4-inch wire space around panel and shall be given at least two coats of moisture-repellant paint. Distributing Panel.—The distributing panel shall consist of two-wire 125-volt branch cutouts, two-wire 125-volt porcelain-base panel-board units, two-wire 125-volt porcelain-base deadfront panel-board units. The distributing panel shall be surrounded with an ebony asbestos or slate partition ½ inch thick which will form a wire space around panel. Fuses.—All fuses for branch circuits shall be not more than 10 amperes capacity. The contractor shall furnish the owner with 150 per cent. of required number of 125-volt plug-type fuses for complete installation. Panel Trim and Door.—The panel trim and door shall be of steel, with brass cylinder lock and concealed hinges, all furnished under this contract. A directory of circuits and outlets served by panel shall be enclosed in glass with metal frame, mounted on inside of panel door. Hardware.—All hardware furnished under this contract shall match in quality and finish other adjacent hardware. Three-way Control.—The nearest outlet at top and bottom of all stairs and in entrance hall shall be controlled by three-way switches located on separate floors where directed. Electrolier Control.—Wherever there are ceiling outlets for fixtures having three or more sockets controlled by wall switches three wires shall Dining-room Circuit.—Furnish and install in dining-room, where indicated on plans, an approved floor box containing an approved 25-ampere plug receptacle. The wires connecting this receptacle to the center of distribution shall be No. 10 B. & S. gage. Furnish and deliver to whom directed an approved multiple-connection block consisting of three individually fused plug receptacles. The connection between the plug receptacle and this block shall be made by means of 10 feet of No. 10 B. & S. approved silk-covered portable cord with an approved 20-ampere cord connector 2 feet from the multiple block. House Feeders.—The size of the feeder from the service switch to the panel board shall be figured in accordance with the National Code rules for carrying capacity, allowing for all circuits being fully loaded. The feeder shall be of sufficient size, however, to confine the drop in voltage with all lights in circuit to 1 per cent. of the line voltage. Service Connection.—Make extension of house feeder overhead to lighting company’s mains and make all connections complete to the satisfaction of the light company and the architect. Furnish and install the necessary frame or backboard for meter. Call Bells.—The contractor shall furnish, install and connect all push buttons, bells, buzzers and annunciators, as shown on plans or therein described. All wiring shall be cleated in joists, studs, etc., with insulated staples. Damp places, metal pipes of all descriptions, flues, etc., must be avoided and wire fastenings must be applied in such a way that insulation is not damaged. No splices shall be made where same will not be accessible at any time after completion of building. Wires shall not be smaller than No. 18 B. & S. gage and shall be damp-proof insulated. Bells, buzzers, buttons, etc., shall be of approved make. Push button for main entrance door shall be provided with ornamental place with approved finish. Push button in dining-room shall consist of combination floor push, with necessary length of flexible cord and approved portable foot push. Furnish and install where directed three cells of carbon cylinder battery in a substantial cabinet. Burglar Alarm.—Furnish and install complete burglar alarm system consisting of the necessary wires, window springs, door springs, night latch cutout for front door, bell, batteries, cabinet, interconnection strip, etc., and everything required for a complete open-circuit system. Each window sash and door throughout the building shall be equipped with contact spring of approved make and all springs on same side of building on each floor shall be wired on one circuit and terminated on single-pole knife switch on interconnection strip. The interconnection strip shall be located as directed and shall have cutout switches for each circuit as well as a double-pole battery switch. The battery shall consist of at least three dry cells in suitable cabinet placed where directed and both positive and negative leads shall be carried direct to interconnection strip. The burglar-alarm wires shall be not less than No. 16 B. & S. gage, insulated and installed as specified for call bells. Intercommunicating Telephones.