The Alpine Bootmaker, 16 South Molton Street (First Floor), LONDON, W. Specialist in Boots for Climbing & Touring For over 50 years Maker to the ENGLISH, CONTINENTAL, CANADIAN and CAPE ALPINE and CLIMBING CLUBS. Illustrated Price List on application. Es’ablished nearly a Century. HILL & SON, 4 Haymarket, London, S.W. (Opposite His Majesty’s Theatre.) London Manufacturers of Sporting, Table, Toilet and Pocket Cutlery, Alpine Ice Axes and Accessories, Skates and Fine Steel Work. H. & S. have a very Interesting Stock of Mechanical Contrivances and Useful Inventions for Everyday Wants. Utilities of all Sorts for Travellers and the Household. Specialities for the Garden. Jewellery, Silverware and Electroplate. ALL LISTS FREE. Alpine Ice Axes—Various Patterns for Ladies and Gentlemen. RÜcksacks. Several Patterns, With and Without Outside Pockets. Of Foreign Manufacture, from 12s. 6d. London Make, 17s., 18s. 6d. and 22s. Alpine Expedition Stick, as Illustration, with Steel Head and Point, and Leather Head Case, 23s. 6d. Ash, Hazel, and Oak Mountaineering Sticks, with Steel Points, 9s. 6d., 10s., 11s. Boot Furniture.—No. 6, Mummery Spikes, 1s. 3d. per dozen. Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6d. per dozen. Swiss Side and Centre Nails, 1s. 6d. per 100. Larger Side Nails, 4s. 6d. per 100. Postages extra.