1. | The lips. | 2. | Tip of the nose. Figs. 1 and 2 form the muzzle. | 3. | Chanfrin, or face; the parts that correspond to the bones of the nose, and that extend from the brow to the nostrils. | 4. | The brow, or forehead. | 5. | The eye-pits; cavities more or less deeply situated above the eyes. | 6. | Forelock; hairs between the ears that fall upon the forehead. | 7. | The ears. | 8. | The lower jaw and channel, or space comprised between the two lower jaws. Cheek. Jowl. | 9. | The jaws: nether jaws. | 10. | The nostril. | 11. | The throat. | 12. | Region of parotid glands, at the posterior and internal part of each of the lower-jaw bones. | 13. | The crest. | 13?. | The mane. | 14. | Windpipe and groove of the jugular veins. | 15. | The chest, thorax. | 16. | The withers, or the sharp, projecting part at the inferior extremity of the crest and of the mane. It is formed by the projection of the first dorsal vertebra. | 17. | The back, or part upon which the saddle is placed. | 18. | The ribs. | 19. | The passage for the girths. | 20. | The loins. | 21. | The croup; the most elevated part of the posterior extremity of the body. | 22. | The tail. | 24. | The flank. | 25. | The abdomen. | 27. | The saphena vein. | 28. | The shoulder and arm. | 28?. | The point of the shoulder. | 29. | The elbow. | 30. | The fore-arm. | 32. | The knee. | 33. | The cannon bone, shank. | 34. | The large pastern joint. | 35. | The small pastern joint. | 36. | The coronet. | 37. | The front foot and hoof. | 38. | The fetlock and ergot. The fetlock consists of hairs, and the ergot of a horny-like substance constantly found at the back and lower part of the large pastern joints. | 39. | The haunch. | 40. | The thigh, gaskin, or femur. | 41. | The stifle joint. | 42. | The buttock. | 43. | The tibia, or leg proper (lower thigh); a small bone lies behind it, the fibula. | 44. | The hock (curb place). | 44?. | The point of the hock. | 46. | The cannon bone. | 47. | The large pastern joint. | 48. | The fetlock and ergot. | 49. | The small pastern joint. | 50. | The coronet. | 51. | Hind-foot and hoof. |