| | Page. |
| Description of Clonard, | 3 |
| Battle of Timahoe, | 9 |
| Junction of the Wexford and Kildare Rebels, | 12 |
| Battle of Clonard, | ib. |
| Mrs.Tyrrell's sufferings while prisoner with the Rebels, | 20 |
| Character of Col.Perry and Priest Kearns who were executed | 30 |
| LETTERS. | |
I. | Battle of Carlow, | 34 |
II. | Battle of Ross, | 38 |
III. | Battle at Castlecomber,&c. | 41 |
IV. | Battle of Kilcomney, | 49 |
V. | Second Account of the Battle at Kilcomney, | 52 |
VI. | Battle of Saintfield, | 57 |
VII. | Battle of Kilbeggan, | 60 |
| Battle of Naas | 63 |
| Battle of Kilcullen, | 65 |
| Battle of Hacketstown, | 67 |
| LETTERS. | |
VIII. | Battle of Arklow, | 70 |
IX. | Account of the depredations of the Rebels at Gorey—their sacrilegious treatment of the Church, in which they immolated two Protestants, | 73 |
X. | Situation of the Rebels on Vinegar-Hill, | 78 |
| Description of Vinegar-Hill—the Battle, | 76 |
| The Rebels are defeated, | 77 |
XI. | Accurate detail of the effects of the Rebellion in the County Wexford. | 78 |
| Battle at Oulard, | 80 |
| Attack at Enniscorthy, | 80 |
| Battle at the Three Rocks, | 81 |
| Atrocities of the Rebels and the sufferings of the Loyalists in Wexford,&c. | 83 |
| Names of Clergymen and principal Gentlemen put death, | 86 |
| Copy of an Affidavid made before the RightHon. the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, relative to the attack on Prosperous | 87 |
| Account of the murder of Capt.Swayne—Burning of the Barracks, and the cries of the Soldiers consumed therein—Murder of Messrs. Stamer and Brewer,&c. | 88 |
J. JONES informs the Reader that in a few Days he will publish the Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged, on a small Type, and good Paper, intended to bind up with the present Narrative,
(Price only Sixpence Halfpenny)
Sufferings and Providential Escape
Written by himself.
Giving an account of his confinement and ill treatment received from the Rebels; the political and religious interrogations of Dick Monk; the situation of Lord Kingsborough; description of the Rebel Camp; General Roache's proclamation from Vinegar-hill; description of Messrs. Harvey, Keugh and Grogan; the unheard-of cruel manner of piking the Loyalists; the re-taking of Wexford by his Majesty's troops; the liberation of the prisoners, succeeded by a truly affecting scene—The general orders from Carrick-Byrne Camp;—Proposal of the Rebels to General Lake, and his answer, with the singular account of Mr.Colclough's behaviour at the place of execution; also Mr.Grandy's Information before four magistrates at Duncannon-Fort.
pointing finger This present Edition sells for half the price of another published in Dublin.
Printing executed on the shortest Notice—Emblematic Ribbands impressed with Gold and Silver.
CLONARD is situate about Twenty five miles from Dublin on the Western road leading to Mullingar. Tho' constituted a post town, it is a very small village, consisting of an Inn and a few thatched houses; but from its situation being on the confines of two counties, Kildare and Meath, and having a bridge across the river Boyne, which opens a communication from Dublin to Westmeath, and from thence to Athlone and the Province of Connaught, it must be considered as a very important pass in all times of commotion and war. On the Dublin side of the town is situated the mansion house of the Tyrrell family, and at present belongs to John TyrrellEsq. It is an old fashioned house, fronting the road from which it is separated by a high wall and a court yard; having an extensive garden upon its right, and a sheet of water upon the left.—Mr.John Tyrrell, being a Magistrate of both Counties, Kildare and Meath, and having exerted himself early to suppress the disturbances which were occasioned by the Defenders, naturally became an object of their resentment, and having been repeatedly menaced with an attack, he fortified his house by building up the original hall door, opening another, which might flank the approach to the house, and barricading all the lower windows, so as to render them musquet proof.
