The use of steam as a means of heating dwellings is common in every part of the civilized world. Plants of all sizes are constructed, that not only give satisfactory service but are efficient in the use of fuel, and require the minimum amount of attention. The manufacture of steam heating apparatus has come to be a distinct industry, and represents a special branch of engineering. Many manufacturing companies, pursue this line of business exclusively. The result has been the development of many distinctive features and systems of steam heating, that are very excellent for the purposes intended. Practice has shown that large plants can be operated more economically than small ones. Steam may be carried through underground, insulated pipes to great distances with but small loss of heat. This has lead to the sale of exhaust steam, from the engines of manufacturing plants, for heating purposes and the establishment of community heating plants, where the dwellings of a neighborhood are heated from a central heating plant; each subscriber paying for his heat according to the number of square feet of radiating surface his house contains. In the practice most commonly followed, with small steam heating plants, the steam is generated in a boiler located at any convenient place, but commonly in the basement. The steam is distributed through insulated pipes to the rooms, where it gives up its heat to cast-iron radiators, and from them it is imparted to the air; partly by radiation but most of the heat is transmitted to the air in direct contact with the radiator surface. The heating capacity of a radiator is determined by its outside surface area, and is commonly termed, radiating surface or heating surface. Radiators of different styles and sizes are listed by manufacturers, according to the amount of heating surface The widespread use of steam as a means of heating buildings is due to its remarkable heat content. When water is converted into vapor the change is attended by the absorption of a large amount of heat. No matter at what temperature water is evaporated, a definite quantity of heat is required to merely change the water into vapor without changing its temperature. The heat used to vaporize water in a steam boiler is given up in the radiators when the steam is condensed. It is because of this property that steam is such a convenient vehicle for transferring heat from the furnace—where it is generated—to the place to be warmed. This heat of vaporization is really the property which gives to steam its usefulness as a means of heating. Heat of Vaporization.—The temperature of the steam is comparatively an unimportant factor in the amount of heat given up by the radiator. It is the heat liberated at the time the steam changes from vapor to water that produces the greatest effect in changing the temperature of the house. This evolution of heat by condensation is sometimes called the latent heat of vaporization. It is the heat that was used up in changing the water to vapor. The following table of the properties of steam shows the temperatures and exact amounts of latent heat that correspond to various pressures. When water at the boiling point is turned into steam at the same temperature, there are required 965.7 B.t.u. for each pound of water changed into steam. In the table, this is the latent heat of the vapor of water at 0, gage pressure. As the pressure and corresponding temperature rise, the latent heat becomes less. At 10 pounds gage pressure, the temperature of the steam is practically 240°F., but the heat of vaporization is 946 thermal units. When the steam is changed back into water, as it is when condensed in the radiators, this latent heat becomes sensible and is that which heats the rooms. The steam enters the radiators and, coming into contact with the relatively colder walls, is condensed. As condensation takes place, the latent heat of the steam becomes sensible heat and is absorbed by the radiators and then transferred to the air of the rooms. Properties of Steam
Whenever water is evaporated, heat is used up at a rate that in amount depends on its temperature and the quantity of water vaporized. This heat of vaporization is important, not only in problems which relate to steam heating but in all others where vapor of water exerts an influence—ventilation of buildings, atmospheric humidity, the formation of frost, refrigeration, and many other applications in practice; this factor is one of the important items in quantitative determinations of heat. It will appear repeatedly in considering ventilation and humidity. At temperatures below the boiling point of water, the heat of vaporization gradually increases until, at the freezing point, it is 1092 B.t.u. Water vaporizes at all temperatures—even ice evaporates—and the cooling effect produced by evaporation Steam Temperatures.—While the temperature of steam is an unimportant factor in the heating of buildings there are many uses in which it is of the greatest consequence. When steam is employed for cooking or baking it is not the quantity of heat but its intensity that is necessary for the accomplishment of its purpose. Steam cookers must work at a temperature suitable to the articles under preparation, and the length of time required in the process. Examination of the table on page 3, will show that steam at the pressure of the air or 0, gage pressure, has a temperature of 212°F., which for boiling is sufficiently intense for ordinary cooking; but for all conditions required of steam cooking, a pressure of 25 pounds gage pressure is required. The temperature corresponding to 25 pounds is shown in the table as 267°F. Baking temperatures for oven baking as for bread requires temperatures of 400°F. or higher. To bake by steam at that