Of the methods of heating dwellings other than by stoves, that of the hot-air furnace is the most common. Of the various modes of furnace heating it is the least expensive in first cost and most rapid in effect. In the use of steam heat, the water in the boiler must be vaporized before its heat is available. With hot-water heating, the whole mass of water in the entire system must be raised considerably in temperature before its heat can affect the temperature of the rooms, and consequently in first effect it is very slow. In the use of the hot-air furnace the heat from the register begins to warm the rooms when the fire is started. Hot-air furnaces are made by manufacturing companies in a great variety of styles and forms to suit purposes of every kind. In practice the furnace is built in sizes, to heat a definite amount of cubical space. The maker designs a furnace to heat a certain number of cubic feet of space contained in a building. It must be sufficiently large to keep the temperature at 70°F. on the coldest nights of winter when the wind is blowing a gale. It is evident that with the variable factors entering the problem, the designer must be a person of experience in order that the furnace meet the requirements. The following table taken from a manufacturer’s catalogue shows the method of adapting the product of the maker to any size of dwelling. The volume of the house is calculated in cubic feet and from this result the size of furnace most nearly suited is selected from the table.
CONSTRUCTIONFig. 45.—Interior view of a hot-air furnace. The furnace, in general construction, consists of a cast-iron fire-box with its heating surfaces, through which the flames and heated gases from the fire pass, on the way to the chimney; these with the passages and heating surfaces for heating the air compose the essential features. Fig. 45 shows such a furnace with the sides broken away to show the internal construction. The flames and gases from the fire-box F circulate through the cast-iron drum D and are discharged at C to the chimney. The drum D is made in such form that it presents to the heat from the fire a large amount of heating surface and at the same time offers as little opposition as possible to the furnace draft. The air to be heated enters the furnace through the cold air duct at the bottom, and after circulating through the drum, passes out at the openings R to the conducting pipes. The cast-iron box W is a water tank that should be attached to every hot-air furnace. The water contained in the tank is for humidifying the air as it passes through the furnace. In this furnace the outside casing is of sheet iron, reinforced with wrought-iron flanges. The front, which contains the doors of the fire-box, ash-pit, etc., are of cast iron of ornamented design. As the air to be heated passes through the furnace it receives part of its warmth by radiation but most of it is absorbed by coming directly into contact with the heating surfaces. Since air is a poor conductor of heat its temperature is raised very slowly; If the ratio of heating surface to the grate surface is too small for its requirements, the temperature of the air-heating surfaces must be very high to provide the desired amount of heat. Under such a condition the efficiency of the furnace would be low, since in all cases where rapid combustion is required the available amount of heat per pound of coal consumed is low. With a large amount of heating surface, the air remains in contact with the hot surface a relatively longer period and the desired temperature is reached with the expenditure of a smaller amount of fuel. A momentary exposure of the air to a red-hot surface is far less effective than a prolonged contact with a surface having only a moderate temperature. Time is an element of great importance in heating air. In considering the relative merits of two furnaces with the same amount of grate surface, that with the larger amount of heating surface will evidently be the most efficient. The supply of heat comes primarily from the burning coal on the furnace grate. The grate surface should be large enough in area to permit the required quantity of heat to be generated by the burning fuel with a moderate fire. If the grate surface is too small for the required purpose, a hot fire will be necessary, when the normal amount of heat is demanded by the house. During extremely cold weather, particularly when accompanied by high wind, the extra heat demanded to keep the house at the desired temperature makes necessary the use of an amount of fuel that cannot be burned on the grate unless the fire is forced. Hot fires can be kept up only at the expense of a large amount of heat, and the resultant efficiency of the furnace is reduced. High furnace temperatures are always attended by a large loss of heat. The vastly greater quantity of air necessary to create the combustion, the high temperature of the chimney gases and the increased velocity of the heated gases through the furnace, all tend to increase the amount of heat that is sent up Furnace-gas Leaks.—The presence of furnace gas in the atmosphere of a house is not only annoying but may be a source of danger. Gas leaks are commonly due to the imperfect union of the various parts of which the furnace is composed. Cast-iron furnaces are constructed in sections that are assembled to form a complete plant. In assembling, the various parts of contact must be carefully joined to prevent the gases in the fire-box from escaping into the air-heating space. In the manufacture of cast-iron furnaces it is practically impossible to form gas-tight joints by the contact of the metal alone. In the erection of the furnace all doubtful joints are filled with stove putty. Furnaces of good design require the use of the least amount of this material. Stove putty is composed of finely divided graphitic carbon that is made into a paste suitable for filling all imperfect joints. When the putty hardens it withstands the heat to which it is subjected, without shrinking. In the course of time, however, the putty may be displaced and leave openings through which the furnace gases may leak into heating space and thus enter the house. Leaks of the kind may be stopped by renewing the putty which may be obtained from any dealer in stoves. Location of the Furnace.