1865 Home After almost three years' absence, I found my valley home at dusk on the third of July, 1865. And what a happy union it was. Father, mother, sisters and brothers, all together. The circle unbroken during the terrible three years that had rolled over us since I parted to try my fate in a soldiers' camp. The bitter tears of anguish then, were replaced by those of unbounded joy. All the hardships and privations of my campaign were amply repaid at this joyful union. But three years had brought a change here as well as upon me. The locks of my aged father were considerably whiter than when I left. Mother I was rejoiced to find looking so well. That frail casket which I feared so much could never see this happy day on earth, has retained its vitality to a wonderful extent. Thomas, John, Margaret, Mary, Hannah and Ellen were the same in appearance as when I left, but Jane had grown from a school girl to the full proportions of a woman, and I scarcely could recognize her. The little boys are grown and much changed, but yet the same. And this is not all the change. I left them without a place to call home, but found them situated in a lovely location, a pleasant house and expanding fields, for which I felt very thankful. But there was no time left for such thoughts that evening. Among other kindnesses I had bread and milk. Spring Green, Tuesday, July 4. A happy day to the happy family. Fourteen of us filled the old family wagon and crossed the river to Spring Green where I met several of my Battery chums. A pleasant picnic passed off here for the benefit of the soldier boys. It was great gratification to know that our old friends welcomed us home so cordially. I read the Declaration of Independence and Reverend Phillips addressed. Madison, Thursday, July 6. In accordance to orders I reported at Madison in company with Sister Mary and Brother John. Found an officer with great difficulty and was told that I was not needed until the 11th. Mazomanie, Wis., Monday, July 10. Another family load of us attended the Equescurriculum [circus] at Mazomanie, intending to go into Madison in the evening, but word was sent that they don't want us till the 13th. Spring Green, Thursday, July 13. Have been on a two days' visit amongst my old associates of Spring Green. Was to go in to Madison from there for my discharge, but they are not ready now till Monday. So it goes. I am going into the harvest field to work. Madison, Monday, July 17. According to orders the 6th Battery was once more together in Madison by 2 P. M. anxious for the final action which places each upon an equality with the other. But disappointment appears to be the rule; to-morrow, 10 A. M., is the time. 6th Wisconsin Battery Reunion—Richland Center, Wis., Aug. 27, 1897
1865 Mustered Out Madison, Tuesday, July 18. The rolls have returned with Lieutenant Colonel Giddings' (mustering officer) signature annexed, and the military tie which bound us together as the 6th Battery has ceased to exist. 10 A. M. we assembled once more and in the yard in front of Captain Simpson's office, in the city of Madison, signed the final pay rolls, and received the much-coveted scrip "Discharge", bearing date of July 18. "Mustered out of United States service on the 3rd of July". It was not an hour of noisy demonstration, but happiness too sweet for utterance prevails, the emotion of thankfulness filling the dullest breast, "Free! Free!" was the exclamation of many as they became possessors of the prizes. But to me it brought many dark and serious thoughts to mind. Yes, free, but for the first time in my life I am my only dictator as to what course to pursue. Have arrived at age with life's issue fairly before me, and undecided what course to pursue. Inclination and duty seem strangely at variance. The importance of such questions is almost oppressive. But I must strive to attain the highest good that lies in my power. The dictates of conscience shall be my guide. To-night I retrace my steps to my quiet valley home. The many tender ties which bind me to my comrades of the march, battle and camp, are more than likely forever broken on this earth. And the diary which I have kept unbroken is hereby ended with the end of my service, having lived two years and eleven months in the service of my country. Three of the best years of my life have been lost to self-instruction, and the plans and hopes of my childhood have been ruthlessly toppled down, but the time has not been lost. I have no regrets for the way it has been spent. My prayer is that the remainder of my life may be as usefully spent. So, dear Diary, good-bye! Jenk. Ll. Jones.