temperature would require a gage pressure of 185 pounds to the square inch. The British thermal unit is the English unit of measure of heat. It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a pound of water 1°F. From the table it will be seen that steam at 10 pounds gage pressure, is only 27.4° hotter than it was at 0 pounds. In raising the pressure of a pound of steam from 0 to 10 pounds, the steam gained only 27.4 B.t.u. of heat. The amount of heat gained by raising the pressure to 10 pounds is small as compared with the heat it received on vaporizing. The extra fuel used up in raising the pressure is not well expended. It is customary, therefore, in heating plants, to use only enough pressure in the boiler to carry the steam through the system. This amount is rarely more than 10 pounds and oftener but 3 or 4 pounds pressure. Gage Pressure—Absolute Pressure.—In the practice of engineering among English speaking people, pressures are stated in pounds per square inch, above the atmosphere. This is termed In order to measure positively all pressures above a vacuum, the normal atmosphere is 14.7 pounds; all pressures above that point are continued on the same scale, thus: Gage pressure 0 = 14.7 absolute Absolute pressures are, therefore, those of the gage plus the additional amount due to the atmosphere. All references to pressure in this work are intended to indicate gage pressure unless specifically mentioned as absolute pressure. Steam heating as applied to buildings may be considered under two general methods: the pressure system in which steam under pressure above the atmosphere is utilized to procure circulation; and the vacuum system in which the steam is used at a pressure below that of the atmosphere. Each of these systems is used under a great variety of conditions, and to some is applied specific names but the principle of operation is very much the same in all of a single class. Steam heating plants are now seldom installed in the average home but they are very much employed in apartment houses and the larger residences. In large buildings and in groups of buildings heated from a central point, steam is used for heating almost exclusively. The type of plant employed for any given condition will depend on the architecture of the buildings and their surroundings. In very large buildings and in groups of buildings, the vacuum system is very generally employed. This system has, as a special field of heating, the elaborate plants required in large units. The low-pressure gravity system of heating is used in buildings of moderate size, large residences, schools, churches, apartment houses, and the like. Under this form of steam heating is The low-pressure gravity system, with which we are most concerned, takes its name from the conditions under which it works. The low pressure refers to the pressure of the steam in the boiler, which is generally 3 or 4 pounds; and since the water of condensation flows back to the boiler by reason of gravity, it is a gravity system. Fig. 1.—Diagram of a gravity system steam heating plant. The placing of the pipes which are to carry the steam to the radiators and return the water of condensation to the boiler may consist of one or both of two standard arrangements. They are known as the single-pipe system and the two-pipe system. Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a single-pipe system in its simplest form. In the figure the pipe marked supply and return, connects the boiler with the radiators. From the vertical pipe called a riser, the steam is taken to the radiators through branch pipes that all slope toward the riser, so that the water of condensation may readily flow back into the boiler. The water of condensation, returning to the boiler, must under this condition, flow in a direction contrary to the course of the steam supplying the radiators. In Fig. 2 is given a simple application of this system. A single pipe from the top of the boiler, in the basement, marked supply and return pipe, connects with one radiator on the floor above. The Fig. 2.—A simple form of steam heating plant. The furnace fire is controlled by a thermostat and a damper regulator. When the valve is opened to admit steam to the radiator, the air vent must also be opened to allow the escape of the contained air. The steam will not diffuse with the air in the radiator and unless the air is allowed to escape, the steam will not enter. As the steam enters the cold radiator, it is rapidly condensed, and collects on the walls in the form of dew, at the same time giving up its latent heat. The heat is liberated as condensation takes place, and as the dew forms on the radiator walls the heat is conducted directly to the iron. The water runs to the bottom of the radiator and then through the pipes; back to the boiler. The water occupies but relatively a little space and may return through the same pipe, while more steam is entering the radiator. As the steam condenses in the radiator, its reduction in volume tends to reduce the pressure and thus aids additional steam from the boiler to enter. In this manner a constant supply of heat enters the radiator in the form of steam which when condensed goes back to the boiler at a temperature very near the boiling point to be revaporized. It should be kept in mind that it is the Fig. 3.—A gravity system steam heating plant of two radiators. The furnace is governed by a thermostat. Fig. 3 is a slightly different arrangement of the same boiler as that shown in Fig. 2, connected with two radiators on different floors. The same riser supplies both radiators with steam and takes the water of condensation back to the boiler. Fig. 4 is an example of the single-pipe system applied to a small house. In the drawing, the boiler in the basement is shown connected with four radiators on the first floor and three on the second floor. The pipes connecting with the more distant radiators are only extensions of the pipes connecting the radiators near Fig. 4.