| | PAGE | The Raven Myth | Eskimo (Bering Straits) | 17 | The Flood | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 33 | The Origin of the Tides | Tsetsaut | 37 | How the Rivers were Formed | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 39 | The Origin of Fire | Tlingit | 40 | Duration of Winter | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 41 | Raven’s Feast | Tlingit | 42 | Creation of the Porcupine | Tlingit | 44 | How Raven Taught the Chilkats | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 45 | Raven’s Marriage | Eskimo (Bering Straits) | 46 | Raven and the Seals | Tsimshian | 51 | Raven and Pitch | Tsimshian | 53 | Raven’s Dancing Blanket | Tsimshian | 55 | Raven and the Gulls | Tsimshian | 56 | The Land Otter | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 57 | Raven and Coot | Athapascan (Upper Yukon) | 58 | Raven and Marmot | Eskimo (Bering Strait) | 59 | The Bringing of the Light by Raven | Eskimo (Lower Yukon) | 61 | Daylight on the Nass River | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 65 | The Naming of the Birds | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 67 | The Origin of the Winds | Tlingit | 70 | Duration of Life | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 71 | Ghost Town | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 72 | How Raven Stole the Lake | Haida (Queen Charlotte Islands) | 73 | The Killer Whale | Haida | 75 | Origin of the Chilkat Blanket | Tsimshian | 77 | Origin of Land and People | Eskimo (Lower Yukon) | 80 | Creation of the World | Athapascan (Upper Yukon) | 81 | Origin of Mankind | Eskimo (Bering Straits) | 82 | The First Woman | Eskimo (Bering Straits) | 83 | The First Tears | Eskimo (Bering Straits) | 85 | Origin of the Winds | Eskimo (Lower Yukon) | 87 | Origin of the Wind | Athapascan (Upper Yukon) | 91 | North Wind | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 92 | East Wind and North Wind | Tlingit | 93 | Creation of the Killer Whale | Tlingit | 94 | Future Life | Tlingit (Wrangell) | 96 | The Land of
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