Amount of Pay Received in United States Army 1862. | Aug. 28 | Advance bounty at Madison | $25.00 | Aug. 28 | Premium | 4.00 | 1863. | Feb. | Pay to 1st Nov. '62 at Memphis | 33.87 | May | Pay to 1st Mch. '63 at Millikens Bend | 52.00 | June | Pay to 1st May '63 at Vicksburg | 26.00 | July | Pay to 1st July '63 at Vicksburg | 26.00 | Sept. 17 | Pay to 1st Sept. '63 at Glendale | 26.00 | Dec. 2 | Pay to 1st Nov. '63 at Chattanooga | 13.15 | 1864. | Feb. 19 | Pay to 1st Jan. '64, at Huntsville | 26.00 | May 24 | Pay to 1st May '64, at Huntsville | 52.00 | Aug. 5 | Pay to 1st July '64, at Etowah | 32.00 | Nov. 6 | Pay to 1st Sept. '64, at Etowah | 32.00 | 1865. | July 22 | Final pay and bounty to 18th of July, 1865 | 256.95 | | Total amt. rec'd for service for 2 yrs. 11 months and 4 days | $604.97 | Amount of Pay Sent Home 1862. | Aug. 23 | Advance bounty at Madison | $15.00 | 1863. | Feb. | From Memphis | 25.00 | May | From Millikens Bend | 45.00 | June | From rear Vicksburg | 20.00 | July | From Vicksburg | 20.00 | Sept. 27 | From Glendale | 20.00 | Dec. 2 | From Chattanooga | 15.00 | 1864. | Feb. 19 | From Huntsville | 20.00 | May 26 | From Huntsville | 40.00 | Aug. 5 | From Etowah | 20.00 | Nov. | From Nashville | 25.00 | 1865. | July 22 | Final payment at Madison | 180.00 | | Total amount sent | $445.00 |
Clothing Drawn 1862. | Aug. 26 | 1 blanket | $2.24 | Aug. 27 | 2 pair drawers | 1.42 | Aug. 27 | 1 cap | .57 | Aug. 27 | 1 infantry blouse | Aug. 27 | 1 canteen | .32 | Aug. 27 | 1 knapsack | 3.78 | Aug. 27 | 1 haversack | .39 | Sept. 28 | 1 shirt | .90 | Oct. 13 | 1 pair pants | 3.87 | Oct. 13 | 1 jacket | 5.17 | Oct. 13 | 1 hat | 2.05 | Oct. 16 | 1 overcoat | 7.62 | Nov. 10 | 1 blanket | 2.24 | Nov. 14 | 1 shirt | .90 | Nov. 22 | 1 pair socks | .24 | Nov. 30 | 1 shirt (starched) | .90 | 1863. | Jan. 14 | 1 pair pants | 3.87 | Jan. 14 | 1 cap | .57 | Jan. 14 | 1 canteen | .30 | Feb. 4 | 1 pair of socks | Feb. 24 | 1 pair boots (sewed) | June 5 | 1 poncho | Oct. 22 | 1 haversack | .48 | Oct. 25 | 1 knit shirt | 1.30 | Oct. 25 | 1 pair pants | 4.60 | Dec. 16 | 2 pair drawers | 1.80 | Dec. 16 | 1 hat | 1.65 | 1864. | Feb. 17 | 1 cap | .58 | Feb. 17 | 1 pair boots (pegged) | 2.12 | Feb. 17 | 1 shirt | 1.53 | Apl. 12 | 1 pair pants (inf.) | 2.40 | Apl. 12 | 1 blouse | 3.12 | June 9 | 1 shirt | 1.53 | Aug. 9 | 1 hat | 1.80 | Aug. 9 | 1 pair shoes | 1.64 | Sept. 10 | 1 pair pants | 4.15 | Sept. 10 | 2 shirts | 3.12 | Sept. 10 | 1 blanket | 3.60 | Nov. 12 | 1 pair boots | 3.25 | Dec. 8 | 1 pair pants | 3.15 | Dec. 8 | 2 pair drawers | 2.00 | Dec. 8 | 1 great coat | 10.55 | 1865. | Feb. 6 | 1 blanket in hospital | 3.60 | Mar. 11 | 1 jacket | 9.25 | Mar. 11 | 1 poncho | 5.90 | May 10 | 1 blouse | 4.80 | June 5 | 1 pair boots | 4.00 | June 5 | 1 shirt | 2.32 | June 5 | 1 pair pants | 5.90 |
INDEX - Abbeville (Miss.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 17, 21.
