INDEX for Volumes 1 thru 4

ffrage, 211;
  • Suspension of Guarantees, 212;
  • Sovereignty, 213;
  • Legislative Bodies, 214;
  • Senate, 214;
  • House of Representatives, 216;
  • Congress, 218;
  • Legislation, 221;
  • Executive, 222;
  • President, 222;
  • Vice-President, 225;
  • Secretaries of State, 226;
  • Judiciary, 227;
  • Supreme Court, 227;
  • Administration of Justice, 228;
  • Provincial Governments, 229;
  • Provincial Councils, 230;
  • Provincial Governors, 231;
  • Municipal Government, 233;
  • Municipal Councils, 233;
  • Mayors, 235;
  • National Treasury, 235;
  • Amendments, 236;
  • Transient Provisions, 237;
  • Appendix (Platt Amendment), 238.
  • "Constitutional Army," IV, 268.
  • Contreras, Andres Manso de, I, 288.
  • Contreras, Damien, I, 278.
  • Convents, founded, I, 276;
  • Nuns of Santa Clara, 286.
  • Conyedo, Juan de, Bishop, II, 35.
  • Copper, discovered near Santiago, I, 173;
  • wealth of mines, 259;
  • reopened, II, 13;
  • exports, III, 3.
  • Corbalon, Francisco R., I, 286.
  • Cordova de Vega, Diego de, Governor, I, 239.
  • Cordova, Francisco H., expedition to Yucatan, I, 84.
  • Cordova Ponce de Leon, JosÉ Fernandez, Governor, I, 316.
  • Coreal, Francois, account of West Indies, quoted, I, 355.
  • Coronado, Manuel, gift for air planes, IV, 352.
  • Cortes, Spanish, Cuban representation in, II, 308;
  • excluded, 351;
  • lack of representation, III, 3;
  • after Ten Years' War, 307.
  • Cortez, Hernando, Alcalde of Santiago de Cuba, I, 72;
  • sent to Mexico by King, 74;
  • agent of Velasquez, 86;
  • early career, 90;
  • portrait, 90;
  • quarrel with Velasquez, 91;
  • marriage, 92;
  • commissioned by Velasquez to explore Mexico, 92;
  • sails for Mexico, 94;
  • final breach with Velasquez, 96;
  • denounced as rebel, 97;
  • escapes murder, 99.
  • Cosa, Juan de la, geographer, I, 6, 53.
  • Councillors, appointed for life, I, 111;
  • conflict with Procurators, 113.
  • Creoles, origin of name, II, 204.
  • Crittenden, J. J., protests against European intervention in Cuba, III, 129.
  • Crittenden, William S., with Lopez, III, 96;
  • captured, 101;
  • death, 105.
  • Crombet, Flor, revolutionist, IV, 41, 42.
  • Crooked Island. See Isabella.
  • Crowder, Gen. Enoch H., head of Consulting Board, IV, 284.
  • Cuba: Relation to America, I, 1;
  • Columbus's first landing, 3;
  • identified with Mangi or Cathay, 4;
  • with Cipango, 5;
  • earliest maps, 6;
  • physical history, 7, 37 et seq.;
  • Columbus's discovery, 11 et seq.;
  • named Juana, 13;
  • other names, 14;
  • Columbus's account of, 28;
  • geological history, 37-42;
  • topography, 42-51;
  • climate, 51-52;
  • first circumnavigation, 54;
  • colonization, 54;
  • Velasquez at Baracoa, 60;
  • commerce begun, 68;
  • government organized, 69;
  • named Ferdinandina, 73;
  • policy of Spain toward, 175;
  • slow economic progress, 215;
  • land legislation, 232;
  • Spanish discrimination against, 266;
  • divided into two districts, 275;
  • British description in 1665, 306;
  • various accounts, 346;
  • turning point in history, 363;
  • close of first era, 366;
  • British conquest, II, 78;
  • relinquished to Spain, 92;
  • great changes effected, 94;
  • economic condition, 98;
  • reoccupied by Spain, 102;
  • untouched by early revolutions, 165;
  • effect of revolution in Santo Domingo, 190;
  • first suggestion of annexation to United States, 257;
  • "Ever Faithful Isle," 268;
  • rise of independence, 268;
  • censuses, 276 et seq.;
  • representation in Cortes, 308;
  • "Soles de Bolivar," 341;
  • representatives rejected from Cortes, 351;
  • transformation of popular spirit, 383;
  • independence proclaimed, III, 145;
  • Republic organized, 157;
  • War of Independence, IV, 15;
  • Spanish elections held during war, 67;
  • Blanco's plan of autonomy, 93;
  • sovereignty surrendered by Spain, 123;
  • list of Spanish Governors, 123. See Republic of Cuba.
