060-h-4.htm.html#Page_183" class="pginternal">183 | Hawkins, Sir J. C., | 208, 211, 219, 221 | Headlam, A. C., | 204 | Headley, F. H., | 83 | Hegel, | 146-162 | HeitmÜller, W., | 182 | Henderson, L. J., | 68, 69 | Herbert, S., | 65 | Heredity, | 61 | Hermas, Shepherd of, | 185, 190-192 | Hermes, | 189-192 | Hermetic literature, | 185-188, 189 | HÖffding, H., | 121 | Holdsworth, W. W., | 221, 223, 238 | Holtzmann, H. J., | 214 | HÜgel, Baron F. von, | 73 | Huxley, T. H., | 67, 85 | | | | | Immortality, | 59, 129, 130, 141, 152-154 | Incarnation, | 157, 162-163 | Inge, W. R., | 90 | Intellectualism, | 140 | Ishtar, | 171 | | | | | Jackson, H. L.,2 | 24 | James, William, | 89, 90, 92, 100, 102, 104, 111-114, 119-120, 122, 125, 137 | Jastrow, J., | 102, 111 | Jesus Christ, passion, | 16-20, 41-42; | resurrection, | 16-18, 25, 143; | person, | 20; | authority, | 31-32; | character, | 111 | Preformation, | 73, 80, 82 | Priene inscription, | 172 | Psychology of religion, its founders, | 89; | an aid to Christian faith, | 91 | | | | | Q (Quelle), | 30, 218, 219, 220, 225 | | | | | Ramsay, Sir W. M., | 202, 205-208, 212-213, 231 | Ransom, | 19, 35 | Rashdall, H., | 159 | Reinach, S., | 46 | Reitzenstein, R., | 181, 185-191 | Religion, normality of, | 86, 92-96; | power of, | 96-100; | and disease, | 106, 107; | and sex, | 107-110; | and the subconscious, | 111-114; | and society, | 115-119; | universal, | 140; | characteristic, | 140-141 | Religious experience, its physchology, | 92, 105; | its metaphysical implicates, | 105, 106, 115, 119-122 | Renan, E., | 46, 58 | Robertson, J. M., | 47 | Robinson, H. W., | 123 | Romanes, G. J., | 59, 71, 93 | Royce, J., | 78, 89, 100, 103, 114, 146, 156-163 | | | | | Sacraments, | 180-182, 184-185 | Salvation, need of, | 100-102; | way of, |