A. - Air, 11, 15, 28, 50, 136.
- Air-pump, 31, 145.
- Angle, 44.
- acute, 44.
- obtuse, 44.
- right, 44.
- of incidence, 45, 154, 160, 173.
- of reflection, 45, 154, 160, 173.
- visual, 168, 169, 170.
- Angular velocity, 171.
- Antarctic circle, 92.
- Aphelion, 75.
- Arctic circle, 92.
- Atmosphere, 28, 104, 129, 136, 144, 150, 163.
- colour of, 193.
- reflection of, 193.
- refraction of, 182.
- Attraction, 10, 14, 23, 25, 179.
- of cohesion, 15, 19, 118.
- capillary, 18.
- of gravitation, 18, 23, 29, 70, 80, 96, 116, 136.
- Avenue, 170.
- Auditory nerve, 151.
- Axis, 78.
- of motion, 48.
- of the earth, 22, 99.
- of mirrors, 176.
- of a lens, 184.
B. - Balloon, 30.
- Barometer, 140.
- Bass, 155.
- Bladder, 138.
- Bodies, 10.
- elastic, 40.
- fall of, 23, 26, 30, 36.
- luminous, 157.
- opaque, 157.
- sonorous, 152, 155.
- transparent, 157.
- Bulk, 16.
C. - Camera obscura, 184, 197, 201.
- Capillary tubes, 18.
- Centre, 48.
- Centrifugal force, 49, 72, 95, 115.
- Centripetal force, 49, 72.
- Ceres, 84.
- Circle, 44, 94.
- Circumference, 94.
- Clouds, 129.
- Colours, 23, 185.
- Comets, 86.
- Compression, 42.
- Concord, 155.
- Constellation, 86.
- Convergent rays, 175, 177.
- Crystals, 12.
- Curvilinear motion, 47, 72.
- Cylinder, 52.
D. - Day, 78, 105, 106.
- Degrees, 44, 94, 99, 169, 170.
- Density, 16.
- Diagonal, 47.
- Diameter, 94.
- Discords, 155.
- Diurnal, 78.
- Divergent rays, 175, 177.
- Divisibility, 10, 12.
E. - Earth, 18, 70, 84, 88, 95.
- Echo, 154.
- Eclipse, 110, 159.
- Ecliptic, 86, 92, 99.
- Elasticity, 41.
- Elastic bodies, 28, 40.
- Ellipsis, 75.
- Equinox, 100, 107.
- Equator, 92, 99.
- Essential properties, 10.
- Exhalations, 13.
- Extension, 10, 11.
- Eye, 166, 195.
F. - Fall of bodies, 24, 27, 31.
- Figure, 10, 12.
- Fluids, 118, 128.
- Flying, 40.
- Focus, 176.
- of concave mirrors, 177.
- of convex mirrors, 175, 177.
- of a lens, 184.
- imaginary, 176.
- virtual, 176.
- Force, 33.
- centrifugal, 49, 72, 95, 115.
- centripetal, 49, 72.
- projectile, 47, 49.
- of gravity, 47, 49.
- Fountains, 135.
- Friction, 68, 69, 135.
- Frigid zone, 93.
- Fulcrum, 54.
G. - General properties of bodies, 10.
- Georgium Sidus, 85.
- Glass, 183.
- burning, 188.
- refraction of, 183.
- Gold, 119, 126.
- Gravity, 18, 23, 78, 97.
H. - Harmony, 155.
- Heat, 16, 29, 103.
- Hemisphere, 92, 100.
- Herschel, 85.
- Hydraulics, 118.
- Hydrometer, 128.
- Hydrostatics, 118.
I. - Image on the retina, 165, 172.
- reversed, 167.
- in plain mirror, 172.
- in concave do. 175.
- in convex do. 175.
- Impenetrability, 10.
- Inclined plane, 54, 66.
- Inertia, 10, 14, 32.
- Inherent properties, 10.
- Juno, 84.
- Jupiter, 85.
L. - Lake, 133, 135.
- Latitude, 94, 112.
- Lens, 184.
- concave, 184.
- convex, 184.
- meniscus, 184.
- plano-concave, 184.
- plano-convex, 184.
- Lever, 54, 55.
- first kind, 58.
- second kind, 60.