- Abolitionists, views of, 309.
- Acworth (Ga.), 80th Ohio at, 236;
- Adairsville (Ga.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 225;
- "Adriatic," Mississippi steamboat, 93.
- Alabama, inhabitants, 160;
- view into, 331;
- Logan in, 263;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 112;
- troops from, 78;
- 1st Cavalry, 105, 106, 118.
- Albion (Wis.), correspondence with, 34, 111;
- school at, 243;
- Jones visits, 339.
- Alexander, Col. Jesse I., at Oxford, 20;
- Buntyn Station, 25;
- Huntsville, 209;
- commands expedition, 211, 212.
- Allatoona (Ga.), military depot, 262;
- "Alone," Mississippi steamboat, 39, 42.
- American Messenger, cited, 306.
- Amsden, Lieut. Marcus, forages, 124;
- Anderson, Maj. Robert, at Fort Sumter, 322.
- "Anglo Saxon," transport, 117.
- Anthony (negro), at Oxford, 19;
- straggler, 223;
- sermon by, 239.
- Arkansas, 6th Wisconsin Battery in, 37.
- "Armada," Mississippi steamboat, 39, 45.
- Armies—
- Cumberland, troops in, 125, 130;
- at Missionary Ridge, 313.
- Frontier, troops from, 70, 71.
- Potomac, reverse for, 3.
- Tennessee, troops from, 130;
- casualties in, 238;
- commander, 233;
- at Nashville, 272.
- Western, commander, 260.
- Arnold, Dr. ——, of 12th Wisconsin Battery, 10, 11.
- Athens (Ala.), troops at, 205;
- Atlanta (Ga.), military center, 337;
- Atlantic Monthly, mentioned, 39, 68, 186, 309.
- Atlantic Ocean, Sherman reaches, 266.
- "Autocrat," Mississippi gunboat, 39.
- Babcock, Byron, sick, 9, 186;
- Bailey, William M., at Buntyn Station, 29.
- Baker, Frederick T., wounded, 67, 101;
- Ballou's Monthly, cited, 296.
- "Baltic," Mississippi gunboat, 39.
- Baltimore (Md.), convention at, 218.
- Bancroft, Marion L., on furlough, 315, 325.
- Banks, Gen. Nathaniel P., reinforces Grant, 61.
- Banks, Robert E., death, 324, 339.
- Barry, Gen. William F., at Nashville, 302.
- Bartlett, Samuel C., sermon by, 196.
- Bass (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 304.
- Battles—
- Allatoona, 255-258.
- Atlanta, 232, 233, 245, 246.
- Champion Hills, troops at, 148, 257;
- casualties, 174;
- McPherson, 233.
- Chattanooga, 148, 339.
- Chickamauga, 339.
- Corinth, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 7, 8, 48, 101, 148, 255;
- Missouri Brigade, 257;
- casualties, 10, 55.
- Dalton, Wheeler at, 239, 240.
- Franklin, Hood at, 279.
- Gettysburg, victory, 80.
- Grand Gulf, 50, 51.
- Iuka, 6, 7, 257.
- Jackson, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 56-59, 148;
- Kenesaw Mountain, 340.
- Lookout Mountain, 136-143, 330, 331.
- Missionary Ridge, 136-143, 313, 339;
- Murfreesboro, 26, 285;
- Nashville, 280-288.
- Port Gibson, 51.
- Raymond, 55, 148.
- Ringgold, 144.
- Shiloh, casualties at, 55.
- Tunnel Hill, 141-143, 339.
- Vicksburg, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 148;
- Beauregard, Gen. Gustave T., son of, 144.
- Beaver, Corp. Sampson, at Buntyn Station, 25;
- Memphis, 28, 31;
- Huntsville, 206;
- forager, 120;
- on furlough, 81.