—The gravity system steam heating plant installed in a dwelling. As stated above, the single-pipe system may be successfully used in all house-heating plants except those of large size. It One of the commonest causes of trouble in a single-pipe system is due to the radiator connections. The single radiator connection requires the entering steam and escaping water of condensation to pass through the same opening. Under ordinary conditions this double office of the radiator valve is accomplished with satisfaction but occasionally it is the cause of considerable noise. At any time the valve is left only partly open the steam will enter and condense because of the lower pressure inside the radiator but the condensed water will not be able to escape. The water has only the force of gravity to carry it out of the radiators and if it meets no opposition will flow back through the pipe to the boiler; but if it is required to pass a small opening through which steam is flowing in a contrary direction, the water will be retained in the radiators. Single-pipe radiators, therefore, work satisfactorily only under conditions which will permit the steam to enter and the water to leave as fast as it is formed. In ordinary use the valve at any time is apt to be left slightly open and this produces undesirable working conditions. In larger buildings, where greater distances require longer runs of pipe and more complicated connections, and where the volume of condensed steam is too great to be taken care of in a single pipe, this system does not work satisfactorily. Two-pipe System.—Fig. 5 is a diagram of a two-pipe system. Here, each radiator has a supply pipe, through which the steam enters, and a return pipe which conducts the water away. The branch pipes from a common supply pipe or riser, carry steam to the various radiators and all of the return pipes empty into a single return pipe that takes the water back to its source. It will be noticed that in this case the riser also connects at the bottom with the return pipe. This connection is made for the purpose of conducting away the condensation that takes place in the connecting pipes. The water will always stand in these pipes, at the same height as the water in the boiler. The supply pipe from the boiler, and the branch pipes connecting the radiators all slope toward the riser. The condensation in the connecting pipes does not pass through the radiators as it returns to the boiler. An exception to this general rule is shown in the radiator on the second floor. In this case the supply pipe slopes downward as it approaches the radiator. To prevent carrying water through the radiator, a small pipe under the left-hand valve connects with the return pipe and the water is thus conducted to the main return pipe. Fig. 5.—Diagram showing the arrangement of a two-pipe steam plant. Fig. 6 is a simple application of the arrangement shown in Fig. 5. The steam may be easily traced from the boiler to the radiators, and back through the return pipes to its source. The pipe marked R is the connection between the main supply pipe and the return pipe that takes away the condensation of the riser. It is connected to the main return pipe below the water line of the boiler and, therefore, does not interfere in any way with the passage of the steam. Each radiator empties its water of condensation into a common return pipe, that finally connects with the boiler below the water line. Fig. 6.—A two-pipe steam heating plant. This arrangement may be elaborated to almost any extent and is an improvement over the single-pipe system. It is quite commonly used as a method of steam distribution, but it lacks the required elements necessary to a positive circulation. As an example: Suppose that the plant shown in Fig. 6 is working and that the radiator on the first floor is hot, but the valves of the radiator on the second floor are closed and it is cold. The steam entering at the valve A of the lower radiator is being condensed as fast as the heat is radiated. The steam will pass on through the valve B into the return pipe and as soon as the return pipe Fig. 7.—Diagram of a separate return steam system. Separate-return System.—A diagram of a separate-return system is shown in Fig. 7. In this figure, the radiator, boiler and supply pipes are the same as those of Fig. 5, but there is a separate return pipe from each of the radiators, connecting with the main return pipe at a point below the water line of the boiler. Examination of this diagram will show that there is an independent circuit for the steam through each radiator. The steam is taken from a common riser as before but after passing through the radiator the water is returned by a separate pipe to the main return pipe at the bottom of the boiler. Fig. 8 is an application of separate-return system. It is exactly the same as Fig. 6, except that each radiator has an independent return pipe. Steam must always enter the radiators at the valves A and leave at the valves B. This makes a positive circulation that renders each radiator independent of the others. There is no opportunity for steam to pass through one radiator and interfere with the return water of another; it, therefore, prevents the possibility of hammering or surging so common in poorly designed steam systems. Of all the methods of steam heating where the water of condensation is returned to the boiler by reason of gravity this is the most satisfactory. This plant requires a larger amount of pipe than the other systems described and as a consequence the cost of installation is greater but it repays in excellence of service the extra expense incurred. Fig. 8.