ublic@vhost@g@html@files@28117@28117-h@28117-h-1.htm.html#Page_42" class="pginternal">42, 140, 302-337. Moral Character of Time, 292. Mother-in-Law, 264. Mourning in a Hindu Home, 272. Mozumdar, Protab, 386-391. Mutiny, the, 1. - Nana Sahib, 107.
- Nanak Shah, 319, 378.
- Natesa Sastri, Pundit, 293.
- Native Doctors, 270.
- New Dispensation, 399.
- New Dispensation's Creed, 396.
- Obscenity, Law punishing, 210.
- Occupational Theory of Caste, 98.
- Odyssey, the, 153.
- Olcott, Colonel, 405, 408.
- Omens, 217.
- "Oriental Christ," 391.
- Origin of Caste, 93.
- Outcastes of Panjamas, 208.
- Pagoda, the Land of the, 73.
- Pal, Bepin Chandra, 12.
- Pandavas, 154.
- Pan Islamic Movement, 332.
- Panjaub—its Difficulty, 18.
- Pantheism, 160.
- Pariahs and Hindus, 209.
- Parliament, Members of, 7.
- Parsees, 40.
- Pax Britannica, 312.
- Pessimism, Hindu, 217.
- Plutscho, Rev., 412.
- Polygamy of Mohammedans, 320.
- Polytheism, 199.
- Prakriti, 159.
- Prayaschitta, 120.
- Press in India, the, 11, 21.
- Prosperity in India, 14.
- Protestantism and Caste, 143.
- Protestantism, its Bicentenary, 412.
- Protestant Missionary Force, 414.
- Proverbs about Women, 253.
- Puranas, 156, 277.
- Quietism, 233.
- Quran, the, 318.
- Rahu Kala, 300.
- Railroads and Caste, 147.
- Rajputana Mohammedans, 316.
- Ramachandra, 281.
- Ramayana, 157, 281.
- Ram Mohun Roy, 379.
- Rangoon, 72.
- Religious Theory of Caste, 95.
- Renunciation, 233.
- Revenue of Government, 13.
- Rishis, 295.
- Risley, Sir H., on Caste,