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 322;
- Bellefonte (Ala.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 157, 222.
- Benedict, George W., sick, 11;
- Beniczky, K. W., New York photographer, 274.
- Bennett, John L., on furlough, 81.
- Benoit, Frank, on furlough, 315, 325.
- Benson, Bradley, death, 312.
- Berger, Christian, portrait, 364.
- Bickerdyke, Mary A., army nurse, 191, 192;
- Big Shanty (Ga.), railroad at, 223, 251, 254.
- Bird Spring (Ala.), picnic at, 217.
- Blair, Gen. Frank J., commands corps, 110, 113, 209;
- orders from, 214;
- at Missionary Ridge, 139.
- Blake, B. F., forager, 158;
- Bolton, Capt. William H., commands battery, 60.
- Boomer, Col. George B., Vicksburg campaign, 53;
- Booth, ——, at Huntsville, 184.
- Booth, John W., killed, 328.
- Booth, Robert L., sick, 252.
- Booth, William H., at Whiteside, 149;
- Bowen, Gen. John S., at Vicksburg, 76.
- Bowman, ——, forager, 16.
- Bragg, Gen. Braxton, in Chattanooga campaign, 269, 329, 331;
- Brady, Dr. ——, at Vicksburg, 80.
- Breckinridge, Gen. John C., at Corinth, 7.
- Brewer, Gen. Richard H., at Chattanooga, 314.
- Bridgeport (Ala.), equipments at, 146;
- Brodhead (Wis.), recruits from, 210.
- Brownlow, William G., author, 28, 29.
- Brownsboro (Ala.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 162, 221.
- Budlong, Capt. Syria M., assistant inspector-general, 165, 167, 177, 219, 233.
- Buntline, Ned. See Judson, Edward Z.
- Buntyn Station (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 24-32, 103.
- Burdick, Edgar A., portrait, 364.
- Burnham, Oliver J., at Etowah Bridge, 235;
- Burnham, William A., portrait, 128.
- Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., news from, 6;
- in Chattanooga campaign, 145.
- Burnsville (Miss.), troops at, 107;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 109.
- Butler, Gen. Benjamin F., at Petersburg, 208;
- Richmond, 209;
- builds canal, 321.
- Byhalia (Miss.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 22;
- Byness, Henry J., at Buntyn Station, 29;
- Cairo (Ill.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 2.
- Calkins, Miss ——, at Vicksburg, 90.
- Calkins, Luman H., discharged, 90.
- Calhoun, ——, home of, 210.
- Calhoun (Ga.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 225;
- Calvinism, doctrines of, 166, 292.
- Cameron Hill (Tenn.), described, 341;
- Camp Barry (Tenn.), 275, 288;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 278.
- Camp Proper (Ala.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 128.
- Camp Randall (Wis.), recruits at, 179, 182.
- Campbell, Coulter, sick, 39;
- Campbell, John, discharged, 26.
- Campbell, Milton, at Memphis, 23, 33.
- Canada, Peace Commissioners in, 234.
- Canton (Ga.), expedition near, 261.
- Carpenter, David L., promoted, 237;
- Carpenter, Rollin B., portrait, 364.
- Cartersville (Ga.), military center, 240, 268;
- 11th, in Chattanooga campaign, 129;
- at Missionary Ridge, 141;
- pursues Bragg, 143, 144.
- 12th, in Chattanooga campaign, 129.
- 13th (McClernand's), at Vicksburg, 62.
- 14th, at Etowah Bridge, 260, 268.
- 15th, commander, 147, 233;
- medical inspector, 173;
- orders for, 249;
- troops in, 110, 156;
- recruits for, 210;
- concentrated, 263;
- pursues Bragg, 143, 145;
- in Georgia campaign, 317;
- at Atlanta, 247;
- Chattanooga, 136;
- Etowah Bridge, 260;
- Goldsboro, 325;
- Larkinsville, 158;
- Memphis, 99;
- Tunnel Hill, 339.
