CHAPTER PAGE I. I Come Home: And the Wolves Howl 1 II. My Dream: and Dudley's Girl 16 III. Dudley's Mine: and Dudley's Gold 30 IV. The Man in the Dark 46 V. The Caraquet Road: and the Wolves Howl Once More 56 VI. Mostly Wolves: and a Girl 71 VII. I Find Little Enough on the Corduroy Road, and Less at Skunk's Misery 86 VIII. Thompson! 100 IX. Tatiana Paulina Valenka! 116 X. I Interfere for the Last Time 134 XI. Macartney Hears a Noise: and I Find Four Dead Men 148 XII. Thompson's Cards: and Skunk's Misery 164 XIII. A Dead Man's Messenger 182 XIV. Wolves—and Dudley 199 XV. The Place of Departed Spirits 218 XVI. In Collins's Care 231 XVII. High Explosive 247 XVIII. Lac Tremblant 265 XIX. Skunk's Misery 283 XX. The End 293