—A separate return heating plant. Overhead or Drop System.—There is yet another gravity system of steam heating that is sometimes used in large buildings where economy in the use of pipe is desired; this is the overhead or drop system shown in Fig. 9. It is not a common method of piping and is given here only because of its occasional use. In the arrangement of the drop system, the supply pipe for the radiators rises from the boiler to the highest point of the system and the branch pipes for the radiators are taken off from the descending pipe. Its action is the same as that of a single-pipe The two-pipe systems of steam heating are more certain in action than the single-pipe methods because there is nothing to interfere with the progress of the steam on its way to the radiators. In long branch pipes of the single-pipe system, the returning water is frequently caught by the advancing steam and carried to the end of the pipe, when slugging and surging is the result. Fig. 9.—Diagram of the overhead or drop system steam plant. Water-filled Radiators.—Radiators frequently fill with water and are noisy because of the position of the valve. This may be true in any gravity system but particularly so in radiators having a single pipe. When the valve of a single-pipe radiator is opened a very small amount, the entering steam is immediately condensed but the water cannot escape because the incoming steam entirely fills the opening. Under this condition, the radiator may entirely fill with water. If the valve is then opened wide, the imprisoned water has an opportunity to escape while the steam is entering, but the entering steam and escaping water sets up a water-hammer that sometimes is terrific and lasts until the water is discharged from the radiator. The same condition may exist in a two-pipe system, if the steam valve is slightly opened while the escape valve is closed, but in a well-designed system the radiator will be immediately emptied when both valves are open. Air Vents.—All radiators must be provided with air vents. The vent is placed near the top of the last loop of the radiator, at the end opposite from the entering steam, as indicated in Figs. 2, 3, 6, etc. The object of the vent is to allow the air to escape from the radiator as the steam enters. Steam will not diffuse with the air and, therefore, cannot enter the radiator until the air is discharged. The air vent may be a simple cock such as is shown in Fig. 10, that must be opened by hand when the steam is turned on, to allow the air to escape, and closed when the steam appears at the vent; or it may be an automatic vent, that opens when the radiator cools and closes automatically when the radiator is filled with steam. There are many makes of air vents of both hand-regulating and automatic types; of the former, Fig. 10 furnishes a common example. The part A, in the figure, is threaded and screws tightly into a hole made to receive it in the end loop of the radiator. The part B is a screw-plug that closes the passage C, leading to the inside of the radiator. When the steam is turned on, the vent must be opened until the air is discharged, after which it is closed by the hand-wheel D. Fig. 10.Fig. 11. Fig. 12.Fig. 13. Fig. 10.—A common form of air vent for radiators. Automatic Air Vents.—These vents depend for their action on the expansion of a part of the valve due to the temperature of the steam. The valve remains closed when hot and opens when cold. The difference in temperature between the steam and the expelled air from the radiator is the controlling factor. In the Most automatic vents require adjusting when put in place and occasionally need readjustment. The cap O, of Fig. 11, may be removed with a wrench and a screw-driver used to adjust the piece D, so as to shut off the steam when the radiator is filled with steam. The expanding piece is simply screwed down until the steam ceases to escape. Fig. 12 is another style of automatic vent, constructed on the same principle as that of Fig. 11, but probably more positive in action. In this vent the part A attaches to the radiator. The expanding portion B is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, through which the air and steam escape to the atmosphere. It is longer than the corresponding piece in the other vent and is more sensitive because of its greater length and exposed surface. As the piece B elongates from expansion, the upper end makes a joint with the conical piece D. The shape of this latter piece gives better opportunity for a tight joint than in the other form of vent and in practice gives better service. Fig. 13 is a cross-section of the Allen vent. This is an example of a vent which depends for its action on a float. Whenever sufficient water accumulates in the body of the vent to raise the float, it closes the vent by means of its buoyancy. The body of the vent shown in Fig. 13 is composed of two concentric cylinders. The float E occupies the inner cylinder, while surrounding it is the outer cylinder D. The outer cylinder is entirely closed except a little hole at G. The float is made of light metal and fits loosely in the inner cylinder. The steam from the radiator condenses in the vent until the inner cylinder is filled with water, up to the opening A. The float by its buoyancy keeps the opening in B stopped, and no steam can escape. The air of the outer cylinder D is expanded by the heat of the steam and most of the Many other air vents are in common use but most of them operate on one or the other of the principles described. Fig. 11 is a relatively inexpensive vent, while Fig. 12 is higher-priced. Fig. 14.—Steam radiator valve. Fig. 15.—Sectional view of a steam radiator valve. Steam Radiator Valves.