Upon the institution of the Yeomenry, Mr.John Tyrrell was honoured with a Commission to raise a Corps of Cavalry, which was immediately embodied, under the Title of the Clonard Cavalry, and Thomas Tyrrell, and Thomas Barlow, Esqs. were appointed Lieutenants. This Corps soon distinguished itself by its unwearied exertions to preserve the peace of the neighbourhood; but in the course of the Spring of 1798, Mr.John Tyrrell the Captain, receiving positive information of a conspiracy to take away his life, thought it prudent to retire with his family into England.
The command of the Corps consequently devolved upon Mr.Thomas Tyrrell, the first Lieutenant, who had also at this critical period been appointed High Sheriff of the County of Kildare.—Upon the tenth of May 1798, he received an official letter, ordering the Clonard Cavalry upon permanent duty; in this emergency Mr.Thomas Tyrrell, finding his own house at Kilreiny about one mile and a half from Clonard inconvenient, and in truth indefensible from its situation, removed with his family to his Kinsman's house at Clonard, before described, where he mounted a guard of one Serjeant and 18 men who were to be relieved every week.
Orders were about the same time issued to Captain OFerrall of the Ballina Cavalry, to mount a permanent guard at Johnstown, near the Nineteen Mile house, which were accordingly complied with: but upon the 16th of May, reports of a general rising having been circulated, and being corroborated by encreasing outrages in the neighbourhood, Captain OFerrall was permitted to fall back from Johnstown to Clonard in the night time for protection; repairing to Johnstown at four o'Clock in the morning, and retiring to Clonard in the evening.
In this way matters went on for some time, when the country becoming still more disturbed and apprehensions of an attack upon Clonard becoming more serious, Lieutenant Thomas Tyrrell repaired to Dublin, with an escort of his Corps, leaving the command at Clonard with Lieutenant Barlow. The object of this visit to Dublin, was to represent to Government the situation of that part of the country, the daily apprehensions of an attack, and the necessity of a reinforcement. Lord Castlereagh, to whom these representations were made, answered, that under the existing circumstances no force could be sent to Clonard, but Mr.Thomas Tyrrell was authorized to raise some Supplementaries, for whom he would be supplied with arms and ammunition.
Pending this application in Dublin, viz. upon the 29th of May the Rebels assembled to the number of 800 in the village of Carbery, five miles from Clonard, where they burned the Protestant Charter School and several houses; they then proceeded through Johnstown, burning and destroying the house of every protestant near the road. Towards evening they halted at a place called Gurteen, where they destroyed the house of Mr.Francis Metcalf.—When intelligence of these transactions reached Clonard, Lieutenant Barlow marched out with a party of the guard, and being joined by Captain OFerrall they went in pursuit of the Rebels, but did not over take them, until they had halted at Gurteen, where they had taken a very advantageous position upon each side of a narrow road, behind strong quickset hedges, so that Cavalry could not approach them with any prospect of success. Lieutenant Barlow halted his men, and then advancing some paces towards the enemy, took off his helmet, and challenged them to come forward. They however declined leaving their entrenchments, and night approaching, the Yeomenry with great reluctance returned to their Guard house.
On the 30th of May Lieutenant Thomas Tyrrell arrived safe from Dublin, with his escort, carabines for the Troop, musquets for the Supplementaries and a quantity of ammunition. The next day he enrolled nineteen well affected protestants to act as Supplementaries and dismounted.
By this time the Rebels had collected a very considerable force and every night committed some outrage and depredation. They encamped upon an Island in the bog of Timahoe, and also at Mucklin and Dreihid; they plundered almost every house in the neighbourhood of their respective places, drove away all the fat cattle and horse they could meet, and intercepted the supplies for the Dublin market.