- 16th (Dodge's), orders for, 100;
- 17th, orders for, 34;
- 20th (Slocum's), troops in, 125;
- 23rd, at Cartersville, 259.
- Wilson's Cavalry, at Chattanooga, 344, 345.
- For Confederate Corps see names of commanders.
Corse, Gen. John M., at Allatoona, 256, 257. Covenant, cited, 46, 85, 89, 176, 196, 220. Cowan Station (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 126. Creeks— - Battle, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 127.
- Bear, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 111, 112.
- Beaver Dam, crossed, 185.
- Chickamauga, Gen. Smith at, 136;
- Clear, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 5, 210, 213, 215, 236, 318, 328;
- captures Lee, 321.
Graysville (Ga.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 144, 145. Green, Peter, under arrest, 178; - punished, 237;
- at Huntsville, 175.
Grey, Robert, on furlough, 315, 316; "Gunboat No. 5," on Yazoo expedition, 42. - "Hamilton Belle," dispatch boat, 41.
- Hamilton, Gen. Charles S., order from, 25;
- near Holly Springs, 15;
- at Tallahatchie River, 17.
- Hamilton, Sergt. William H., recruiting officer, 129, 179;
- promoted, 188;
- sick, 75, 90;
- at Buntyn Station, 27;
- Corinth, 11;
- Dickson Station, 114;
- Lumpkin's Mill, 16;
- Memphis, 23;
- Oxford, 20;
- in Vicksburg campaign, 54.
- Hammond, Rasselas A., portrait, 364.
- Hardee, Gen. William J., Confederate commander, 336.
- Harding Pike (Tenn.), Nashville road, 293.
- Hard Times Landing (La.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 51.
- Harlow, Lieut. Edward G., at Bridgeport, 148.
- Harpers Ferry (Va.), captured, 6.
- Harper's Weekly, cited, 344.
- Haskins, John G., death of, 10.
- Hauxhurst, Sergt. Sidney, scout, 27;
- sick, 39;
- under arrest, 179;
- court-martialed, 181, 186;
- at Buntyn Station, 28;
- Hawk's Nest (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 269, 304.
- Hayes, Daniel W., at Whitesburg, 202.
- Hayes, Corp. Edgar F., on Yazoo expedition, 42;
- furlough, 129;
- promoted, 296;
- sick, 333;
- at Cartersville, 230, 234, 260;
- Hurlbut, Gen. Stephen A., reinforces Grant, 61.
- Hutchinson, Sergt. Charles, sick, 189;
- Ide, Jonathan O., on furlough, 129.
- Illinois, governor of, 48;
- 7th Infantry, 256;
- 13th Infantry, 211-213;
- 14th Infantry, 209;
- 20th Infantry, 18, 55;
- 27th Infantry, 256;
- 56th Infantry, 114, 203;
- 57th Infantry, 194;
- 63rd Infantry, 93, 193, 213, 219, 236, 254;
- 72nd Infantry, 38, 47;
- 81st Infantry, 63;
- 90th Infantry, 142;
- 93rd Infantry, 40, 43, 142, 236, 239, 241, 257;
- 111th Infantry, 187;
- 118th Infantry, 104;
- 4th Cavalry, 96;
- 5th Cavalry, 110;
- 1st Light Artillery, 361;
- Bolton's Battery, 60;
- Cogswell's Battery, 112, 116, 135, 138, 140, 169, 172, 173, 196, 197, 199, 271;
- McAllister's Battery, 62.
- "Illinois," Mississippi steamboat, 93.
- Illinois Central Railroad, 6th Wisconsin Battery on, 2.
- Independent, sermon in, 86.
- Indiana, election in, 108, 263;
- 15th Infantry, 218;
- 38th Infantry, 256;
- 43rd Infantry, 40;
- 48th Infantry, 234, 235;
- King, Andrew Jr., at Vicksburg, 92.
- King, Franklin, death of, 360, 361.
- King, Frederick, at Murfreesboro, 360;
- Kingsbury, Alice (Maggie Mitchell), actress, 275, 276.
