Chapter I. The People of Cuba 1
The People of Cuba—Hospitality Their Characteristic—Love of Children—Founders of the Cuban Nation from the Southern Provinces of Spain—An Admixture of French Blood—Immigration from Northern Spain—English, Irish, Italian and German Immigrants—Colonists from the United States.
Chapter II. The Topography of Cuba 10
The Topography of Cuba—Five Distinct Zones—The Mountain Ranges—Plateaus and Plains—The Highest Peak in Cuba—The Organ Mountains—Beautiful Valleys and Fertile Plains—Action of the Water Courses—Character of the Soil.
Chapter III. The Climate of Cuba 19
The Climate of Cuba—Freedom from Extremes of Temperature—Influence of the Trade Winds—No Ice and Little Frost—The Rainy Season and the Dry Season—Gloomy Days Practically Unknown.
Chapter IV. Province of Havana 21
The Province of Havana—The Pivotal Province of the Island—Visits by Columbus and Velasquez—Topography of the Province—Soil and Products—Agricultural Wealth—The Fruit Industry—Manufacturing—The Harbor of Havana—Transportation Facilities—The Water Supply—The Climate—The Seat of Government and Social Centre of the Island.
Chapter V. Province of Pinar del Rio 34
The Province of Pinar del Rio—A Picturesque Region—Interesting Topography—The Organ Mountains—The Vinales Valley—A Rare Palm Tree—Hard Wood Timber—Agriculture—Harbors and Fishing Interests—Tobacco Lands of the Vuelta Abajo—Coffee Plantations—Mineral Resources.
Chapter VI. Province of Matanzas 49
The Province of Matanzas—Comparatively Unimportant in History—A Great Drainage and Traffic Canal—Rivers and Mountains—The Coast and Islands—The Henequen Industry—The City of Matanzas—The Caves of Bellamar—Sugar Production—Mineral Resources.
Chapter VII. Province of Santa Clara 60
The Province of Santa Clara—A Land of Great Variety of Scenes—Ancient Gold-Seeking—The Mountain Ranges—Rich Lands of the Parks and Valleys—Rivers and Lakes—Harbors—Cities of the Province—The “Swamp of the Shoe”—Forests, Sugar Plantations, Tobacco, and Coffee—Opportunities for Stock Raising.
Chapter VIII. Province of Camaguey 71
The Province of Camaguey—Where Columbus First Landed—In the Days of Velasquez—Events of the Ten Years’ War—Topography of the Province—Mountain Ranges—Rivers and Coastal Lagoons—Harbors—Lack of Railroads—The Sugar Industry—Minerals—American Colonies—Some Noted Men.
Chapter IX. Province of Oriente 83
The Province of Oriente—Area and Topography—Mountains and Rivers—Fine Harbors—Great Sugar Mills—Scene of the First Spanish Settlement in Cuba—The Bay of Guantanamo—Santiago de Cuba—Copper Mines—Manzanillo—The Cauto Valley—Sugar Plantations and Stock Ranches—Timber and Minerals—American Colonies.
Chapter X. The Isle of Pines 99
The Isle of Pines—An Integral Part of Cuba—American Settlements and Claims—Character of the Island—Infertile and Storm Swept—Vast Deposits of Muck—Marble Quarries—Efforts to Promote Agricultural Interests.
Chapter XI. Mines and Mining 104
Mines and Mining—The Early Quest of Gold—First Working of Copper Mines—The Wealth of El Cobre—Copper in All Parts of Cuba—Operations in Pinar del Rio—Vast Iron Deposits in Oriente—Nickel and Manganese—Exports of Ore—American Investigation of Chrome Deposits—Many Beds of Great Richness—Manganese and Chrome for All the World.
Chapter XII. Asphalt and Petroleum 126
Asphalt and Petroleum—Ocampo’s Early Discovery at Puerto Carenas—Humboldt’s Reports of Petroleum Wells—Prospecting for Oil in Many Places—Some Promising Wells—Asphalt Deposits of Great Value—Prospects for Important Petroleum Developments.
Chapter XIII. Forestry

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