—Like most other mechanical appliances that are extensively used, radiator valves are made by a great number of manufacturers and in many different forms. Some possess special features that are intended to increase their working efficiency but the type of radiator valve most commonly used for ordinary construction is that illustrated in Figs. 14 and 15. It is a style of angle valve that takes the place of an elbow and being made with a union joint, also furnishes a means of disconnecting the radiator without disturbing the pipes. Fig. 14 is an outside view of the valve and Fig. 15 shows its mechanical construction. The part B screws onto the end of the steam pipe and A connects with the radiator. The part C-D is the union. The nut C screws onto the valve and makes a steam-tight THE HOUSE-HEATING STEAM BOILERHouse-heating boilers were formerly made of sheet metal and are still so constructed to some extent, but by far the greater number are now made of cast iron. Sheet-metal boilers are constructed at the factory, ready to be installed, but the cast-iron type is made in sections and assembled to make a complete boiler, at the time the plant is erected. Sectional boilers are convenient to install, on account of the possibility of handling the parts in a limited space, that would not admit an assembled boiler without tearing down a part of the basement for admission. Cast-iron boilers as commonly used for heating dwellings are made in two definite styles. The small sizes are cylindrical in form and are used for either steam or hot-water heating. The larger sizes are made as illustrated in Figs. 16 and 17, the former being an outside view, and the latter showing the internal arrangement of the same boiler. The fire-box, water space and smoke passages are easily recognized. Each division represents a separate section which assembled as that in the figures makes a complete boiler with a common opening as shown at the top of Fig. 17. These boilers are used for residences of large size and for buildings of less than 10,000 feet of radiating surface. For large buildings, the steam is most commonly generated in boilers built for high pressure. In small plants, intended for either steam or hot-water heating, Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 16.—Sectional cast-iron boiler for steam or hot-water heating. The drawing shows the boiler cut through the middle lengthwise and exposes to view all of the essential features. The fire-box and the spaces occupied by the steam and water are easily recognized. It will be seen that the water space surrounds the fire-box except at the bottom and that the space above the fire-box presents a large amount of heating surface to the flame and heated gases as they pass to the chimney. The arrows show their course; first through the openings near the center, then through those further away. The object being to keep the Fig. 18.—Sectional view of the cylindrical type of cast-iron, sectional boiler. There is no standard method of rating the heating capacity of boilers of this kind and as a consequence, boilers of different makes—for the same rating—are not the same in actual heating capacity. The boilers are sold by their makers in sizes that are intended to furnish heat sufficient to supply a definite number of square feet of radiating surface. The ratings are quite generally too high for the weather conditions of the Northwest. A common practice with contractors is to select boilers for a given plant 50 per cent. and even 100 per cent. larger than those rated by the manufacturers for the same amount of radiation. In specifying the capacity of a house-heating plant it is common practice to require the boiler to be of such size as will easily heat a definite number of square feet of radiating surface. The radiators are required to possess sufficient radiating surface to keep the house at 70°F. in any weather. In the absence of any rules or specifications for determining the heating capacity of the boiler, the only means of securing a satisfactory plant is to require a guarantee of the contractor to install a boiler such as will fulfil the conditions stated above. Boiler Trimmings.—Attached to the boiler and required for its safe operation are a number of appliances that demand special attention. The office of each part should be thoroughly appreciated and the mechanical construction should be fully understood. An intimate acquaintance with the details of the plant, helps to make its operation satisfactory and adds to the efficiency with which it can be made to perform its duty. The Water Column.—In Fig. 18 the water column is shown at C. It is attached to the boiler by pipes at points above and below the water line, so as to allow a free passage of the water of the boiler to the interior. The water line should be 3 or 4 inches above the top heating surface. Attached to the water column is the gage-glass, the try-cocks T and T and the steam gage G. The object of the gage-glass is to show the height of the water in the boiler. It is shown in place on the boiler in Figs. 16 and 18 and in detail in Fig. 19. The lower part of the gage-glass occupies a position on the boiler about 2 inches above the top heating surface. When the boiler is working, the level of the water should always be visible in the glass and should stand normally one-third to one-half full. Fig. 19.