—Furnish and install an intercommunicating telephone system complete with all telephone sets, wiring, batteries, etc. All wires to be cables containing one pair of No. 22 B. & S. gage conductors for each station and a pair of No. 16 B. & S. gage conductors for talking and ringing battery respectively. Each pair of wires shall be twisted and all pairs shall be twisted around each other to eliminate cross talk and inductive noises. The wires shall be silk insulated, with a moisture repellent of beeswax or varnish and the whole covered with a lead sheath at least 1/64 inch in thickness. Where cables terminate in outlet boxes they shall be fanned out and laced in an orderly manner and secured to connecting terminals, one of which shall be provided for each wire. Install where directed in an approved cabinet at least four cells of dry battery each, for talking and ringing purposes. Installation of Interphone Cable.—Intercommunicating cables shall be supported with pipe straps and liberal clearance shall be observed where near steam or other pipes. Automatic Door Switch.—Where indicated on the plan, clothes closets shall be equipped with automatic door switch to connect the light when the door is open. Fig. 266 is placed in the door frame in such position that electric contact is made by release of the projecting pin as the door is opened. When the door is closed, the pin is depressed and the light is extinguished Plug Receptacles.—Plug receptacles shall be selected from the styles shown in Figs. 267,a, b, c or d. Fig. 266.—Automatic door switch. Fig. 267,a is the disappearing-door type with beveled-edge brass cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. In this receptacle the doors are pushed inward by the insertion of the plug and upon its withdrawal close automatically, effectually excluding dirt and concealing the live terminals. It is the latest and best plug receptacle obtainable. Fig. 267,b is of the Chapman type with beveled-edge brass cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. In this receptacle the doors open outward but are flush whether the plug is in or out. Fig. 267.—Styles of plug receptacles. Fig. 268.—Heating-device receptacles. Fig. 267,c is of the screw-plug type with beveled-edge brass cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. By many Fig. 269.—Service switches. Fig. 267,d is of the removable-mechanism type with beveled-edge brass cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. The mechanism of this receptacle is exchangeable with the mechanism of the double-pole switch as shown in Fig. 270,c. Heater Switch, Pilot and Receptacle.—Heating-device outlets shall be equipped with combination of switch, pilot light and receptacle with plug and spare pilot lamp. Figs. 268,a, b, c and d, represent various forms from which selection may be made. All are adapted for the same purpose and differ only in mechanical arrangement. Fig. 270.—Local wall switches. Service Switch.—The service entrance switch may be selected from the three styles shown in Figs. 269,a, b, and c. Fig. 271.—Pilot lights. Fig. 272.—Wall and ceiling sockets. Fig. 269,a is composed of a 30-ampere porcelain base with connections for plug fuses. Fig. 269,b is a slate base with connections for cartridge fuses. Fig. 269,c is a slate base with connections for open-link fuses Local Switches.—Local wall switches may be selected from the various styles shown in Figs. 270,a, b, c, d and e. Fig. 270,a is the two-button flush type completely enclosed in a box of non-breakable insulating material with brass beveled cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Fig. 273.—Drop-light attachments and lamp bases. Fig. 270,b is a two-button flush type with brass beveled-edge cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Fig. 270,c is of the removable-mechanism type with brass beveled-edge cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Fig. 270,d is the single-button flush type with brass beveled-edge cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Fig. 270,e is the rotary-flush type with brass beveled-edge cover plate finished to match surrounding hardware. Pilot Lights.—Switches controlling cellar, attic and porch lights may be either Fig. 270,a or b. Fig. 270,a requires for its installation a two-gang outlet box. The ruby bull’s-eye which covers the lamp is practically flush, extending from the wall no further than the buttons of the switch. Fig. 270,b is installed in a single-gang box. The lamp extends through the plate and is protected by a perforated cage which extends about an inch from the plate. Wall and Ceiling Sockets.—One-light ceiling receptacles may be selected from the types shown in Figs. 272,a, b, c, d and e. Fig. 272,a is of a type to fit standard 3¼-inch or 4-inch outlet boxes. Fig. 272,b is of the small concealed-base type. Fig. 272,c is of the large concealed-base type. Fig. 272,d is of the insulated-base type. Fig. 272,e is of the porcelain-base type. Sockets in cellars shall be made entirely of porcelain. Those in bathrooms shall be entirely of porcelain and of the pull type. Drop Lights.—Drop lights shall consist of the necessary length of reinforced cord supported by either brass or porcelain bases. Each drop cord to have an adjuster. Figs. 273,a, b, c, d, e, f, g, illustrate the various styles. Fig. 273,h is a shade holder to be used with the drop lights. |