——?—— BOOK VII. ———— CHAPTER I. | [1841-1842.] | | PAGE | Efforts at Retrieval—Close of Lord Auckland’s Administration —Embarrassments of his Position—Opinions of Sir Jasper Nicolls—Efforts of Mr. George Clerk—Despatch of the First Brigade—Appointment of General Pollock—Despatch of the Second Brigade—Expected Arrival of Lord Ellenborough—Further Embarrassments | 1 | CHAPTER II. | [January-April: 1842.] | The Halt at Peshawur—Position of Brigadier Wild—His Difficulties —Conduct of the Sikhs—Attempt on Ali-Musjid—Failure of the Brigade—Arrival of General Pollock—State of the Force—Affairs at Jellalabad—Correspondence between Sale and Pollock | 34 | CHAPTER III. | THE DEFENCE OF JELLALABAD. | [January-March: 1842.] | Situation of the Garrison—Letters from Shah Soojah—Question of Capitulation—Councils of War—Final Resolution—Earthquake at Jellalabad—Renewal of the Works—Succours expected | 53 | CHAPTER IV. | [April, 1842.] | The Forcing of the Khybur Pass—State of the Sikh Troops—Mr. Clerk at the Court of Lahore—Views of the Lahore Durbar—Efforts of Shere Singh—Assemblage of the Army at Jumrood—Advance to Ali-Musjid—Affairs at Jellalabad—Defeat of Akbar Khan —Junction of Pollock and Sale | 74 | CHAPTER V. | [January-April: 1842.] | The Last Days of Shah Soojah—State of Parties at Caubul —Condition of the Hostages—the Newab Zemaun Khan—Letters of Shah Soojah—His Death—Question of his Fidelity—His Character and Conduct considered | 103 | BOOK VIII. ———— CHAPTER I. | [November, 1841-April, 1842.] | Affairs at Candahar—Evil Tidings from Caubul—Maclaren’s Brigade —Spread of the Insurrection—Arrival of Atta Mahmed—Flight of Sufdur Jung—Attack on the Douranee Camp—Continued Hostilities —Attack upon the City—Action in the Valley of the Urghundab —Fall of Ghuznee—Defence of Khelat-i-Ghilzye—Movements of England’s Brigade | 122 | CHAPTER II. | [April-June: 1842.] | The Halt at Jellalabad—Positions of Pollock and Nott—Lord Ellenborough—Opening Measures of his Administration—Departure for Allahabad—His Indecision—The Withdrawal Orders—Their Effects—The “Missing Letter”—Negotiations for the Release of the Prisoners | 189 | CHAPTER III. | [January-April: 1842.] | The Captivity—Surrender of the Married Families—Their Journey to Tezeen—Proceed to Tugree—Interviews between Pottinger and Akbar Khan—Removal to Budeeabad—Prison Life—Removal to Zanda —Death of General Elphinstone | 215 | CHAPTER IV. | [December, 1841-June, 1842.] | Stoddart and Conolly—Intelligence of the Caubul Outbreak—Arrest of the English Officers—Their Sufferings in Prison—Conolly’s Letters and Journals—Death of the Prisoners | 235 | CHAPTER V. | [April-July: 1842.] | Affairs at Caubul—Elevation of Futteh Jung—Opposition of the Barukzyes—Arrival of Akbar Khan—His Policy—Attack on the Balla Hissar—Its Capture—Conduct of Akbar Khan—Barukzye Strife —Defeat of Zemaun Khan—Situation of the Hostages and Prisoners | 264 | BOOK IX. ———— CHAPTER I. | [June-September: 1842.] | The Advance from Jellalabad—Instructions of Lord Ellenborough —The Question of Responsibility—Employment of the Troops at Jellalabad—Operations in the Shinwarree Valley—Negotiations for the Release of the Prisoners—The Advance—Mammoo Khail —Jugdulluck—Tezeen—Occupation of Caubul | 283 | CHAPTER II. | [May-September: 1842.] | The Advance from Candahar—The Relief of Khelat-i-Ghilzye —Reappearance of Akbar Khan—General Action with the Douranees —Surrender of Sufdur Jung—The Evacuation of Candahar—Disaster near Mookoor—The Battle of Goaine—The Recapture of Ghuznee —Flight of Shumshoodeen Khan—Arrival at Caubul | 313 | CHAPTER III. | [September-October: 1842.] | The Re-occupation of Caubul—Installation of Futteh Jung—The Recovery of the Prisoners—Their Arrival in Camp—The Expedition into the Kohistan—Destruction of the Great Bazaar—Depredations in the City—Accession of Shahpoor—Departure of the British Army | 341 | CHAPTER IV. | [October-December: 1842.] | Effect of the Victories—Lord Ellenborough at Simlah—The Manifesto of 1842—The Proclamation of the Gates—The Restoration of Dost Mahomed—The Gathering at Ferozepore —Reception of the Troops—The Courts-Martial—Conclusion | 374 | | Appendix | 403 |
THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN. ------------ BOOK VII. ——————————