The Christian Faith and Modern Science
The Darwinian Theory: inferences unfavourable and favourable to religion 56
Evolution and the Copernican Revolution 60
I. The Method of Evolution: the biological discussion 61
State of opinion after fifty years of Darwinism 61
Laws of Variation and Heredity 62
Weismann's theory of Germinal Selection 63
Significance of the variety in opinions 65
II. The Meaning of Evolution: the philosophical discussion 66
1. Mechanism and Design 66
In the organic world in general; the fitness of the environment 67
In the organic world including man 70
2. Preformation and Epigenesis 73
Preformation and the infinite regress 74
The Origin of Life: various theories 75
The Origin of Man as viewed from different standpoints 78
The Generatio Æquivoca 80
III. Theism and Evolution 82
The causal demand 82
Theism and the ideas of Continuity and Progress 83
Religion and scientific advance 85

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