1. The Persecutions under Nero, Decius, and Diocletian. About the year 100 A. D. the apostles of the Lord had all fallen asleep. The preaching of the Gospel, however, had not ceased, but was carried on vigorously everywhere, and now persecutions against the Christians arose also among the heathen. They began already under Nero. One of the most severe persecutions occurred under Emperor Decius. For nearly half a century the Christians had lived in peace, but this peace had made many of them secure and lukewarm. Origen, a noted teacher of the time, complains: "Some attend church only on the high festivals, and then, generally, only to pass away time. Some leave the church as soon as the sermon is ended, without speaking to the teachers or asking them questions; others do not listen to a single word, but stand in some corner of the church and chatter with each other." From this sinful security they were aroused by the persecution bursting over them like a sudden storm. The emperor issued a decree that the Christians were to be forced by threats and tortures to sacrifice to the heathen deities. Whoever refused to do this was to suffer death. This terrible decree caused the greatest consternation among the Christians. Many, especially of the rich, readily ran to the altars and offered the required sacrifices. Yes, so great was their fear of man that they denied ever having been Christians at all. Others, in spite of tortures, remained steadfast at first, but finally also denied their faith. However, there were also such as remained firm in the faith and praised God who considered them worthy to suffer death for Christ's sake. The last and most frightful of all persecutions began under Emperor Diocletian. The churches of the Christians were torn down, the collections of Holy Scriptures were burned, and innumerable Christians were tortured to death. They were left to starve in dungeons; they were forced with bare feet to walk upon hot, burning coals, or sharp nails; they were fastened to wooden machines by means of which their limbs were torn from their bodies. The torturers tore their flesh with iron nails, or covered them with honey, and laid them bound into the sun that they might be stung to death by the flies. But many Christians suffered these tortures with great firmness and could not be forced to forsake Christ. The executioners, finally, became weary, their swords grew dull, and—the church of the Lord remained unconquerable. Christians Suffering Death in the Circus. Christians Suffering Death in the Circus. 2. Ignatius. Ignatius was a disciple of the apostles and presided over a flourishing congregation at Antioch. Emperor Trajan demanded of him to deny his Savior and sacrifice to the gods. But he declared that the gods of the heathen were vanities. He said, "There is but one God, who has made heaven and earth, and one Christ, whose kingdom is my inheritance." Because of this confession he was taken to Rome and suffered martyrdom. He listened to his death sentence with composure, even with joy; he desired to depart and to be with Christ. He wrote concerning his journey: "From Syria to Rome I fought with wild beasts who became the more enraged the more benefits were bestowed upon them. However, let them throw me into the fire, let them nail me to the cross, let them tear my limbs from my body—what is all that, if I may enjoy Jesus!" How joyfully he met death can be seen from the words he addressed to the Romans: "I am seeking Him who died for us; He is my gain that has been preserved for me. Let me follow the sufferings of my God; my love is crucified; I long for the bread of God, for the flesh of Jesus Christ." To the Christians who attempted to have 3. Polycarp. He was a disciple of St. John, and, later on, became bishop of Smyrna, in Asia Minor. Under Marcus Aurelius he suffered martyrdom at the stake. Polycarp, listening to the entreaties of his congregation, who would gladly have saved him from his persecutors, fled to a country seat. His abode was soon betrayed, and he was delivered to his captors who found him engaged in prayer with several friends. Noticing that the house was surrounded, he said, "The Lord's will be done!" Thereupon he invited his enemies in, received them in the most hospitable manner, and asked them to grant him one hour for prayer. With so much earnestness he prayed to his Savior that even the heathen were touched by his devotion. He was led back to the city on an ass. There he was at first kindly urged to sacrifice to the gods, but he replied, "I will not follow your advice." At sight of the aged man (he was ninety years old) the Governor was touched and said to him, "Consider your great age. Swear by the emperor, deny Christ, and I will release you!" Polycarp exclaimed: "For eighty-six years I have served Him, and He has done me no ill; how can I now denounce my King and my Savior?" The Governor said, "I will throw you to the wild beasts, or I will force you by fire, if you do not change your mind!" 4. Perpetua. In the beginning of the third century the Christians were fiercely persecuted in Northern Africa. Among the prisoners at Carthage there was a young woman of noble birth, Perpetua. She was the mother of a nursing child. Her heathen father took the greatest pains to persuade his daughter to forsake Christ. In pleading accents he begged her, "My daughter, have pity upon my gray hairs. Oh, pity your father, if I have ever been worthy of this name! Take pity on your child which cannot survive you. Can nothing move you, my daughter? If you perish we will be disgraced before all men!" In saying this her father kissed her hands and fell down at her feet. But Perpetua did not deny the Lord; she remained firm and resisted all temptations in the strength of Him whom we are |