  • Cuban Aborigines;
  • I, 8;
  • manners, customs and religion, 8 et seq.;
  • Columbus's first intercourse, 15, 24;
  • priest's address to Columbus, 26;
  • Columbus's observations of them, 29;
  • hostilities begun by Velasquez, 61;
  • subjected to Repartimiento system, 70;
  • practical slavery, 71;
  • Key Indians, 125;
  • Cimmarones, 126;
  • new laws in their favor, 129;
  • Rojas's endeavor to save them, 130;
  • final doom, 133;
  • efforts at reform, 153;
  • oppression by Chaves, 159;
  • Angulo's emancipation proclamation, 163.
  • "Cuba-nacan," I, 5.
  • "Cuba and the Cubans," quoted, II, 313.
  • "Cuba y Su Gobierno," quoted, II, n class="c9">appeals to King and Council for Indies, 120;
  • seeks to oppress natives, 128;
  • second time Governor, 137;
  • makes more trouble, 148;
  • trouble with French privateers, 178.
  • Guzman, NuÑez de, royal treasurer, I, 109;
  • death and fortune, 115.
  • Guzman, Santos, spokesman of Constitutionalists, IV, 59.
  • Hammock, of Cuban origin, I, 10.
  • Hanebanilla, falls of, view, facing III, 110.
  • Harponville, Viscount Gustave, quoted, II, 189.
  • Harvard University, entertains Cuban teachers, IV, 163.
  • Hatuey, Cuban chief, leader against Spaniards, I, 62;
  • death, 63.
  • Havana: founded by Narvaez, I, 69;
  • De Soto's home and capital, 144;
  • rise in importance, 166;
  • Governor's permanent residence, 180;
  • inadequate defences, 183;
  • captured by Sores, 186;
  • protected by Mazariegos, 194;
  • sea wall proposed by Osorio, 202;
  • fortified by Menendez, 209;
  • "Key of the New World," 210;
  • commercial metropolis of West Indies, 216;
  • first hospital founded, 226;
  • San Francisco church, picture, facing 226;
  • building in CarreÑo's time, 231;
  • custom house, 231;
  • threatened by Drake, 243;
  • ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@38139@38139-h@38139-h-4.htm.html#page_150" class="pginternal">150.
  • Milanes, JosÉ Jacinto, sketch, portrait and works, III, 324.
  • Miles, Gen. Nelson A., prepares for invasion of Cuba, IV, 111.
  • Miranda, Francisco, II, 156;
  • with Bolivar, 335.
  • Miscegenation, II, 204.
  • Molina, Francisco, I, 290.
  • Monastic orders, I, 276.
  • Monroe Doctrine, foreshadowed, II, 256;
  • promulgated, 328.
  • Monroe, James, interest in Cuba, II, 257;
  • promulgates Doctrine, 328;
  • portrait, 329.
  • Monserrate Gate, Havana, picture, II, 241.
  • Montalvo, Gabriel, Governor, I, 215;
  • feud with Rojas family, 218;
  • investigated and retired, 219;
  • pleads for naval protection for Cuba, 220.
  • Montalvo, Lorenzo, II, 89.
  • Montalvo, Rafael, Secretary of Public Works, urges resistance to revolutionists, IV, 270.
  • Montanes, Pedro Garcia, I, 292.
  • Montano See Velasquez, J. M.
  • Montes, Garcia, Secretary of Treasury, IV, 254.
  • Montesino, Antonio, I, 78.
  • Montiel, Vasquez de, naval commander, I, 278.
  • Montoro, Rafael, Representative in Cortes, III, 308;
  • spokesman of Autonomists, IV, 59;
  • in Autonomist Cabinet, 95;
  • candidate for Vice President, 290;
  • attacked by Liberals, 291;
  • biography, 317;
  • portrait, facing 320.
  • Morales case, IV, 92.
  • Morales. Pedro de, commands at Santiago, I, 299.
  • Morals, strangely mixed with piety and vice, II, 229.
  • Morell, Pedro Augustino, Bishop, II, 53;
  • controversy with Albemarle, 83;
  • exiled, 87;
  • death, 113.
