ml@files@56903@56903-h@56903-h-27.htm.html#Page_301" class="pginternal">301 Efficiency and costs, 52 Efficiency experts, 295 Elementary-education expenditures, 47, 48, 55, 58 Elimination from school, 121 English secondary schools, 29 Entertainment, 150 Errors in oral reading, 225 Euclid, 116 European schools, 14, 17 Examinations, 240 English, 29 Exceptional pupils, 174 Excursions, field, 239 Exercises and readings, 12, 30, 45, 62, 76, 95, 111, 125, 139, 154, 168, 182, 195, 210, 228, 241, 252, 265, 278, 287, 297, 306, 320 Experimental method, 8, 302 Experiments in education, 302 Extension of education, 141 Eye movements in reading, 9 Failures, and classification of pupils, 102 in high school, 107 Fairy tales, 188 Farrington, F. E., 31, 140 Fatigue, 256 and lighting, 85 and play, 269 Feeble-mindedness, 170 Figures, 6, 8, 9, 18, 50, 59, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 103, 137 Lecture method, 239 Legal requirements for secondary-school teachers, 317 Liggett School, 295 Lighting in school buildings, 78, 85 Locke, John, 300 Lowell, A. L., 207 Luncheons, school, 280 MacAndrew, W., 77 McFarland, E. G., 143 McMurry, C. A., 169, 241 McMurry, F. M., 163 Madison, Wisconsin, 274 Maine, 99 Malnutrition, 281 Management of school system, 67 Manhattan Trade School, 136 Mann, Horace, 22, 36 Marks, 245 systems of, 261 Massachusetts, 22, 37 Mathematics in high school, 115 Maturity of pupils, 166 Maury, Sarah W., 280 Measurement of school results, 73, 212, 294 Mechanical aspects of school work, 227 Meek, C. S., 2 Method, 229 experiments in, 239 Methods, courses in, iii, 300 of study, 235 Meyer, M. F., 263 Michigan, 6, 22 Miller, Edith, 206 Minneapolis, 74, 119 Minneapolis survey, 11 Minnesota, 6, 7 Missouri, 6 Mistakes of pupils, study of, 204 Monahan, A. C., 95 Money, training in use of, 118 Monroe, Paul, 265 Monroe, W. S., 31 Montana, 6 Montessori, 159 Morehouse, F. M., 253 Morons, 171 Motor processes, observation of, 325 National Association of Directors of Educational Research, 77 National life, lessons in, 139 National Playground Association, 169 Wealth and educational expenditures, 53 Wheaton, H. H., 147 Wider use of school plant, 141 Wirt, W. A., 90 Wisconsin, 6 Wood, T. D., 288 Woolman, Mary S., 136 Wyoming, 6 Young, Ella Flagg, 2