- Kingston (Ga.), troops at, 229, 237, 239, 244, 268;
- Knapp, Corp. Augustus H., at Etowah Bridge, 235;
- Knoxville (Tenn.), troops at, 176, 307, 319;
- Kokomo (Ind.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 362, 363.
- Ladies' Repository, cited, 345.
- Lafayette (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 24, 103, 159;
- La Grange (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 13, 103.
- Lakes—
- Lula, excursion to, 331, 354;
- Michigan, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 2.
- Moon, expedition on, 39, 40, 45.
- Providence, canal at, 46.
- Lamberson, Jay G., portrait, 364.
- Landen, Samuel F., promoted, 251;
- at Chattanooga, 329;
- portrait, 364.
- Larkinsville (Ala.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 157-161, 222.
- "Laurel Hill," Mississippi steamboat, 86.
- Lavergne (Tenn.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 360.
- Leach, Lyman R., under arrest, 181.
- Lee, Capt. ——, inspecting officer, 186.
- Lee, Gen. Charles, biography, 86.
- Lee, Gen. Robert E., defeated, 208, 319, 320;
- surrenders, 6,
files@33211@33211-h@33211-h-5.htm.html#Page_108" class="pginternal">108;
- mail at, 85;
- danger to, 101;
- troops at, 38;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 22-25, 32-36, 80, 99-105, 109, 366;
- 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry, 31;
- Bulletin, 23, 39.
- Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 106, 109, 111, 114;
- Mendenhall, Maj. John ——, inspecting officer, 320;
- Methodist church, preacher of, 210;
- Methodist Advocate, cited, 306.
- "Mica Jack Cave," described, 150.
- Michigan, soldier killed, 15.
- Miles, Col. Dixon S., captured, 6.
- Miller, Dr. Clarkson, at Corinth, 8;
- Oxford, 19;
- Vicksburg, 84.
- Miller, Henry W., at Helena, 98;
- Millikens Bend (La.), described, 93;
- equipments at, 68;
- convalescents, 65;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 46-48, 201, 366.
- Milton (Wis.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 2.
- Milwaukee Sentinel, cited, 4, 29.
- Minnesota, 235;
- North Carolina, view into, 331;
- inhabitants of, 235;
- 8th Wisconsin Battery in, 314.
">332; - described, 330, 331, 341;
- crossed, 224;
- mined, 329;
- flooded, 310, 324;
- troops at, 143, 176;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 116, 118, 127, 193, 202, 203, 269, 308, 344;
- enemy, 132, 133.
- White, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 36.
- Wisconsin, bridges over, 129.
- Wolf, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 13, 24, 99, 101.
- Yazoo, bridge, 60;
- Yellow, 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 109, 110.
"Robert Campbell Jr.," Mississippi steamboat, 35-37. Robson, Henry, sick, 183. Rocky Springs (Miss.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 54. Roddey (Rhody, Rodney), Gen. Philip D., Confederate commander, 112, 219. "Rodney," horse, 128. Rogers, John, sick, 250, 293; Rogersville (Ala.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 120. Rome (Ga.), railroad at, 226; - troops from, 241, 256;
- 17th Corps at, 214;
- skirmish at, 261;
- wounded at, 258.
Rosecrans, Gen. William S., commands army, 99, 342; - inspection by, 10;
- at Murfreesboro, 26, 285;
- in Tennessee campaign, 271;
- defeated, 127.
"Rose Hamilton," Mississippi steamboat, 40. Ross, Rev. ——, Presbyterian preacher, 201, 213, 218. Ross, Gen. Leonard F., commands division, 38, 44. Runyan, Sergt. William W., on furlough, 81; - orders to, 162;
- on Yazoo expedition, 42;
- at Buntyn Station, 139.
- Smith, John Y., Wisconsin historian, 216.
- Snyder, ——. See Seiders.
- South, described, 37, 188;
- Sparks, Jared, author, 86.
- Spencer, Miss ——, delicacies from, 295.