—The water gage. The water gage is attached to the water column by two brass valves V. The valves are provided so that in case the water The try-cocks T and T (Fig. 18) are also intended to indicate the approximate height of the water in the boiler and should the water glass be broken may be used in its place. The openings of the try-cocks point toward the floor. When a cock is opened, should steam alone escape, it will be absorbed by the air, but if water is escaping, although much of it will be vaporized and look like steam, some of the water will be carried to the floor and produce a wet spot. When the cock is opened wide the escaping water from the lower cock should always wet the floor. The drip-cock P (Fig. 18) at the bottom of the gage-glass is for draining the water column and for blowing out any deposit that may collect in the opening of the column. This cock should be opened occasionally to assure the correctness of the gage-glass. Fig. 20.—Typical Bourdon pressure gage with the face removed. The Steam Gage.—Steam pressure is measured in pounds to the square inch above the pressure of the atmosphere. The gages used for indicating the pressure of the steam are made in several forms but the type most commonly used is that shown in Fig. 20. It is known as the Bourdon type of gage and takes its name from the bent tube A, which furnishes its active principle. The Bourdon barometer invented in 1849 employed this form of sensitive tube. In the drawing the face of the gage has been removed to show the working parts. The sensitive part is the flat elastic tube A, which is bent in the form of a circle. When the pressure of the steam enters at S the air in the tube is compressed and the tube tends to straighten. The movement of the tube caused by the steam pressure is communicated to the pointer by a link connection and gear as shown in the drawing. The amount of straightening of the tube will be in proportion to the steam pressure and is indicated by the numbers marked on the face of the gage. When the pressure is Fig. 21.—Cross-section of a pop valve. The Safety Valve.—All steam boilers should be provided with safety valves as a safeguard against excessive steam pressures. Of the various types of safety valves, that known as the pop-valve is most commonly used on house-heating boilers. It is indicated at W in Fig. 18 and is shown in section in Fig. 21. The part A is screwed into the top of the boiler at any convenient place. The pressure of the spring C holds the valve B on its seat until the internal pressure reaches a certain intensity at which the valve is set, when it opens and allows the excess steam to escape. When the pressure is reduced, the spring forces the valve back on its seat. The handle D permits the valve to be lifted at any time as an assurance that it is in working order. This should be done occasionally, as the valve may stick to the seat after long standing and allow the pressure to rise above the point at which it should “pop.” The valve may be set to “blow off” at any desired pressure by the adjusting piece E. House-heating boilers generally have their safety valves set to blow off at 8 or 10 pounds. The Draft Regulator.—As a means of automatic control of the steam pressure, the draft regulator is frequently used to so govern the fire that when a certain steam pressure is reached, the direct draft will be automatically closed and the check-draft damper opened. The draft regulator is shown in place at D in Fig. 18, and will also be found in Fig. 16. A detailed description of the regulator will be found on pages 60 and 61. RULE FOR PROPORTIONING RADIATORSRules for determining the amount of radiating surface that will be required to satisfactorily heat a building to 70°F. regardless of weather conditions are entirely empirical, that is, they are derived from experience. It is evident that no definite rule can Many rules are in use for this purpose, no two of which give exactly the same results when applied to a problem. A common practice is to apply one of the rules in use and then under conditions of exceptional exposure, to add to the amount thus calculated as experience may dictate. The following rule by Professor R. G. Carpenter of Cornell University was taken from a handbook published by the J. L. Mott Iron Works of New York. This company manufactures and deals in all kinds of apparatus entering into steam and hot-water heating and the rule is given as one that has produced satisfactory results. Rule.—Add the area of the glass surface in the room to one-quarter of the exposed wall surface, and to this add from one-fifty-fifth to three-fifty-fifths of the cubical contents (one-fifty-fifth for rooms on upper floor, two-fifty-fifths for rooms on first floor and three-fifty-fifths for large halls); then for steam multiply by 0.25, and for hot water by 0.40. Example.—A room 20 by 12 by 10 feet with glass exposure of 48 feet, ¼ of wall exposure (two sides exposed) 320 feet = 80, 1/55 of 2400 = 44. 48 + 80 + 44 = 172 × 0.25 = 43 feet. PROPORTIONING THE SIZE OF MAINSFor any size system of steam or water heating the following rule will be found entirely satisfactory for mains 100 feet long; for each 100 feet additional use a size larger ratio. Rule.— r = (3.1416/d)R = a/r × 100. r represents ratio of main in inches for each 100 feet of surface; d, diameter of pipe; R, quantity of radiation carried by size of pipe; a, area of pipe in inches. From this the following table has been constructed:
FORMS OF RADIATORSRadiators are much the same in appearance for both steam and hot-water heating. They are hollow cast-iron columns so designed that they may be fastened together in units of any number of sections. The sections are made in size to present a definite number of square feet of outside surface that is spoken of as radiating surface. The amount of radiating surface in any radiator depends on its height and the contour of the cross-section. The radiator sections may be made in the form of a single column as Fig. 22 or they may be divided into two, three, four or more columns to increase their radiating surface. The following table, taken from a manufacturer’s catalogue, shows the method of rating the heating capacity of a particular design. In the table, the first column gives the number of sections in the radiator, the second column states the length of the radiator in inches. The columns headed heating surface give the heights of the sections in inches and the amount of radiating surface in various radiators of different heights and numbers of sections. As an example: This table refers to the three-column radiators of Fig. 23. Such a radiator 32 inches high with 10