- third kind, 60.
- Light, 157.
- pencil of, 158.
- of the moon, 162, 163.
- absorption of, 188.
- reflected, 160.
- refraction of, 179.
- Liquids, 118.
- Longitude, 94, 112.
- Luminous bodies, 157.
- Lunar month, 108.
M. - Machine, 54, 66.
- Magic lanthorn, 203.
- Mars, 84.
- Matter, 10, 13.
- Mechanics, 32.
- Mediums, 157, 180.
- Melody, 156.
- Mercury, (planet) 83, 85, 114.
- Mercury, or quicksilver, 16, 140, 141.
- Meridians, 93.
- Microscope, 200.
- Minerals, 12.
- Minutes, 94.
- Momentum, 38, 56.
- Monsoons, 149.
- Month, lunar, 108.
- Moon, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85.
- Moonlight, 162, 163.
- Motion, 14, 32, 36.
- accelerated, 36.
- axis of, 48.
- centre of, 48, 55.
- compound, 46.
- curvilinear, 47, 49.
- diurnal, 78.
- perpetual, 35.
- retarded, 35.
- reflected, 43.
- uniform, 34.
- Mirrors, 172.
N. O. P. - Pallas, 84.
- Parabola, 51.
- Parallel lines, 25.
- Parallel of latitude, 94.
- Pellucid bodies, 157.
- Pencil of rays, 158.
- Pendulum, 98.
- Perihelion, 75.
- Perpendicular lines, 25.
- Phases, 109.
- Piston, 143, 145.
- Plane, 92, 93.
- Planets, 76, 81, 83.
- Poles, 92, 99, 100.
- Polar star, 100, 112.
- Porosity, 42, 126.
- Powers, mechanical, 54.
- Projection, 49, 50, 71.
- Precession of equinoxes, 107.
- Pulley, 54, 63.
- Pump, 31.
- Pupil of the eye, 164.
R. - Rain, 17, 129.
- Rainbow, 188.
- Rarity, 16.
- Ray of light, 158, 179.
- Rays, intersecting, 165.
- Reaction, 39.
- Receiver, 31.
- Reflection of light, 160, 163.
- angle of, 45, 161, 173.
- of mirrors, 173.
- of plane mirrors, 174.
- of concave do. 174.
- of convex do. 174.
- Reflected motion, 43.
- Refraction, 179, 186.
- of the atmosphere, 182.
- of glass, 183.
- of a lens, 184.
- of a prism, 185.
- Resistance, 54.
- Retina, 165.
- Rivers, 134.
- Rivulets, 131.
S. - Satellites, 80, 111, 113.
- Saturn, 85.
- Scales, or balance, 55.
- Screw, 54, 67.
- Shadow, 110, 111.
- Siderial time, 106.
- Sight, 165.
- Signs of the zodiac, 86, 93.
- Smoke, 14, 29.
- Solar microscope, 202.
- Solstice, 100, 102.
- Sound, 151.
- Space, 33.
- Specific gravity, 123.
- Spectrum, 190.
- Speaking-trumpet, 154.
- Sphere, 26.
- Springs, 130.
- Spring tides, 116.
- Square, 81, 85.
- Stars, 77, 86, 102.
- Storms, 147.
- Substance, 10.
- Summer, 76, 100.
- Sun, 71, 75, 78, 162, 182.
- Swimming, 41.
- Syphon, 132.
T. - Tangent, 49, 73.
- Telescope, 203, 204.
- reflecting, 204.
- refracting, 204.
- Temperate zone, 92, 101.
- Thermometer, 142.
- Tides, 114, 116.
- Time, 105, 107.
- Tone, 155.
- Torrid zone, 93, 147, 182.
- Transit, 114.
- Transparent bodies, 157.
- Treble and bass, 155.
- Tropics, 92.
V. - Valve, 143.
- Vapour, 17, 29, 104, 129.
- Velocity, 33, 57.
- Venus, 84.
- Vesta, 84.
- Vibration, 98, 152.
- Vision, 164, 168.
- Vision, angle of, 168, 170.
U. W. - Water, 118, 130.
- Wedge, 54, 66.
- Weight, 23.
- Wheel and axle, 54, 65.
- Wind, 146.
- Winter, 76, 101.