AN ENGLISHMAN'S LIBRARY ( circa 1475). |
Source.—Paston Letters, vol. iii., No. 869. [Note.—The original manuscript is much decayed, and the portions between brackets represent attempted reconstructions of the text.] The inventory of the English books of John [Paston] made the fifth day of November, anno regni regis E. iiij.... - A book had of mine hostess at the George ... of The Death of Arthur beginning at Cassab[elaun, Guy Earl of] Warwick; King Richard Coeur de Lion;[33] A chronicle ... to Edward III.
- Item, a book of Troilus[34] which William Bra ... hath had near ten years, and lent it to Dame ... Wyngfeld, and ibi ego vidi.
- Item, a black book with the legend of Lad[ies,[35] la Belle Dame] saunce Mercye; the Parliament of Bird[s;[36] the Temple of] Glass;[37] Palatyse and Scitacus; the Me[ditations]; the Green Knight.[38]
- Item, a Book in print of the Play of the [Chess].
- Item, a book lent Midelton, and therein is Belle Da[me sans] Mercy; the Parliament of Birds; Ballad ... of Guy and Colbronde; of the Goose ... the Disputation between Hope and Despair; ... Mare haunts; the Life of Saint Cry[stofer].
- A red book that Percival Robsart gave me ... of the Meeds of the Mass; the Lamentation of Childe Ypotis;[39] a prayer to the Vernicle;[40] [a book] called the Abbey of the Holy Ghost.
- Item, in quires:—Tully de Senectute[41] in divers [places] whereof there is no more clear written.
- Item, in quires:—Tully or Cypio[42] de Ami[citia] left with William Worcester.
- Item, in quires, a book of the Policy of In[gelond].
- Item, in quires, a book de Sapientia[43] ... wherein the second person is likened to Sapi[ence].
- Item, a Book de Othea,[44] text and gloss ... in quires. Memorandum, mine old Book of Blazonings of Arms.
Item, the new Book portrayed and blazoned. Item, a copy of Blazonings of Arms and the names to be found by letter. Item, a book with arms portrayed in paper....
Memorandum, my Book of Knighthood and the man[ner] of making of Knights, of Jousts, of Tour[nements], fighting in lists, paces holden by so[ldiers] ... and challenges, statutes of war, and De Regim[ine Principum].[45] Item, a new Book of new Statutes from Edward IV.