Fig. 22 is a radiator made up of eight single-column sections. The sections of steam radiators are joined together at the bottom with close-nipples, so as to leave an opening from end to end. The sections of hot-water radiators are joined in the same manner, except that there is an opening at both top and bottom. Fig. 30 shows the openings of a hot-water radiator installed as direct-indirect heater. Fig. 24 illustrates a special form of radiator that is intended to be placed under windows and in other places that will not admit the high form. Such a radiator as that shown in the picture is often covered with a window seat and in cold weather becomes the favorite place of the sitting room. Another special form is that of Fig. 25. As a corner radiator this style is much to be preferred to the ordinary method of connection; here the angle is completely filled—there is no open space in the corner. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 22.—Single column steam radiator. Wall radiators such as shown in Fig. 26 are made to set close to the wall, where floor space is limited. They are particularly adapted for use in narrow halls, bathrooms and other places where the ordinary type could not be conveniently used. A radiator that will appeal to all neat housekeepers is that of Fig. 27. It does not stand on the floor as in the case of the Fig. 28 is a radiator designed to furnish a warming oven for plates and for heating the room at the same time. It is sometimes installed in dining rooms. Fig. 24.—Six-column, low form of hot-water radiators to be placed under windows. Fig. 25.—Two-column corner radiator for steam heating. Fig. 26.—Wall form, radiator for steam or hot water. The ordinary method of heating by the use of radiators is known as the direct method. The air is heated by coming directly into contact with the radiators and distributed through the room by convection. If the arrangement is such that the air is brought from outdoors and heated by the radiator before entering the room, it is called the indirect method of heating. Such an arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 29. The radiator Fig. 30 is still another arrangement known as the direct-indirect method of heating. The radiator is placed in position, as for direct heating, but the air supply is taken from outdoors. The radiator base is enclosed and a double damper T regulates the amount of air that comes from the outside. When the inside damper is closed and the outside damper is open, as is shown in the drawing, the air comes from outdoors and is heated as it passes through the radiator on its way to the room. If the dampers are reversed, the air circulates through the radiator as in the case of direct radiation. Fig. 27.—Two-column radiator suspended from the wall by brackets. Fig. 28.—Dining-room radiator containing a warming oven. In the use of the direct or the direct-indirect method of heating the principal object to be attained is that of ventilation, but quite generally the passages are so arranged that the air may be taken from outdoors or, if desired, the air of the house may be sent through the radiators to be reheated. In extremely cold and windy weather it is sometimes difficult to keep the house at the desired temperature when all of the air supply comes from the outside. Under such conditions the outside air is used only occasionally. In mild weather it is common to use the outdoor air most of the time. The cost of heating, when these methods are used, is higher than by direct radiation, because the air is Fig. 29.—Ventilation by the indirect method of heating. Fig. 30.—Ventilation by the direct-indirect method of heating. Radiator Finishings.—In steam and hot-water heating the decoration of the radiators is a much more important item than that of a good-looking surface or one which will harmonize with the setting. Until recently radiator finishing has been considered a minor detail and the familiar bronze has been looked upon as a standard covering, while painted radiators were considered only a matter of taste. The character of the surface is, however, the determining factor in the quantity of heat given out by radiators. This has been determined in the experimental laboratory of the University of Michigan by Professor John A. Allen. Comparison was made of bare cast-iron radiators with the same forms painted as indicated in the following table. The bare radiator was taken at 100 per cent.; the other finishes