- Spencer, George M., promoted, 251;
- at Chattanooga, 329;
- Corinth, 8;
- Etowah Bridge, 230, 254;
- Huntsville, 218;
- Kingston, 226, 229;
- Medon Station, 12;
- Nashville, 274;
- Vicksburg, 68, 89, 93;
- portrait, 128.
- Spring Green (Wis.), Jones family at, 1, 3, 243;
- Stanley, Gen. David S., commands cavalry division, 126.
- Stanton, Edwin M., secretary of war, 318.
- "Steam Nigger," Mississippi steamboat, 41.
- Steedman, Gen. James B., staff officer of, 231;
- protection of, 342;
- in Atlanta campaign, 234;
- negotiates surrender, 328, 332.
- Steele, Gen. Frederick, in Vicksburg campaign, 54, 62.
- Stevenson (Ala.), 158, 166, 223;
- railroad at, 205, 216, 218;
- flood, 310;
- 6th Wisconsin Battery, 129, 156, 222, 224, 270, 304.
- Stewart, Corp. David S., promoted, 251.
- Stewart, John S., wounded, 348.
- Stewart, William H., prisoner, 243, 244.
- Stiles, Capt. Henry E., at Chattanooga, 314.
- Stilesboro (Ga.), guerrilla center, 249.
- Stolbrand, Maj. Charles J., orders from, 265, 266, 290.
Utica (Miss.), 6th Wisconsin Battery at, 54.
ss.), Grant at, 61. - Zickerick, Capt. William, at Etowah Bridge, 251, 255, 256.
Transcriber's Notes Annotations in square brackets [] were in the original printed document, not added in transcription. The author frequently puts the closing punctuation for double quotes outside of the closing quote, rather than inside (though not always). In any case, I left them as is. Usually "viz" is not treated as an abbreviation, and does not have a period after it. Spelling variants where there was no obviously preferred choice were left as is. These include "ax" and "axe;" "base ball" and "base-ball;" "battlefield" and "battle-field;" "beach" and "beech," the tree; "chuckluck" and "chuck-luck;" "crowbait" and "crow-bait;" "Dearborn" and "Dearburn," who are clearly the same person; "De Golyer" and "DeGolyer," again, the same person; "enroute" and "en route;" "gray" and "grey;" "homelike" and "home-like;" "huckleberries" and "huckle-berries;" "infrequent" and "unfrequent;" "jayhawking" and "jay-hawking;" "LaFayette," "Lafayette" and "La Fayette;" "leveling" and "levelling;" "lifelike" and "life-like;" "muscadines" and "muskatines;" "'neath" and "neath;" "nosebags" and "nose-bags;" "outdoors" and "out-doors;" "outpost" and "out-post;" "Quarter-Master" and "Quartermaster;" "sharpshooter" and "sharp-shooter," along with similar derivatives; "travelled" and "traveled," as well as "travelling" and "traveling;" "warehouse" and "ware-house." Changed "3d" to "3rd" on page 5: "The 3rd Section." Changed "day-light" to "daylight" on page 8: "it was nearly daylight." Changed "guerillas" to "guerrillas" on page 14: "party of guerrillas." Changed "road-side" to "roadside" on page 17: "on the roadside." Page 24 had a repeated line of text, and apparently a dropped line, or lines. I inserted an ellipsis where the error was, removing the extra line, which was "leaving the train of hard-tack to take care of itself. The train". This line appears earlier on the same page. Changed "breast-works" to "breastworks" on page 26: "Infantry building breastworks." Changed "harbour" to "harbor", and "enemys" to "enemies" on page 36: "that harbor the enemies." Changed "reimbark" to "reembark" on page 37: "Ordered to reembark." Changed "small-pox" to "smallpox" on page 42: "two cases of smallpox." Changed "ecstacy" to "ecstasy" on page 77: "in ecstasy too great." Changed "nigth" to "night" on page 86: "It rained nearly all night." Changed "today" to "to-day" on page 90: "Feel first rate to-day." Changed "opporunity" to "opportunity" on page 92: "gave me an opportunity." Changed "she-bang" to "shebang" on page 98: 'comfortable in our "shebang".' On page 107, a sentence begins "J ——". Probably this should be either "J. ——" or "J——". I couldn't tell which, though, so I left it as is. Removed extra comma after "guns" on page 112: "light guns had been shipped." Changed "drill-master" to "drillmaster" on page 114: "not as good a drillmaster." Inserted a comma on page 115 after "E. W. E.": "E. W. E., B. F. Blake and myself." Changed "Decater" to "Decatur" on page 122: "Nashville and Decatur R. R." Changed "a-foot" to "afoot" on page 142: "hobbling back afoot." Removed extra period after "C" on page 153: "C—— put on a day's extra duty." Changed "Tattoo" to "Tatoo" on page 154, for consistency with other usage: "Tatoo 9 P. M." Changed "fire-places" to "fireplaces" on page 155: "fireplaces doing good service." Changed "foot-sore" to "footsore" on page 157: "tired and footsore." Changed "then" to "than" on page 161: "than ——." Inserted period at end of sentence on page 169: "by General ***." Changed "Chirstian" to "Christian" on page 176: "the Christian Enquirer." Changed "inflamation" to "inflammation" on page 186: "inflammation of the lungs." Changed "slaugter" to "slaughter" on page 210: "the slaughter is terrible." Inserted missing period at end of sentence on page 219: "Green peas for dinner." Changed "pretentions" to "pretensions" on page 229: "a place of some pretensions." Added period at end of sentence on page 230: "Eyes could not wish for more." Changed "Everthing" to "Everything" on page 235: "Everything passed off smoothly." Changed "headquaters" to "headquarters" on page 239: "report at Division headquarters." Changed "court-martialled" to "court-martialed" on page 245: "court-martialed by Division court." Changed "stationary" to "stationery" on page 263: "a lot of stationery." Removed extra comma after "raw" on page 266: "very cold raw day." Changed "everthing" to "everything" on page 273: "an abundance of everything." Changed "higly" to "highly" on page 276: "it was highly interesting." Inserted period after "Tenn" on page 279: "Fort Gillem, Tenn., Thursday, Dec. 1." Added missing period at the end of sentence on page 284: "Froze very hard last night." Changed "coralled" to "corralled" on page 290: "corralled in jail yard." Changed "Calvanistic" to "Calvinistic" on page 292: "Calvinistic dogmas." Changed "dissappointed" to "disappointed" on page 296: "but was disappointed." Changed "mornng" to "morning" on page 326: "on the gun this morning." Changed "coralled" to "corralled" on page 336: "they were corralled." Changed "brethern" to "brethren" on page 344: "our Southern brethren." Changed "6.30" to "6:30" on page 349: "postponed to 6:30 P. M." Changed "magnificient" to "magnificent" on page 353: "magnificent patch of dewberries." Changed "Mc Pherson" to "McPherson" on page 370: "McPherson, 233." Changed comma to semi-colon on page 372: "reported evacuated, 124;". Removed period after "Miss" on page 372: "Calkins, Miss ——." Changed comma to semi-colon on page 375: "Helena, 39;". Changed "Jesse" to "Jessie" on page 377: "Fremont, Jessie, Story of the Guard." Changed "Miliikens" to "Millikens" on page 377: "at Millikens Bend, 46." Inserted comma after "Peter" on page 378: "Green, Peter, under arrest, 178;". Changed "Hawks" to "Hawk's" on page 378: "Hawk's Nest (Tenn.)." Inserted comma after "Hood" on page 379: "Hood, Capt. Thomas R." Changed semi-colon to comma on page 383: "1st Cavalry, 337;". Changed comma to period on page 383: "Lafayette (Tenn.)". Changed comma to period on page 383: "King, Franklin, death of, 360, 361." Inserted initial double quote on line on page 388: '"Pocahontas," Mississippi steamboat.' Changed reference for Raymond (Miss.) on page 388 from "546-556" to "54-55." Changed "ordinance" to "ordnance" on page 391: "ordnance officer, 295;". Removed period after "Miss" on page 392: "Spencer, Miss ——." |