—The location of the furnace will generally be governed by the exposure of the house and the location of the chimney. In all exposed rooms on the windward side of the house the temperature will be lower and the air pressure higher than in other parts of the house. The increase in atmospheric pressure makes it necessary to supply to such rooms the hottest air practicable. The conducting pipes, therefore, should be most directly connected with the furnace and with the least run of horizontal pipe. The proper place for the furnace is as near as possible the coldest place of the house. It is a common practice to place registers near the inner corner of the room, in order to economize in conducting pipe, in horizontal The greatest objection to placing the registers and conducting pipes in the outer walls of buildings is that of loss of heat, due to exposure to the outside cold and the resulting loss in circulation. Losses of this kind may be prevented by covering the ducts with the necessary non-conducting material. The registers should occupy a place in the room nearest the entering cold air. Fig. 46.—Method of conducting warm air from the furnace to the registers. Flues.—It is customary to place the conducting pipes for the first floor in such a way as to use only the shortest connections. The flues used for the second floor produce, as in a chimney, a greater velocity of flow to the air and as a consequence larger horizontal pipes are used at the furnace. All horizontal pipes should have upward slant, as much as the basement will permit. The velocity of the air in the conducting flues will depend on two factors: the height of the flue, and the temperature of the air. To prevent the loss of the temperature of the air, the flue should be covered with at least two layers of asbestus paper bound with wire. Wall flues are commonly flattened and occupy a place in the wall between the studding. Each flue should have a damper at the furnace, that will permit the heat to be shut off from any part of the house. Rules for proportioning of registers and conducting flues to suit rooms of various sizes are entirely empirical. The sizes of registers and flues found satisfactory in practice is generally a guide for the designer. The following table is taken from a manufacturer’s catalogue and gives a list of sizes that have proven satisfactory under a great variety of conditions and may be taken as good practice:
The furnace is not only a means of heating the house but may be a means of ventilation as well; to this end it is desirable to arrange the air supply of the furnace to connect with the outside air. This arrangement assures a supply of oxygen even though no special means is arranged for discharging the vitiated air from the rooms. Fig. 47.—Interior construction of a combination hot-water and hot-air furnace. Combination Hot-air and Hot-water Heater.—In the case of large houses heated by hot air it is sometimes better to use two or more furnaces than to attempt to carry the heat long distances in the customary pipes. Where heat is required in rooms located at a distance more than 30 feet, it is advisable to use a combination hot-air and hot-water heater, the distant rooms being heated by hot-water radiators. A furnace arranged for such a combination is shown in Fig. 47. Fig. 48.—The hot-air furnace as it appears in the house. Inside the air-heating surfaces are three hollow cast-iron pieces W, that form a part of the walls of the fire-box. These pieces, with their connecting pipes, form the water-heating part of the furnace, which supplies the hot water for the radiators. The pieces W, with the connecting pipes and radiators, form an independent heating plant, with a fire-box in common with the hot-air furnace. The returning water from the radiators enters the heating surfaces W, through the pipe marked return pipe. The heated water is discharged from the heaters into that marked flow pipe which conducts it to the radiators. Such a furnace is, therefore, two independent systems, one for hot air and the other for hot water, but with a single fire-box. This furnace, like the simple hot-air furnace, is rated, first in the amount of space it will heat In Fig. 48 is shown the location of the furnace in a cottage with the conducting pipes to the various rooms. The registers in the first floor are generally set in the floor but if desired they may be placed in the walls. Those on the second floor are placed in the walls because of convenience. The conducting pipes pass through the partitions between the studding. Fig. 49.—Details of air ducts and damper regulator used with the hot-air furnace. In all well-arranged hot-air heating plants provision is made so that the air for heating may be taken from the outside. It does not follow that the supply of fresh air should always come from outdoors; there are times during extremely cold weather, accompanied by high winds, when ventilation is ample without the outside source of supply. Since it is never desirable to take the air supply from the basement, such an arrangement as is shown in Fig. 49, or a modification of the same plan is commonly employed. The duct A from the outside and B from the rooms above connect with the air supply for the furnaces. A damper C arranged to move on a hinge, is so placed as to admit the air from either source as desired. The damper may be placed so as to take part or all of the air from the outside by adjusting the handle at the proper place. |