’??a????a (Sc. ?e??) offerings made at departure, a feast of Aphrodite at Eryx. ?ata????a the festival of the return opp. to a?a????a.—Liddell and Scott’s Lexicon. Taken partly from oral tradition and partly from Le Glorie di Maria SS. Immaculata, sotto il titolo di Custonaci, by Maestro F. Giuseppe Castronuovo, and Feste Patronali in Sicilia, by Giuseppe PitrÈ. Torino Palermo Carlo Clausen, 1900. Translation: Castellinaria. Most Precious and Unforgettable Sir! It is now more than twelve months since I had the pleasure of seeing your grateful person upon our shore. I have real pleasure in telling you that my dear father is in the enjoyment of good health and greatly desires to see you again. Three months ago my heart was destroyed in consequence of the ascent into heaven of my adored mamma. I cannot find words to express to you my grief. It would have been better if the good God had taken me as well, for I shall have no more pleasure in life. I announce to you that on Sunday next my wedding will be celebrated. I can never forget your exquisite courtesy and the kind thoughts you nourish with regard to me. I beg you to believe that I am now, and for all my life shall be, bound to you by affection, devotion and respect. Pampalone Giuseppe. |