  • Moreno, Andres, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, IV, 90.
  • Moret law, abolishing slavery, III, 243.
  • Morgan, Henry, plans raid on Havana, I, 297;
  • later career, 303.
  • Morro Castle, Havana, picture, facing I, 180;
  • site of battery, 180;
  • tower built by Mazariegos, 196;
  • fortified against Drake, 249;
  • planned by Antonelli, 261;
  • besieged by British, II, 55.
  • Morro Castle, Santiago, built, I, 289;
  • picture, facing 298.
  • Mucaras, I, 11.
  • Muenster, geographer, I, 6.
  • Mugeres Islands, I, 84.
  • Munive, Andres de, I, 317.
  • Murgina y Mena, A. M., I, 317.
  • Music, early concerts at Havana, II, 239.
  • Nabia, Juan Alfonso de, I, 207.
  • Nancy Globe, I. 6.
  • Napoleon's designs upon Cuba, II, 203.
  • Naranjo, probable landing place of Columbus, I, 12.
  • Narvaez, Panfilo de, portrait, I, 63;
  • arrival in Cuba, 63;
  • campaign against natives, 65;
  • explores the island, 67;
  • errand to Spain, 77;
  • sent to Mexico to oppose Cortez, 98;
  • secures appointment of Councillors for life, 111.
  • Naval stations, U. S., in Cuba, IV, 255.
  • Navarrete, quoted, I, 3, 12.
  • Navarro, Diego Jose, Governor, II, 141, 150.
  • Navy, Spanish, in Cuban waters, III, 182, 225.
  • Negroes, imported as slaves, I, 170;
  • treatment of, 171;
  • slaves and free, increasing numbers of, 229. See Slavery.
  • New Orleans, anti-Spanish outbreak, III, 126.
  • New Spain. See Mexico.
  • Newspapers: Gazeta, 1780, II, 157;
  • Papel Periodico, 179;
  • 246;
  • publications in Paris, Madrid and New York, 354;
  • El Faro Industrial, III, 18;
  • Diario de la Marina, 18;
  • La Verdad, 18;
  • La Vos de Cuba, 260;
  • La Vos del Siglo, 232;
  • La Revolucion, 333;
  • El Siglo, 334;
  • El Laborante, 335.
  • Norsemen, American colonists, I, 7.
  • Nougaret, Jean Baptiste, quoted, II, 26.
  • NuÑez, Emilio, in Cuban Junta, IV, 12;
  • in war, 57;
  • Civil Governor of Havana, 179;
  • head of Veterans' Association, 305;
  • Secretary of Agriculture, 320;
  • candidate for Vice President, 328;
  • election confirmed, 341.
  • NuÑez, Enrique, Secretary of Health and Charities, IV, 320.
  • Ocampo, Sebastian de, circumnavigates Cuba, I, 54.
  • O'Donnell, George Leopold, Governor, II, 365;
  • his wife's sordid intrigues, 365.
  • Oglethorpe, Governor of Georgia, hostile to Spain, II, 24, 30.
  • O'Hara, Theodore, with Lopez, III, 46.
  • Ojeda, Alonzo de, I, 54;
  • introduces Christianity to Cuba, 55.
  • Olid, Christopher de, sent to Mexico, I, 88.
  • Olney, Richard. U. S. Secretary of State, attitude toward War of Independence, IV, 71.
  • Oquendo, Antonio de, I, 281.
  • Orejon y Gaston, Francisco Davila de, Governor, I, 301, 310.
  • O'Reilly, Alexandre, sent to occupy Louisiana, II, 123;
  • ruthless rule, 125.
  • Orellano, Diego de, I, 86.
  • Ornofay, province of, I, 20.
  • Ortiz, Bartholomew, alcalde mayor, I, 146;
  • retires, 151.
  • Osorio, Garcia de Sandoval, Governor, I, 197;
  • conflict with Menendez, 199, 201;
  • retired, 205;
  • tried, 206.
  • Osorio, Sancho Pardo, I, 207.
  • Ostend Manifesto, III, 142.
  • Ovando, Alfonso de Caceres, I, 214;
  • revises law system, 233.
  • Ovando, Nicolas de, I, 54.
