

Figure Page
1. Head of Arabian Steed 24
2. Head of Low-Bred Horse 24
3. Width of Lower Jaw in the Thorough-Bred 26
4. Width of the Lower Jaw in the Low-Bred 26
5. Oblique Shoulder 27
6. Straight or Upright Shoulder 28
7. English Saddle 69
8. Stokes' Mode of Girthing the Saddle 77
9. Victoria Stirrup 79
10. Spring-Bar for Stirrup-Leather 79
11. Lennan's Safety Stirrup 80
12. Latchford's Safety Stirrup 81
13. Chifney Bit 84
14. The Combination Bit 85
15. Dwyer's Curb-Bit 86
16. The Bit adjusted 90
17. Lady ready to mount her Horse 104
18. Lady ready to dismount 110
19. Correct Seat for a Lady (Back view) 119
20. Correct Seat for a Lady (Side view) 124
21. Crooked Position in Saddle (Miss X.) 129
22. Crooked Position in Saddle (Mrs. Y.) 133
23. Incorrect Position of Legs and Feet (Side view) 136
24. Incorrect Position when Legs and Feet are wrongly placed (Back view) 137
25. Snaffle-Reins; one in Each Hand 149
26. Snaffle-Reins; both in the Left Hand 153
27. Double Bridle; all Reins in the Bridle-Hand 162
28. Double Bridle; a Snaffle and a Curb Rein in Each Hand 166
29. The Walk 185
30. The Trot 205
31. Entering upon the Canter with the Right Leg Leading 225
32. The Flying Gallop 243
33. The Standing Leap—Rising 251
34. The Standing Leap—Descending 259
35. The Horse

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