Tlingit A YOUNG beaver was captured, long ago, by a family of the Decitan. It was well cared for, but it became angry and began to make songs. Afterward the beaver’s master went through the woods to a creek and found there two salmon-spear handles, beautifully carved. They were at the foot of a big tree. He took them home and when the beaver saw them he said, “That is my work.” After a while, something offended the beaver again. He began to sing just like a human being. Then he seized a spear and threw it through his master’s chest. So his master was killed. The beaver thumped its tail on the ground and the house fell into the ground. The beaver had dug a great hollow under the house. It is from this story that the Decitan clan claim the beaver as their totem and have the beaver crest. They also have songs composed by the beaver. |