  • Palma, Tomas Estrada, head of Cuban Junta in New York, IV, 3;
  • Provisional President of Cuban Republic, 15;
  • Delegate at Large, 43;
  • rejects anything short of independence, 71;
  • candid span>
  • fortified by Menendez, 203;
  • raided and destroyed by French, 256;
  • rebuilt by Gomez de Rojas, 258;
  • capital of Eastern District, 275;
  • Morro Castle built, 289;
  • captured by British, 299;
  • attacked by Franquinay, 310;
  • attacked by Admiral Vernon, II, 29;
  • literary activities, 169;
  • great improvements made, 180;
  • battles near in War of Independence, IV, 112;
  • naval battle, 114;
  • General Wood's administration, 135;
  • great work for sanitation, 142.
  • Santiago, battle of, IV, 114.
  • Santiago, sunset scene, facing III, 280.
  • Santillan, Diego, Governor, I, 205.
  • Santo Domingo See Hispaniola.
  • Sanudo, Luis, Governor, I, 336.
  • Sarmiento. Diego de, Bishop, makes trouble, I, 149, 152.
  • Saunders, Romulus M., sounds Spain on purchase of Cuba, III, 135.
  • Sartorius, Manuel and Ricardo, revolutionists, IV, 4.
  • Savine, Albert, on British designs on Cuba, II, 40.
  • Schley, Winfield S., Admiral, in Spanish-American War, IV, 110;
  • portrait, 110;
  • at Santiago, 114.
  • Schoener's globe, I, 5.
  • Schools, backward condition of, II, 174, 244, 312. See Education.
  • Shafter, W. R., General, leads American army into Cuba, IV, 111.
  • Shipbuilding at Havana, II, 8, 33, 113, 300.
  • Sickles, Daniel E., Minister to Spain, offers mediation, III, 217.
  • Silva, Manuel, Secretary of Interior, IV, 90.
  • Slave Insurrection, II, 13;
  • III, 234, et seq.
  • Slavery, begun in Repartimiento system, I, 70;
  • not sanctioned by King, 82;
  • slave trading begun, 83;
  • growth and regulation, 170;
  • oppressive policy of Spain, 266;
  • the "Assiento," II, 2;
  • great growth
  • calls for general election, 240;
  • his comments on election, 245;
  • announces end of American occupation, 246;
  • surrenders government of Cuba to
  • Cubans, 249;
  • President Roosevelt's estimate of his work, 251;
  • view of one of his mountain roads, facing 358.
  • Woodford, Stewart L., United States Minister to Spain, IV, 103;
  • presents ultimatum and departs, 106.
  • Xagua, Gulf of, I, 21.
  • Ximenes, Cardinal and Regent, gives Las Casas hearing on Cuba, I, 77.
  • Yanez, Adolfo Saenz, Secretary of Agriculture and Public Works, IV, 146.
  • Yellow Fever, first invasion, II, 51;
  • Dr. Finlay's theory applied by General Wood, IV, 171;
  • disease eliminated from island, 176.
  • Yero, Eduardo, Secretary of Public Instruction, IV, 254.
  • Ynestrosa, Juan de, I, 207.
  • Yniguez, Bernardino, I, 111.
  • Yucatan, islands source of slave trade, I, 83;
  • explored by Cordova, 84.
  • Yznaga, Jose Sanchez, III, 37.
  • Zaldo, Carlos, Secretary of State, IV, 254.
  • Zambrana, Ramon, III, 328.
  • Zanjon, Treaty of, III, 299.
  • Zapata, Peninsula of, visited by Columbus, I, 22.
  • Zarraga, Julian, filibuster, IV, 70.
  • Zayas, Alfredo, secretary of Constitutional Convention, IV, 189;
  • compact with JosÉ Miguel Gomez, 265;
  • spokesman of revolutionists against President Palma, 277;
  • elected Vice President, 290;
  • becomes Vice President, 297;
  • sketch and portrait, 300;
  • quarrel with Gomez, 306;
  • candidate for President, 328;
  • hints at revolution, 330.
  • Zayas, Francisco, Lieutenant Governor, I, 205;
  • resigns, 206.
  • Zayas, Francisco, in Autonomist Cabinet, IV, 95.
  • Zayas, Juan B., killed in battle, IV, 78.
  • Zayas, Lincoln de, in Cuban Junta, IV, 12;
  • Superintendent of Schools, 162.
  • Zenea, Juan Clemente, sketch and portrait, III, 252;
  • murdered, 253;
  • his works, 332.
  • Zequiera y Arango, Manuel, II, 274.
  • Zipangu. See Cipanoo.
  • Zuazo, Alfonso de, appointed second Governor of Cuba, I, 100;
  • dismissed by King, 102.

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