The author has stated further that, “It might be said in general that all bronzes reduce the heating effect of the radiator about 25 per cent. while lead paints and enamels give off the same amount of heat as bare iron. The number of coats of paint on the radiator makes no difference. The last coat is always the determining factor in heat transmission.” PIPE COVERINGSAll hot-water or steam pipes in the basement and in other places not intended to be used for heating should be covered with some form of insulating material. At ordinary working temperature a square foot of hot pipe surface will radiate about 15 B.t.u. of heat per minute. To prevent this loss of heat and the consequent waste of fuel the pipes should be covered with some form of insulating material. Pipe coverings are made of many kinds of material and some possess insulating properties that may reduce the loss to as low a point as 15 per cent. of the amount radiated by a bare pipe. Many good insulating materials do not give satisfactory results as pipe coverings because they do not keep their shape, some cannot be considered in the average plant because of high cost. Wood-pulp paper is extensively used as a cheap covering; it is a good insulator and under ordinary conditions makes a satisfactory covering. A more efficient and also a more expensive covering that is extensively used is that made of magnesia carbonate and known as magnesia covering. Aside from these, other forms made of cork, hair-felt, asbestos and composition coverings are sometimes used in house-heating plants. In selecting a pipe covering, there should be taken into account Pipe coverings are made in sections about 3 feet in length and from 1 to 13/8 inches in thickness. The sections are usually cut in halves lengthwise to permit being put in place. The sections are covered with common muslin to keep the material in place and sometimes are painted after being installed. Painting has nothing to do with their insulating capabilities, but it preserves the cloth and makes a neat appearance. The sections when put in place are secured by pasting one of the loose edges of the cloth to the surface. The ends of the sections are bound together with strips of metal. Fig. 31 shows the appearance of the pipe when the covering is in place. Fig. 31.—Pipe covering. Irregular surfaces like the body of the furnace, pipe connections, etc., are insulated by coverings made from a plaster that is made expressly for such work. It is known as asbestus plaster. The plaster may be purchased in bulk and put in place with a trowel. As it is found in the market the plaster requires only the addition of water to put into working form. The value of a pipe covering is not in proportion to its thickness. Experiments with pipe coverings have shown that a thickness of 13/8 inches will reduce the radiation 90 per cent., but doubling the thickness reduces the loss only 5 per cent. It, therefore, does not pay to make a covering more than 13/8 inches thick. Vapor-system Heating.—This system of heating is not greatly different from the steam plants already described but it is operated under conditions which do not permit the steam in the The excellence of the system depends in the greatest measure on good design and the employment of special facilities that allow all water to be discharged from the radiators and returned to the boiler without accumulation at any part of the circulating system. It requires, further, the discharge of the air from the system at atmospheric pressure. The system is, therefore, practically pressureless. Various systems of vapor heating are sold under the names of their manufacturers. Each possesses special appliances for producing positive circulation that are advocated as features of particular excellence. The vapor system of heating has met with a great deal of favor as a more nearly universal form of heating than either the pressure-steam plant or the hot-water method of heating. Fig. 31a is a diagram illustrating the C. A. Dunham system of vapor heating. It will be noticed that there are no air vents on the radiators. The air from the radiators is ejected through a special form of trap that is indicated in the drawing. These traps permit the water and air to pass from the radiators but close against the slightly higher temperature of the vapor. This assures the condensation of the vapor in the radiators and excludes it from the return pipes. The water returns to the boiler in much the same manner as in the pressure systems already described but the air escapes through the air eliminator as indicated in the drawing. The system is, therefore, under atmospheric Fig. 31 a.—Diagram showing the C. A. Dunham Co.’s system of vapor heating. The water of condensation is returned to the boiler against the vapor pressure, by a force exerted by the column of water in the pipe connecting the air eliminator with the boiler. The main return is placed 24 inches or more above the water line of the boiler. It is the pressure of this column that forces the water into the boiler through the check valve, against the vapor pressure in the boiler. It might be imagined that the water in the boiler and that in the air-eliminator pipe formed a “U-tube,” the vapor pressure on the water surface in the boiler, and the atmospheric pressure on the water in the eliminator standpipe. The slight vapor pressure in the boiler is counterbalanced by a column of water in the eliminator pipe. It is this condition that fixes a distance of 24 inches from the water line to the return pipe; that is, the force exerted by a column of water 24 inches high is required to send the water into the boiler. The vapor pressure is controlled by means of the pressurestat, which is an electrified Bourdon spring pressure gage, connected up by simple wiring to the damper motor, which may be any form of damper regulator. In residential work, the pressurestat is so connected with a thermostat, that both pressure and temperature conditions operate and control this damper regulator, which in turn controls the draft and the fire. The two instruments are so connected that if the pressure mounts to 8 ounces and the pressurestat caused the draft damper to close and the check to open, the thermostat cannot reverse the damper, regardless of the temperature in the room, until the pressure drops below the limiting 8-ounce pressure. Just so long as the pressure is below 8 ounces, the thermostat is the master in the control of the dampers. The minute that the pressure goes up to 8 ounces then the pressurestat takes control. |