9@46869-h@46869-h-12.htm.html#Ad_10" class="pginternal">10 —— Treatise on Human Nature, 10 Ihne’s Roman History, 2 Ingelow’s Poems, 26 —— Story of Doom, 26 —— Mopsa, 26 Jameson’s Saints and Martyrs, 17 —— Legends of the Madonna, 17 —— Monastic Orders, 17 Jameson and Eastlake’s Saviour, 17 John Jerningham’s Journal, 26 Johnston’s Geographical Dictionary, 11 Kalisch’s Commentary on the Bible, 7 —— Hebrew Grammar, 7 Keith on Fulfilment of Prophecy, 20 —— Destiny of the World, 20 Kerl’s Metallurgy, 18 Kirby and Spence’s Entomology, 13 Latham’s English Dictionary Lawlor’s Pilgrimages in the Pyrenees, 24 Lecky’s History of European Morals, 3 —— —— — Rationalism, 3 Leisure Hours in Town, 9 Lessons of Middle Age, 9 Lewes’ History of Philosophy, 3 Liddell and Scott’s Two Lexicons, 8 Life of Man Symbolised, 16 Lindley and Moore’s Treasury of Botany, 13 Longman’s Edward the Third, 2 —— Lectures on the History of England, 2 —— Chess Openings, 28 Loudon’s Agriculture, 19 —— Gardening, 19 —— Plants, 13 Lowndes’s Engineer’s Handbook, 17 Lubbock on Origin of Civilisation, 12 Lyra Eucharistica, 22 —— Germanica, 16, 21 —— Messianica, 22 —— Mystica, 22 Macaulay’s (Lord) Essays, 3 —— History of England, 1 —— Lays of Ancient Rome, 25 —— Miscellaneous Writings, 9 —— Speeches, 7 —— Complete Works, 1 Macfarren’s Lectures on Harmony, 16 Macleod’s Elements of Political Economy, 7 —— Dictionary of Political Economy, 7 —— Theory and Practice of Banking, 24 —— Passing Thoughts on Religion, 21 —— Poems of Bygone Years, 26 —— Preparations for Communion, 21 —— Principles of Education, 21 —— Readings for Confirmation, 21 —— Readings for Lent, 21 —— Tales and Stories, 21 —— Thoughts for the Age, 21 —— Ursula, 21 —— Thoughts for the Holy Week, 21 Shipley’s Four Cardinal Virtues, 21 —— Invocation of Saints, 22 Short’s Church History, 4 Smart’s Walker’s Dictionary, 8 Smith’s (V.) Bible and Popular Theology, 19 —— (J.) Paul’s Voyage and Shipwreck, 20 —— (Sydney) Miscellaneous Works, 9 —— —— Wit and Wisdom, 9 —— —— Life and Letters, 4 Southey’s Doctor, 7 —— Poetical Works, 25 Stanley’s History of British Birds, 13 Statham’s Eucharis, 26 Stebring’s Analysis of Mill’s Logic, 6 Stephen’s Ecclesiastical Biography, 5 —— Playground of Europe, 22 Stirling’s Secret of Hegel, 9 —— Sir William Hamilton, 10 Stonehenge on the Dog, 27 ——- on the Greyhound, 27 Strickland’s Queens of England, 5 —— Sunday Afternoons at the Parish Church of a Scottish University City (St. Andrews), 8 Taylor’s History of India, 3 —— (Jeremy) Works, edited by Eden, 22 Thirlwall’s History of Greece, 2 Thompson’s (Archbishop) Laws of Thought, 6 —— (A.T.) Conspectus, 16 Todd (A.) on Parliamentary Government, 1 Todd and Bowman’s Anatomy and Physiology of Man, 15 Trench’s Ierne, a Tale, 24 Trench’s Realities of Irish Life, 3 Trollope’s Barchester Towers, 24 —— Warden, 24 Twiss’s Law of Nations, 28 Tyndall on Diamagnetism, 11 —— — Electricity, 12 —— — on Heat, 11 —— — ImaginatSpottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London. Transcriber's Note: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible. Some minor corrections of spelling and punctuation have been made. |