TIME OF SHAKESPEARE BY J. J. JUSSERAND TRANSLATED FROM THE EXPLANATORY LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER I. BEFORE SHAKESPEARE. I. CHAPTER II. TUDOR TIMES, THE FASHIONS AND THE NOVEL. I. CHAPTER III. LYLY AND HIS "EUPHUES." I. CHAPTER IV. LYLY'S LEGATEES. I. CHAPTER V. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY AND PASTORAL ROMANCE. CHAPTER VI. THOMAS NASH; THE PICARESQUE AND REALISTIC NOVEL. I. CHAPTER VII. AFTER SHAKESPEARE. I. WORKS BY JOSEPH CONRAD I. AN OUTCAST OF THE ISLANDS LOUIS BECKE and WALTER JEFFERY WITH THE OTHER ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES, BY ROBERT T. HILL, Of the United States Geological Survey. 3 GREAT ART BOOKS EDITED BY JOSEPH PENNELL. Lithography and " The Greatest English Artist since Hogarth. " The Work of Charles Keene. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected in this text. For a complete list, please see the bottom of this document. BY THE SAME AUTHOR.SHAKESPEARE IN FRANCE. Illustrated. Demy 8vo, cloth, 21s. Also 20 Copies on Japan paper, signed, £2 2s. ENGLISH WAYFARING LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES (XIVth CENTURY). Fourth and Revised Edition. Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. "A handsome volume, which may be warmly recommended to all who wish to obtain a picture of one aspect of English life in the fourteenth century."—Academy. "An extremely fascinating book."—Times. A FRENCH AMBASSADOR AT THE COURT OF CHARLES II. (LE COMTE DE COMINGES). From his Unpublished Correspondence. Ten Portraits. Large Crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. "Is sure to interest any one who takes it up."—Speaker. "The whole book is delightful reading."—Spectator. ENGLISH ESSAYS FROM A FRENCH PEN. Photogravure Frontispiece and 4 other Full-page Illustrations. Large Crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. PIERS PLOWMAN, 1362-1398: A Contribution to the History of English Mysticism. With a Heliogravure Frontispiece and Twenty-three other Engravings. Demy 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 12s. "M. Jusserand has once more made English literature his debtor by his admirable monograph on Piers Plowman.... It is a masterly contribution to the history of our literature, inspired by rare delicacy of critical appreciation."—Times. "The work is marked by the felicitous insight and vivid suggestiveness that charm us in previous writings by the same author."—Saturday Review. A LITERARY HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE: From the Origins to the Renaissance. Demy 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d. nett. London: T. FISHER UNWIN queen elizabeth. queen elizabeth.