| PAGE. | Declaration of Independence, | 9 | Thomas Jefferson, | 13 | John Hancock, | 25 | Benjamin Franklin, | 30 | Roger Sherman, | 38 | Edward Rutledge, | 45 | Thomas M’Kean, | 49 | Philip Livingston, | 55 | George Wythe, | 58 | Abraham Clark, | 61 | Francis Lewis, | 64 | Richard Stockton, | 66 | Samuel Adams, | 70 | Dr. Benjamin Rush, | 78 | Oliver Wolcott, | 83 | George Read, | 85 | Thomas Heyward, | 88 | Robert Morris, | 92 | John Witherspoon, | 97 | Thomas Lynch, Jr. | 102 | Matthew Thornton, | 105 | William Floyd, | 108 | William Whipple, | 112 | Francis Hopkinson, Esq. | 115 | Josiah Bartlett, | 117 | Arthur Middleton, | 122 | James Wilson, | 126 | Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, | 132 | William Williams, | 136 | Samuel Huntington, | 139 | George Walton, | 142 | George Clymer, | 146 | Carter Braxton, | 152 | John Morton, | 155 | Richard Henry Lee, | 158 | Stephen Hopkins, | 164 | Robert Treat Paine, | 170 | George Taylor, | 174 | Francis Lightfoot Lee, | 177 | Thomas Stone, | 181 | Lewis Morris, | 184 | John Hart, | 188 | Button Gwinnett, | 191 | William Ellery, | 195 | Lyman Hall, | 200 | John Penn, | 203 | Elbridge Gerry, | 208 | William Paca, |
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